Not only does he forget his grandsons name, when you deliver his parcel later he’s like “It’s great to see you player, you’re already doing so well!” and then his grandson arrives and Oak is just like “Oh, yeah. Hi Blue. You’re here too, I guess.”
I remember after you beat the Pokemon League he’s like “Grandson I’m disappointed. You clearly lost because your Pokemon hate you.”
Like damn, Oak, that’s cold. You’re going to give that kid a complex.
Justice for Blue/Green/Gary/Fartass or whatever his name is supposed to be.
Part of me wants to think that Oak is just being extra hard either to make sure he’s not promoting nepotism, or he’s just slagging Blue off, and good-natured slagging just happens to run in the Oak Family.
In the games, Blue never really comes off as a Bully like he does in the anime, he’ll still give the player tips and all so he comes off as a friend and both red and blue mutually make fun of each other.
yeah i think a lot of us had that friend who got a little extra in competitive stuff but was cool otherwise, that’s how he always seemed to me in the blue/red games
I feel like it’s the consistence, though. While never awful, I can’t think of a time where he wasn’t at least a bit of a dick. Kid had an ego.
Which is the exact opposite of Oak. Revealed to be an extremely skilled trainer, but keeps quiet about it after he left it behind to follow his passion. Constantly encouraging you to go out, do more, and happily rewarding you once you manage to achieve the final goals.
I take Oak as trying to temper Blue. He sees the trainer his grandson could be, but knows that his current attitude won’t get him to where he wants to be, and feels a gentle guiding hand won’t be enough.
Funny you should say that, Blue actually goes through some character development in Gold/Silver/Crystal. You find him on Cinnabar where the whole island is gone now because of an eruption and he’s sitting there like:
“Take a good look around you… A volcano erupts, and just like that, a whole town disappears. We can go on winning and losing in Pokémon. But if nature so much as twitches, we can lose in a second.”
Like he’s been humbled by the fact he was Champion for only a second. He’s still snarky and a bit of a dick, but he noticeably loses gracefully.
And then fast forward to Sun and Moon and he’s become buddies with Red and is way older and less of a jerk. Still competitive, but not egotistical.
I would adore them continuing that little story with them. I can just picture an older Blue acting as a kind of mentor for young trainers, the “lemme take you out and help get your first partner” kind. Not exactly a traditional Professor role, but keeping that passion as a trainer.
Could even have some fun with it, make some mentions to a quiet guy who comes around on occasion, and the two have a battle. Keep that connection between them.
And that’s why you name him Poop
I think it’s funny that you can tell him whatever name you pull out of your ass and Oak will believe you and call him that for the rest of his life.
I called my Gold rival ??? because that’s what his nameplate said and I didn’t realise it was giving me the option to rename him.
My cousins did the same. I made fun of them for it. I also beat Pokémon gold on 9/11
I’m so glad I’ve heard from multiple people that I’m not the only one who briefly thought inputting a character’s name in a game was some kind of test.
Ocarina of time save file 1 “LINK”(or ZELDA) gang rise up
You just reminded me that In Ocarina of Time me and my friend named Link “Up Yellow” as a joke
He does let Gary counter pick your starter though.
Only reason i truly hated this bastard is he always showed up when i was on my way to heal my team
Its obvious to the player and his own sister that Gary is a shithead. It’s got to be obvious to his grandfather, too.
I came when I heard you beat the elite four.
Smell ya later!