I had a drum that was stored on a huge wardrobe and was pretty unstable. One day, as i opened the wardrobe, the drum fell on my head. I laugh about it today because fortunately, the wound was not as severe as i though at first.

  • somedev@aussie.zone
    2 months ago

    Most recently: My white cat was drinking water and my orange cat decided it wanted to attack it, my white cat screams as usual which triggers my dog to go nuts and wants to play as well which causes both cats to run. My white cat runs through the kitchen and jumps on the bench knocking over some containers we had drying out, the containers falling freaks my dog out so he starts barking at nothing in particular, meanwhile my orange cat runs down the hall and goes to turn and go up the stairs but slips (vinyl flooring) and slides into the wall making a loud thud.

    This all happened in a space of like 20 seconds, while my family and I are sitting in the middle of it all eating dinner - absolutely perplexed at what just went down.