cross post from reddit, OP:
Personally mine was just getting around buffers; creating new ones, splitting windows, deleting the ones I don’t need and so on. In the beginning I used to have just a single file open at a time like nano
Where the hell is the “meta” key and why does every command tutorial online talk about it.
It took me a while to think in lisp.
I also moved from evil mode to meow a year or so back, which was sort of a big change for me:
Definitely display-buffer-alist for me. I was using purpose-mode for the longest time but I think I finally managed to get display-buffer-alist working mostly how I want.
Mind to share it?
At the moment I think I only have the magit-status in the same biffer.
You don’t usually split buffers, maybe windows?
ah yes an oopsie on my end :p
isn’t it Frames in Emacs context?
not that i use or need it often, but terminology is (obviously) not that easy
Frames are the outer-most container for windows. I may be wrong on this, but there is 1 frame per instance of emacs, or emacs-client
Frame (what the window manager calls Window)>Window>Buffer. These are probably concepts that come from a text based terminal age.
Keyboard macros.
keyboard macros are so good, and using consult to go through old ones is great UX.
I can never remember the kmacro ring commands so I used to just redo everything.
Oh, I agree. I just never remember to use them until I’m done and realize I could have used a macro.
Do/undo/redo as a non-linear construct broke my brain more than a little. Even after all this time it’s still somewhat cryptic. Packages like `vundo’ have been indispensable for visualizing the decidedly non-linear, non-circular, zig-zag of previous do, undo, and redo.i just use undo-fu, maybe I should try using the vanilla undo
I tend to use undo-fu more often for sure. Typically the simpler word processor style of managing things is all I need, and for code there’s version control.Honestly I’d say if you’re happy with undo-fu there’s no real reason to go back. Unless you’re curious and want to explore, which I’d never discourage either!