1. Bulbasaur (but it is so close because all three are good choices)
  2. Totodile (but IMO Chikorita gets too much hate)
  3. Torchic
  4. Fart monkey (Turtwig is nice too. Piplup is cute but turns into a monarchist)
  5. The hog, although Emboar should have been fire/dark.
  6. Chespin because I like pangolins but all the starters are kind of meh here.
  7. All three of these are perfect babies but I had to pick Rowlet because birb. Gen 7 is perfect, fuck you. Gamefreak make Decidueye competitive you cowards.
  8. All three are meh, Sword and Shield is blah.
  9. The zombie crocodile because he comes with a free bird in his final evo. All three are perfect babies though.

Yes I am a giant adult baby please roast me.

  • KuroXppi [they/them]@hexbear.net
    30 days ago
    1. Bulbasaur (anyone who doesn’t choose bulba should be temp banned and post in selfcrit on return)
    2. Totodile (i chose bayleef on the playthrough, then cyndie on arceus but of the three I think totodile has the funniest personality from the anime)
    3. Torchic (i kinda feel like I’d like mudkip if itsl weren’t for the ovedone meme)
    4. Piplup (they’re all cute, the design rhis gen was great across the board imo)
    5. Snivy (I didn’t play this gen tho)
    6. Froakie (frog. I know gren is a fan fave but I don’t really care much for it, I actually like delphox as the stage 2)
    7. Rowlet (perfect Pokemon literally :rowlett-oh-noes:)
    8. Sobble (just a shy little froggie kinda thing)
    9. Sprigatito but the duck a close second (I didn’t choose it because I wasn’t super jazzed by its stage 2 evo)