I was almost burned out on this game because it kind of stresses me out with all the game of thrones shit. Been really struggling to just get an ahistorical set up to transfer to EU4 and maybe Victoria later.
Stumbled upon “Crusader Wars” and already had Attila from forever ago. Sure it’s got plenty of jank from that era of Total War but wow it’s fun to actually fight the battle yourself and have every soldier from your army in the battle, accurately simulated as appropriate units, and transfer every casualty back to Ck3. If the battles get too large, like they do late game, just change the transfer ratios in the options.
Your martial skill converts to highly quality units overall, prowess beefs up your commander units, and knights adds special units of knights based on your culture. Commander deaths or injuries carry back to Ck3.
You can still fight battles normally in game if and save this for very important ones. Options for only your main character, or your Marshall as well, or every allied/friendly army.
Expect to wait a few minutes depending on your system to hop between the games when you fight a battle.
Seriously been thinking about how something like this could be used for other Paradox games to spice things up. The future of modding will just be chaining half a dozen seperate games together, each good at their narrow playstyle or something.
I played this for a bit but it kinda made the ck3 part trivial considering how easy you can win battles in attila with some practise
I now want Victoria III plus period-accurate milsims.
Napoleon: total war maybe?
Heavily modded shogun 2? it had some really cool steam/ironclad combat for the victorian era expansion and the artillery felt super punchy
now my 40 hour campaign can become a 400 hour campaign
This is super cool. My dream game grand strategy game is something with CK-style intrigue, TW-scale battles controlled via an M&B-style character, so this is one more step closer to that.
Greatest TW game Attila used for the mod? let’s go
Only kind of similar, but I know theres mods for most of the Paradox games to continue past the end date. So like you get to the year 1900 or whatever, them use the mod to transplant your map positions and all that to the next game that starts in the new time period. So you can carry your progress over hundreds or thousands of years.
You might also be interested in the Archipelago project that let’s you randomize and stitch together a bunch of different games. You can play multiplayer randomizers and unlock stuff for other people in their games to make their progress easier and stuff like that.
I am actually trying to run a multi-game campaign right now using the converters but we’ll see if i can keep interest lol.
And I have some surface familiarity with Archipelago. it seems really cool