Not one of them is wearing Oakleys in their truck.
No car picture? There is always a picture of the guy sitting in his car. Always.
With those stupid sunglasses.
Shouldn’t they all be holding fish too?
“Are you the guy or the fish?”
“The guy obviously”
See, heaven forbid I start dating again, I would take/use one where I’d be holding my cat. Whoever would be dating the both of us
LOL! I came across women saying, “no dead animal pics”.
Needs more drivers seat truck selfies but still accurate and a bio that starts off like, "single cat dad, 55 yo, looking for a young feline thing to spoil, if you’ve had kittens before then keep scrolling, find some lefty cuck to take care of those tom cat bastards "
Would swipe right
My mum said when she installed tinder it was full of dick pics as profile pictures