Republican lawmakers who have condemned Putin hesitate to criticize Trump’s recent pro-Russia stance.
Trump falsely blamed Ukraine for the war, called President Zelenskyy a “dictator,” and demanded Ukraine surrender rare earth minerals in exchange for U.S. aid.
While some GOP officials reaffirmed support for Ukraine, they avoided directly challenging Trump. Meanwhile, Trump’s administration negotiated a Russia-Ukraine peace deal without initially including Ukraine.
Zelenskyy rejected Trump’s minerals demand, warning of dangerous precedents.
Blows my mind, having grown up in the age of Reagan Republicans, to see how Republicans act today, vs then. Its so weird.
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‘The Russians aren’t communist anymore, see they are just oligarch capitalists, like we aspire to be’
As somebody who was barely sentient when Clinton was in office and grew up under Bush Jr., I’ve seen the writing on the wall since I was old enough to understand the concept of sexuality.
I can’t say I expected blatant Nazism and a fascist coup back then, but I remember when we had to make up a brand new word that meant “I’m a straight man who also happens to wash their hair and like dressing well” because that was enough to make people assume you were gay. And if people thought you were gay, it could cost you your career.
The slide started under Reagan but truly accelerated when Nixon showed the Republicans that big government could be good for them, too. My entire life, the two guiding principles of conservative philosophy have been hatred and control. American society has always had issues with deeply rooted bigotry.
I’m not shocked that they’re proving themselves self-serving cowards after lying about being the party to uphold traditional values and be trusted to take care of america and the american people, to bring honour and glory on the world stage.
It was always a lie but just a less obvious lie than what’s going on now and they never had any shame. Like corporations which only care about values or anything else insofar as it affects their bottom line.
They were always looking after their own interests - wealthy people protecting and trying to increase their own wealth.
IMO… Reagan republicans would have behaved like this if they could have gotten away with it.
They’ve been working on getting to this point for a very, very long time.
No. Hard-disagree with that. For the Republican party members in Congress at least. Those who voted for them, some not, some so.
The greatest generation types would not stand for how the country is currently being used, and they spilled blood on foreign sands to earn that right of judgement.
I gotta believe that Nixon has got to be doing cartwheels in his coffin right now (he might of actually been cremated/urned, but you know what I mean), seeing what Trump/MAGA gets away with, when he was just trying to ease-drop on some opponents and used the FBI to do so.
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you mean… such Republican Luminaries™️ like Mitch McConnell? who refused to even hold hearings on Obama’s supreme court negotiations to SCOTUS? ensuring trump had more picks than necessary?
or Sen. Chuck Grassley, or Rep. Hal Rogers? both of whom bend the knee.
McConnell has done more to help trump get- and return- to office than any other person alive.
All three of them started their careers during the reagan era. You act like Trump just showed up and took over. he was a useful patsy to the republican agenda, but that’s about it. Trump is able to do all of this without much (or any) pushback from republicans not because they’re weak and powerless, but because, rather, this is exactly what they’ve been working for.
Edit: and lets not forget reagan’s “agenda”… limited government, tax cuts, strong national defense, and traditional social values… sound familiar?
No, he doesn’t. He means the generation of Republicans even older than them, who fought in WWII and were senior congressmen during the Reagan administration.
All of them served during Reagan. maybe not senior, but that’s just moving goal posts. and as someone else mentioned, Roger Stone.
Republican’s have been baking this cake for decades, and they don’t get to pretend like it’s all just Trump.
^ This.
Something, something…Roger Stone
Having once been one (well I was under voting age at the time), it’s so confusing to me. Fortunately I’m considerably older and wiser now, but it’s wild to see. Russia had replaced Nazis as the predominant bad guy of the zeitgeist. Now both are seen favorably by the right.
I feel like the brain worm problem is far more prevalent than just RFK. Is this just a subtle alien invasion? I’m not actually given to such conspiratorial thinking but if it were true, it would explain a lot.
Poor education, religion and unchecked propaganda. American problems that have been ignored for decades.
This isn’t just American problems. Hell, the AfD just won 151 seats in Germany, last I checked. This insanity is a global problem.
Some are seriously thinking it is the prevalent lead in the water and the result of many years of lead exposure in gasoline.
After dealing with acute lead poisoning of >300× in a US capitol, I believe it.
right wing ideologies are right wing ideologies. of course they are viewed favourably.
Well, if you take them at face value, then the things they said were important to them back in the Reagan era were just lies, since today’s MAGA-Republicans don’t follow anything like them now.
But even having said that, supporting a Russian dictator invading another country and NOT supporting NATO, that’s such a un-Republican thing to do that its hard to believe they can even act that way.
Half-kidding, but I’m thinking that there are lots of photos of political people doing compromising things being held over their heads.
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No I think you’re right. I think based on some of the crazy stuff that has come out (that leak just as Hawthorne blowing up Republicans with his dumbfuckery), that there is a level you can’t reach in the party unless they either have something on you to keep you under control, or you give them something to ensure loyalty.
Maybe it’s conspiratorial but it’s not crazy like the government is hiding lizard people or Hitler is hiding in a base on the far side of the moon.
Going down that rabbit hole for a second, if true, then how in the F does the FBI/CIA/Military handle that scenario, when the political branch of the goverment has been compromised?
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