I have a router I’m running nord vpn but I use bitTorrent on windows and I’m looking to switch. Does anyone have a flavor of Linux and program they use?
Any advice would be helpful I’m getting nowhere on forums.
Generally most people get recommended to start their Linux journey with Mint as it is noob friendly (while still having full functionality) other options to consider would be popOS Ubuntu & Fedora.
qBittorrent is the most recommended I’ve seen, although I use transmission.
I would also look in to I2P. Their are a few clients that support it like qbittorrent.
Qbittorrent: you can bind the application with a network interface and ensure all the connexion will use your vpn.
bonus: you can use it as a server (without any graphical interface) and manage the torrent with your browser. This way, you can create a torrentbox on a dedicated computer.
This is what I use. Once you get it working, it’s a great setup. I have it running on my mini HTPC under the hood, and it really doesn’t use much in the way of resources.
It has a webui that I can use to search and add torrents, and you can choose an alternate UI for the page if you want (I used VueTorrent, it looks better on mobile).
And, like others have said, you can bind it so that if your VPN disconnects, torrents won’t just keep running in the background.
I think it is even heavily used on Windows.
Transmission. Simple, fast, efficient.
This with remote transmission on your phone to control it
You can torrent easily on Linux using any distro and any client.
It’s very unlikely you’ll have any issues.
Linux Mint OS, QBitTorrent for the client, Proton VPN for the VPN with qBitTorrent bound to only that interface and port to ensure no IP leaks.
Works Awesome.
rtorrent, you just need an ssh connection if wanting to know remotely what’s going on
If you need a daemon (to always run in the background, like on a server), use Deluge or Transmission.
If you just need a basic client that can live in your systray, qBittorrent.
qBittorrent! You can even add a search plugin directly in the client.
Was using Deluge before on Windows and for a while when I switched to Linux but started having issues with it.
You can even add a search plugin directly in the client.
Huh. Well, that’ll make things easier.
I personally like “fragments”, it’s quite a simple app though but it works great for me. Not sure if it works great with non-gnome setups though, since it’s a gtk app
As far as flavors of Linux, I would honestly recommend using VirtualBox while on Windows. You can download a preconfigured VM of just about any Linux distro or download whatever iso you want and install in a VM. This gives you some freedom to play around and break things (and you probably will at least once) and get more familiar with the different desktop environments, software installation, command line, searching for how to do things etc.