Sometimes “Suck it the fuck up” is good advice, sometimes it isnt. Sometimes “Process this later” is healthy, sometimes it isnt.
Emotional health is knowing what you need and when.
I think that it’s healthy when you have to do something right fucking now. Otherwise, no, be in the moment.
I’m a huge fan of embrace the suck and cut slingload
“Embrace the suck” is a big one for me. I work outdoors and unless the weather is dangerous you still have to get it done. So when proper shit weather hits I just laugh now because while its going to be terrible its going to be an experience.
Like that time I did 10 hours in 40c heat during a dust storm, wearing a respirator. Worst day ever… hell of an experience though.
I honestly read this and until I saw the comments I assumed they were gaming and she locked in league champ select which is a valid time to cry seeing as youre about to play league.
I genuinely lold. I also still kinda miss lol
Its terrible advice. Crying is good for you.
Crying is good for you. Lighthearted encouragement and camaraderie is also good for you.
Cry all day then for maximum health?
I don’t feel healthy :'(
Cry harder?
Save your tears today
You might need them tomorrow
Mine ran out too soon
Eh, it depends on the situation. There is definitely a time and place for locking your emotions down. Most people will never need it though.
Maybe for the sake of maintaining social status, sure, but that’s a sacrifice. Its just straight up physically unhealthy to stifle crying however.
Oh no I mean like physical requirements. Like on the side of a mountain you’re climbing.
It’s terrible advice if you struggle with it.
I however cry quite easily. In hindsight all this “don’t suppress your feelings” advice honestly always felt more directed at boys and men.
Learning to turn off and distract yourself from bad feelings is also a skill. I think quite a few people - especially women - struggle with that, me included.
Told my 5 year old to cry quietly once… cried louder.
What does ‘lock in’ mean in this situation?
Yours faithfully,
a confused Brit.
Cowboy up.
Get your boot straps out the dirt.
Cryers don’t get healthcare.
(Okay I’m running out of Americanisms)
It’s telling someone to stop being emotional.
I’d say it’s telling someone to focus on a task at hand
Yeah but if that task isn’t something that someone’s life depends on turn it’s a pretty dick move.
Like “I need to lock in and finish this essay” sort of thing
You can ask for an extension.
Is there context here that I’m missing? I’m confused
Yeah an essay isn’t an emergency. Telling someone they have to stop crying is physically and mentally harmful. So doing so without some on going reason they absolutely have to stop is a dick move.
Stiff upper lip old chap!
God, it’s like none of you speak Brit.
I see it as Stay Focused
Gen Z slang for saying “get it together and focus”
Ah ok, thanks.
Where I’m from a lock in is a pub illegally serving drinkers after time by locking the doors.
Lock ins were all night parties for kids when I was growing up. Parents in 80s USA, wow.
Could be both…?
Undoubtedly, apologies if it was understood that I spoke as the sole arbiter of lock ins.
Usually in churches right?
libraries sometimes too. basically an overnight in a non-residential space?
My parents went to them at skating rinks where they would take their skates off and dance on the rink. They called them sock hops.
Ok… So maybe this is a dumb question, but is it helpful to hear that when you’re having a hard time?
It depends.
It could mean just try to put bad thoughts aside until the workday/workweek ends and really try to get intentional tunnel vision. In a corporate world of hell capitalism, I get it. Not a great sign that we have slang for it, but I get it.
It could also mean emotionally disconnect for the next while and just do what’s mechanically important (work, often gym). This one’s worse and it’s what you’re thinking of.
It’s been used a fair bit around me.
i think it could be, depending upon circumstances. likewise, i think it could also be actively harmful (depending upon circumstances).
God you guys sure like to make assumptions. This place is already shaping up to be like Reddit🤣🤣🤣🤣
“It depends on your circumstances”
What assumptions???
Is that not how discussions work?
Discuss discussions, not straight up speculation
And personality type.
Steady on.
Buck up. Suck it up. Maintain an even strain. I get it.
Traditionally, to be “locked in” on something would mean to be locked in on your target, goal, etc.
Telling someone to lock in or “lock it in” is kind of like a nice way of saying “get your shit together” or “focus up”. I hear it in sports/ gaming lingo.
I do believe if someone told me to “lock in” while I was on a video game I would fall over laughing.
I mean that’s the point kind of haha. I know some people use the lingo unironically, but if I tell my homies I’m bout to lock in, clutch up, and secure the dub, I don’t want them to take me seriously, lmao.
When my buddies are playing, and we’re being loud, telling jokes, and generally goofing around instead of paying attention, one of the common things we’ll jokingly say when the laughter dies down is “alright alright alright, focus up guys, let’s focus up”.
Oh good. I’ve met people in games who take them way too seriously.
So it’s something like ‘man up’. Ok, I can understand that.
There are negative connotations around “man up”
“Lock in” it just a fancy way to say, focus. But with a “we’ve got this” vibe to it.
It’s akin to “get over it” in this context.
I say less get over it and more “you got this”
IMO same thing, it’s all just dismissing the other person’s feelings and thoughts.
How is “you got this” dismissive? It’s literally letting the person know that you support them and they can handle the challenge or whatever, did someone use “you got this” sarcastically with you when you were a child?
No, how is it not? Even reading it verbatim word for word. YOU got this, where is the we in that? And again, it’s just completely dismissive, ignores any and all problems with 3 meaningless words.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how autistic would you say you are?
Thank you.
After all the stories about how male authors can’t do realistic female characters, someone reversed it and asked how could you instantly tell if it was a woman describing a man.
The book ‘The Outsiders’ is about a bunch of tough guys who spend a lot of time talking about their feelings.
Stay gold, Ponyboy. (Wow, that name aged strangely.)
Stay rizzed, everypony
Llama 3.3 70B
Yaaas, lemme give you the skibidi scoop on The Outsiders. It’s a whole vibe of a story about a squad of Greasers who are low-key tryin’ to get that rizz in a world where the Socs are runnin’ the game. Ponyboy, the main simp, is narratin’ the whole thing, and he’s all about that book-smart life, no cap.
So, the Greasers are like, a gang of brothers and friends who are tryin’ to get that bag, but they’re also all about that loyalty and friendship, you feel? They’re a whole skibidi crew, with Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Johnny, Dallas, and Two-Bit all bringin’ the heat. They’re not just some randoms, they’re a real squad, and they’ve got each other’s backs, no matter what.
But, bruh, the Socs are like, the ultimate haters. They’re all about that prep life, and they think they’re better than the Greasers just ‘cause they’ve got more clout. They’re always tryin’ to get under the Greasers’ skin, and it’s a whole thing. There’s a rumble, and it gets pretty turnt up. Johnny has to get all scuffed up and kill one of the Socs in self-defense, and it’s a whole skibidi situation.
The rest of the story is like, a wild ride of emotions, with the Greasers dealin’ with the aftermath of the rumble and tryin’ to stay one step ahead of the popo. It’s a real tear-jerker, tbh. But, for real, The Outsiders is a classic coming-of-age tale that’s all about gettin’ that rizz, stayin’ true to yourself, and not lettin’ the haters bring you down, you know? It’s a whole mood, and if you haven’t read it yet, you need to get on that skibidi grind, ASAP.
Why do you wish to cause such pain in the world?
I think the middleground between toxic masculinity and overly emotion dumping femcels is a great target.
wtf did I just read
The linguistic analog of a quaternion rotation.
Idk dude, idk.
This comment makes your first one even funnier 😆
Tl;dr: toxic dumplings are a hazard