A lot of folks here are talking about Reddit being shitty but I switched because I’m in Europe and I don’t want to enrich especially US Companies off of my personal data.
Reddit’s auto moderation has gone haywire. You can’t say anything bad about nazis now.
And I am glad I am one of them. Not because of an anti-US sentiment (as in: towards American citizens) but as more pro-Europe move.
This is probably active ones too, so the ones that don’t comment (like me) don’t count… except this time. I would say it would be around same size as the active ones, but I have no data to prove that.
If you are here and want lemmy to succeed, please consider donating. The devs used to get by mostly by nlnet foundation grants but are trying to shift to a more sustainable donation based model. You can see how they are doing on the join-lemmy website when you scroll down to the bottom, there are also links to their liberapay (preferred option) paetreon, etc.
Hopefully even more people will join as Reddit gets shittier and shittier.
Hey look! I’m a statistic! Not the one I expected.
That’s really good to see. But it will be far more interesting to see what the numbers are a month and longer are from now. If they don’t stick, it’s pretty meaningless.
What does “active” mean in this context? Is giving an upvote or opening the app enough, or do I need to write a comment/post?
This is my first time here. I do not abide thought policing. Fuck Reddit, fuck Spez.
I was fed up with reddit and looking to make a change that won’t put money in spez’s pocket, arrived a few days ago.
This was me during the APIcalypse. Since joining Lemmy, I have:
- Realized I’m trans
- Procured a Steam Deck
- Started pirating again
- Been on HRT for over a year and counting
- Developed a chronic dependency on Yuri manga
- Lost 50-60 lbs
I hope you have a good time here as well!
Sounds like some very positive changes in your life. Glad to hear that you’ve been improving yourself.
My wife and I recently had to make a difficult but necessary change in our own lives, fleeing from the US to live in France while we wait to see what shakes out of the chaotic situation there over the course of the next year. Been starting in on the language learning, but it’s been slow going.
How was that process? Is your wife French? I wish I had dual citizenship anywhere.
It was not as big a deal as you might think. In order to get a visa that we can renew each year, we basically had to prove these things:
-We have valid passports and identities -We are not going to take a French person’s job -We have health insurance (so that we don’t end up stiffing the French healthcare system) -We won’t be homeless on arrival in France -We have enough savings to support ourselves for the time of our Visa’s validity (because we’re not allowed to work for a French based company while we’re here, see second point)
I’ve been saving 50+% of my gross pay for the whole time I was working, and my wife is doing the same, so we had plenty of money available to buy plane tickets, pay lawyers to advise us, buy health insurance, and get help with the application process. Honestly, the lawyers were not needed and we’re very expensive I would not use lawyer again. I used them because we needed to get out fast and I wanted to make sure that the first application would be successful. The instructions on the website for the French government were clear and straightforward and we could have done the application ourselves without major difficulty. There were even versions of the application forms available in English with checklists of documents to bring.
My wife is not French, but my mother, my stepfather, and my three step-siblings are. Unfortunately my mother naturalized here after I could have gotten French citizenship through her (I was 23 when she became a French citizen).
If you’re not daily driving Arch, btw, did you even join Lemmy?
I know you’re not daily driving Arch because you didn’t mention it.
(Jokes, obvs. Congrats on the self-discovery!)
I just arrived today myself, after being temp-banned for 7 days for some bullshit reasons that the appeal team agreed were bullshit so they unbanned me, but not before someone else perma-banned me for violating the rules on ‘my other accounts’ – I’ve had a single reddit account for the entire 14 years I’ve been there, I don’t even make throwaways, so, even more bullshit. I appealed that one too, but even if it’s overturned I’m not sure I’m going back. They’ve gotten real fucking fashy all of a sudden with the censorship, banning people for upvoting shit and calling it ‘inciting violence.’ Fuck 'em.
Yep and when you’re perma banned you’re fucked. They don’t look at the reasons, they don’t engage with people… it’s ridiculous
Then everyone banned or permabanned should end the complain with something like “and I’m opening an account in Lemmy. Farewell”.
Corporate assholes.
i heard about that situation, some people were getting temp banned, and then when the ban was lifted, they were permabanned. I think some mods mentioned reddit, or the sub does not reset thier filters once the bans was lifted so the filters automatically assume you are EVADING A ban.
The message about my perma-ban was actually 11 hours older than the message about my temp-ban being lifted, so they perma-banned me and then un-temp-banned me, which is… kinda fucky.
thier filters are so haphazardly banning people, not even verify a violation, thats what im seeing. i just deleted all my perma-banned accts, its pretty hard to repeal once they give a permaban that doesnt state where and what the violation was.
Thanks, glad to be here. This place seems way more welcoming than I remember reddit ever being. But I was a little late to the party on Reddit, I joined in 2016.
I also broke free from Reddit. Hopefully in lemmy we are not limited to only post things that agree with moderators point of view.
For sure. There can also be a problem of too little moderation, though. There is a balance to be struck between censorship of opposing views and getting rid of off-topic spam.
For instance, there were a few regional subreddits that were obviously intended to be for thing like “Which restaurants are worth a 30 minute drive to go to” and “Come to my band’s concert at the waterfront this weekend”, but had turned into basically nothing but off-topic spam wars about national level political topics.
The mods refused to do anything about it, so I just left because 90+% of the content was stuff I didn’t come to that subreddit to read. Keep that shit on r/politics.
Always happy to see the Fediverse getting more popular! 😃
What happened 2/12?
It was a “alternatives to American apps/sites” on Reddit that got me here
Just got so sick of reddits smarminess. It’s also just astroturfed corporate BS at this point anyway.
I’ve been boycotting Amazon for over a year (and quite frankly won’t ever stop), won’t shop at Target and won’t visit super corporatized social media.
Reddit has proven time and time again they’re just a whipping boy for corporate interests.
Yeah I knew it was bad but this last round of suppression was the final straw.
Are you me from the future? This is literally my mindset right now. Just started boycotting Amazon, Target, etc.
just a heads up, the instance you’re on is pretty controversial.
I thought the whole point of Lemmy was that it didn’t matter what instance you joined. Can I move my account, or do I need to make a new one on a new instance?
So, the no matter what instance thing isn’t really true. Moderation is different per instance, mods can remove comments locally. Account migration is planned, but not there yet.
The reason it doesn’t matter is because they all interoperate, unless one of them is a problem and needs to be cut off. Yours isn’t the worse but some people do have a negative opinion of it. If anyone decides to de-federate you won’t be able to see posts from there but this probably doesn’t matter a whole lot unless the instance you are on is a total pariah
Well it doesn’t, but that instance has a… reputation… So some people might have that entire instance blocked. You’d have to create a new account elsewhere to move over
Every instance has a reputation. A lot of .ml posters think that .world posters are libs and crypto fascists(if they distinguish between the two). And some folks accuse feddit.nl users of being… Well… Dutch.
And some folks accuse feddit.nl users of being… Well… Dutch.
I suppose they’re not wrong. But I hope I’m not blocked by some people for it
Likely only Austin Powers father.
Does shitjustworks have a rep? So far so chill, I don’t think I’ve heard any controversy about this one.
Lol nahhh .ml says we’re all CIA shills and .world is a CIA front full of bots! Lmao
I haven’t heard that one before, hallucinating again?
You do seem more obsessed with people to your left than anyone to your right, not really beating the crypto fascist allegations
I could have sworn I had a screenshot of it, but I’m still looking. But please enjoy this other one I grabbed of .world and .ee users being called bots in the meantime
Check out !meanwhileongrad@sh.itjust.works or actually because you’re on .ml, they block that comm instance wide
So you’ll need to see it through another instance, like so lemmy.world/c/meanwhileongrad@sh.itjust.works
You get banned for dissent against Russia or China or even NK on .ml comms
Yeah it doesn’t matter - don’t listen to drama fiends. .ml is fine. Lots of people decry it as being a tankie instance. The whole point of federation is you aren’t limited to the content on your instance - just by which instances yours is federated with.
If people or your instance bother you, make another account. Otherwise, just ignore the haters
people peer pressuring over instances can be disregarded, they’re almost always shit-stirring
It’s seriously getting old at this point. I’ve noticed there’s been an uptick in hostility towards lemmy.ml over the past year. I can only assume it’s related to the reddit migration. Unfortunately I only forsee it getting worse as more people migrate over.
At a certain point it becomes harassment and should be moderated accordingly. Something that we’re going to need to do as we grow in order to be a functional social spaces that harassment needs to be something you get banned for because a lot of the negative experience people have on the corporate crap is because of widespread normalized harassment. If an instance isn’t so bad it gets defederated users probably shouldn’t be given shit for merely using it
Theres a community about ml drama “meanwhileongrad” thats blocked from ml so youd never see it
Have you considered that people just generally don’t like supporting the authoritarianism that plagues China, Russia and NK
It’s the authoritarian part of being a Tankie that a lot of us hate
There’s a difference between support and pointing out blatant US propaganda. Like I said above, many people across the fediverse don’t get the nuance of being critical of US narratives does not equal supporting the regimes that are on the recieving end of that propaganda. If you really spent any amount of time on .ml you’d see there is plenty of criticism of Russia/China, just not to the extent where everyone unquestioningly takes any criticism by US sources at face value.
Did you open the link at all? That user literally just said that Drump would be the dumbest president ever, even dumber than NK dictators and caught a 14 day ban from /c/memes for it. That is not ban worthy whatsoever, but on .ml it is for the sole reason of it speaks ill of NK.
There’s plenty more on !meanwhileongrad@sh.itjust.works but ironically .ml blocks you from seeing it, so you’ll need to use this roundabout link instead http://lemmy.world/c/meanwhileongrad@sh.itjust.works
I got permabanned from politics on shitjustworks for calling out the mod for being a hypocrite, so 14 days ain’t so bad in comparison. Gonna go see what rule 1 over there is tho.
LPT: Maybe don’t start comments with “Go fuck yourself”, people might take you more seriously or be more receptive.
very good way to put it
Is lemm.ee chill or should I be making a new account?
Oh yeah, lemm.ee is great.
Controversial? How come? I’m new to the Fediverse so I’d love to learn as much as I can. 🙂
I explained a bit here: https://lemm.ee/post/58018253/18825295
But I’ll go into more detail : )
lemmy.ml is the instance run by the lemmy developers, who are tankies. Tankies are people who support authoritarian regeims such as the soviet union, or north korea.
As such, they sometimes remove anti-china or pro-ukraine posts/comments.
They also sometimes bridgade threads.
As an example, check !meanwhileongrad@sh.itjust.works
Lemmy.ml is very pro Russia/pro communism
It has some censorship problems, the devs (who run the instance) are tankies, and pro-russia/china
Alright where next? I’m not invested in this space
lemm.ee, the instance you are on, is fine. In fact, the admins are great people.
I’m so sorry but you have to spell this out to me
What is the difference between lemmy and lem.ee? And I suppose I should ask “where am I?”
Is this like people individually hosting their own reddits?
Its ppl copying the content on each others servers and all hosting frontends/backends that serve the same content. The site is where your content is hosted, like if you upload a pic its to that instance and based on their upload rules for size. I think lemm.ee has like a 50mb limit while some have much higher limits. All of your posts/comments originate from your site and then get coppied to any site that hasnt blocked it and has communicated with it before. (Me subscribing to a lemmy.world community from my instance would count as communicating so they would federate and posts from that community and other communiteis on that instance would show up on mine in the future)
Like if you hosted a site that was an exact clone of mine that copied or linked content over everytime it was posted to match the other.
So, lemm.ee is a lemmy instance, its like its own mini-reddit. lemmy.world is another instance. You can follow communities accross instances though.
You can read this, hopefully it will help: https://lemm.ee/post/54947321/18643464
Don’t worry about the other posters trying to dissuade you from lemmy.ml. It’s a very chill instance. It gets flack because it is run by and has a majority leftist base, but that shouldn’t be an issue if you consider yourself a progressive. The “tankie” slurs are frankly b.s. and disingenuous. I wouldn’t call the sub “pro-Russia/China” by any means, the users are anti-imperialist and realistic in the nature of US propaganda depicting other states as bogeymen. Just because you question the mainstream US-centric narrative doesn’t mean you’re shilling for China/Russia etc. There’s a lot of liberals and centrists, that despite their progressive sentiments they may hold, are still very beholden to the narrative of American exceptionalism in a lot of ways.
Guessing it’s coming from shitjustworks people. Politics mod over there doesn’t like anyone pointing out the Dems weak ass “resistance” even if you are lauding another Dem(Rep Green) at the same time lol.
Wherever it stems from it’s getting annoying to deal with the influx of “enlightened centrists” that have the idea that anyone left of Biden/Harris is a secret Russian/Chinese disinfo agent :/
People getting sick and tide of Reddit. TBH I’m still salty over them killing 3rd party apps and I’m so glad they did because that drew the line for me, also fuck spez.
They’ve basically banned anonymous accounts. Their whole thing was anonymity.
They seem to be blocking access from certain IPs and VPNs (if not logged in?) Which is funny because some of these VPNs are not really hiding anything. Like my work VPN which I would think makes it pretty obvious which company I work for. Annoying when search results link to reddit content.
You can use this script with a browser addon like Tampermonkey to get around the sign-in requirement:
// ==UserScript== // @name reddit - unblock (create cookie and reload) // @namespace Violentmonkey Scripts // @match *://*.reddit.com/* // @grant none // @version 2024-01-08 // @noframes // @license MIT License // @description for "Blocked" "whoa there, pardner!" cowboy bs // ==/UserScript== /* thanks: https://www.reddit.com/r/mullvadvpn/comments/18jbxb2 */ if (document.title === "Blocked") { document.cookie="reddit_session=;Domain=.reddit.com;Path=/;Expires=;Secure=true;SameSite=None"; window.location.reload(); }
This what infuriates me the most.
I use a VPN (because my government is insane) and i get a “security warning” if I visit any Reddit post (even old Reddit).
All they’re doing is building a moat around OUR content we created.
Without anonymity it is in fact pointless. Pseudo anonymity is extremely useful I basically won’t go anywhere without it. That’s definitely a feature we should advertise to people, you can actually be anonymous
Wait first I’m hearing of this one. What happened now?
I think they’re referring to the fact that you no longer can create accounts without using an email address. You were able to use a UI loophole to do it before via Old Reddit, but no more.
Reddit has become very strange.
Shadowbanning sucks when your on the other side of it.
Forever mods that have hundreds of default subreddits act like dictators. Banning people from all their collections of subreddits without anyone knowing.
Removing the ability for users to see actual number of votes up/down.
And now with the whole “don’t upvotes certain content or you will get a strike”. Never mind that isn’t how the site works at all.
They haven’t come out with a feature that people have wanted in the last couple of years.
It’s been a while since I’ve been on and everything I’m hearing is that it just keeps getting worse. Eventually it’ll be completely unusable and probably shudder but by then the real conversation will have moved elsewhere
Getting rid of coins/rewards just to empty everyone’s stock and then bringing them back again without 1:1 compensation and forgetting everyone who gave their coins away before they would vanish
Same, it was over for me when they took Boost away thankfully Boost pivoted to Lemmy lol
Is Boost dead though? I love it too, but it hasn’t updated in a while
I have no idea, Boost has always been one to go long periods between updates, but it is getting pretty long since the last one
God I really hope its not dead. I know everyone suggests voyager but I don’t like the gestures and it feels slower than just having buttons.
You can have gestures disabled on voyager and just use the buttons
I use voyager and don’t use any gestures. Looks like I turned them off in settings. And they have a ton of options for things you can adjust in the settings. I was a reddit is fun app user and am completely happy with voyager. But I’m also almost always just lurking. So more active users might have more problems but with how much you can adjust it I doubt it.
I’m using Thunder and really enjoying it
Does it save your position in the comments of a specific post? That’s my #1 criterion for an app. Boost is the only one that I’ve found that does it
Not that I can see
Like if you visit a link or go to someone’s profile, then go back to return to the comments, will your scroll position be remembered so you can see the comment you were just looking at? If so, yes
Ill check it out. Thank you.
Mine stopped working completely this week. It then linked to boost for lemmy. Now I’m here.
Boost gang!
I’ll still check sometimes on Reddit when I’m at my desk if I feel like it and I’ve got time, so like barely anymore.
When 3rd party apps died I moved here.
After them saying that if you upvote enough banned content you’ll get banned, I’m just waiting to catch ban over there.
i still lurk a lot. i have a rule against posting there though… which admittedly i did break recently, but only to plug lemmy. otherwise no posts/comments there in two years
I think since coming over here I’ve done like 2 dozen comments and a handful of posts (on Reddit), but considering I used to post and comment as much as I do here but over there I’d say that’s a lot of progress.
I’ve done over 3k comments and over 3 hundred posts here since joining in June of 2023.
Thank you for your service 🫡
I’m the same as the other guy, my rule is that I only post/comment about Lemmy when I use my reddit acount.
I used to only comment a few times per month when I used reddit but as soon as I started using Lemmy I started making hundreds of comments per month. Especially in the first few months, I got to 1k comments super fast. Since then I’ve slowed down a bit but still way more active than I was on reddit. This is my alt account btw.
It’s so much more rewarding to participate on Lemmy for a multitude of reasons, but mostly because it feels like people actually care enough to read my comments and respond. On reddit it often seemed like shouting into the void. Plus, it’s a great feeling to be a part of something that’s community based and not just soulless corporate slop. Every time I check reddit, it feels so miserable and I wonder how I ever tolerated that site for so long.
The thing is for a good solid decade using one of those corporate websites actually it wasn’t so bad, I was right user since 2012 and it used to be good. It’s slowly degraded over the years since then and at this point I think I’m fine never going back, except if I am reading some several years old post that has information but even then the internet archive can do that for you and it might be the only place to get that information from Reddit
Yeah that’s true, I was also a user since 2012 and it was much better back then. It slowly got worse through the 2010s and then really fell off a cliff after 2020
It feels more human over here (if that makes sense lol)
And yeah after my initial break from Reddit it definitely feels more insufferable over there.
This is also one of my alts, I’ve a few but none are used as much as this one by a long shot.
Use Reddit Enhancement Suite. You’ll thank me later.
makes red it much more usable and easy on the eyes.
I used it for awhile (I’ve been on Reddit for about 13 years)
Honestly though pulling more away from social media is good for my mental health. And making the experience more abrasive so it’s less of a passive thing is good.
I’m more oxi clean of reddit myself