Almost every live action adaptation of any classic animated movie.
Avatar. Good Lord what bad acting and visual dynamics will do for a movie.
You mean ‘Pocahontas with blue people’?
I never understood why people liked it so much…
I feel like I’ll wait for the next one to come out then watch both in a row
You mean all three? The second one came out in 2022.
Yeah haha I totally didn’t completely miss that
Once upon a time in Hollywood.
Closely followed by anything that’s self-jerking Hollywood’s ego. I’m looking at you too La La Land!
I know this is heresy but any Godfather movie, or the Sopranos, or anything that romanticizes the fucking mafia. To me organized crime characters are pieces of shit I can’t admire or relate to. The only movie that ever made me root for gangster types was Pulp Fiction, which is a masterpiece.
Eternal Sunshine if a Spotless Mind has such good reviews and people speak fondly of it online. I hated it, just thought both characters were insufferable, and there was nothing remotely romantic about it. Felt like I was trapped in the bad relationship with them.
I thought I was alone with this opinion. There are dozens of us!
I couldn’t get into any of the LOTR movies. I like fantasy, I like adventure, I like fighting, but those films are boring as hell to me.
If The Sopranos was boring, what you’d get is The Godfather. It’s boring. And it insists upon itself.
I kinda liked your comment, but it insists upon itself.
Uwe Boll’s “Alone in the dark”
I rented that movie, and it was so bad that half way through it I turned it off. When I went back to the rental store they offered me my money back.
I said no. Because some lessons have to be painful in order to learn from them.
Everything Disney did with Star Wars
BladeRunner - is like they wrote the screenplay based on the excellent source novel, then cut most of the ideas out, leaving only things that make no sense. Rick Deckard is a terrible detective, and only wins the final confrontation because Roy Batty… just gives up? I recently decided that my teenage self might have been wrong and rewatched it… nah, still terrible.
The directors cut/final cut does improve the plot line but admittedly the original movie is more vibes than substance. I think a lot of the “neo-tokyo” cyberpunk aesthetic we take for granted had tropes which originated in this film.
I’m pretty sure my recent rewatch was the director’s cut. The theatrical release must have been indecipherable. I hear what you’re saying about the cyberpunk aesthetic - the visuals were the best thing about this movie. I would thoroughly recommend scifi buffs reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K. Dick - it’s an excellent (and not overly long) dystopian novella that has so many layers and themes (that Blade Runner largely omitted).
I think the best way to experience a blend between the two is either the graphic novel of “Do Androids Dream […]” or the Blade Runner PC adventure game, which fleshes out the story.
Oooh, there’s an Androids graphic novel?!
There is!
Avengers. Any of them, probably.
any of the new MCU movies post-endgame. they were so generic, and it was clear some of the movies ran out of money on cgi or animation.
Even Shang-Chi?
Guardians 3 was still good, I see it as the post credits scene of the MCU
The rest is boring to awful
introducing new content helps, rather than just promoting the next characther movie or show.
The way I feel about the MCU is like an old relationship where there’s not much love left and you can’t seem to break it off. Some days you have vain hopes, other days you hate yourself for being too coward to leave.
That’s where the comparison ends, because in a relationship you can talk things over together and try to work things out.
Avatar. Highest grossing movie in the world. Blue shit.
It was an okay (but derivative) movie, but an amazing tech showcase for 3D. That’s why it was the highest grossing.
dabu di dabu dai
Best critique I ever heard about Avatar: “Eh, Fern Gully did it better.”
I call it Space Pocahontas.
The movie was forgettable and not that special. Going to the IMAX with my uncle and three cousins and watching our first ever (and only ever) 3d movie together and squealing the whole 3 hour car ride home about how much fun we had as a family is one of my best memories.
I think this is what people forget about Avatar. It was never supposed to be the best writing or the best story. It was purely just to show off incredible ground breaking CGI technology. Seeing it in IMAX was a damn near religious experience, but watching on a TV at home just doesn’t do it justice.
I mean it’s just Dances with Wolves in spaces.
Or Pocahontas
Avatar was the best screensaver ever made.
Bluntly manipulative melodramatic tripe that ejects me completely from the movie, just as with Titanic. James Cameron decided to keep churning out the modern cgi version of a top hat-wearing villain cackling and twirling his mustache as he leaves the damsel tied to the train tracks, and it is kind of dismaying that he got so thoroughly rewarded for it.
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
Absolute snoozefest with possibly the worst cast leads in modern history.
This was universally panned, so I don’t think you hit the prompt.
I respect your opinion and fully disagree.
Super Mario Bros (1993) - it is just horrible, the only good thing about the movie is that it has a practical Yoshi puppet.