Unreal engine 5 remake? Sounds like someone saw some college student posting about their class project and took it as a leak.
God, I so hope that Skyblivion is much better.
I fear that Skyblivion will totally get a C&D now that Bethesda is selling their own remake :(
Why would they? They never did anything like that lol
And yet, Bethesda always behave fairly towards mods, shotting down pretty much only the ones that tried to use assets from one game in another (Ripping assets from oblivion to skyrim is a nono…and that’s not even on them, they can’t allow it due to licensing).
And before someone jumps out if Fallout London - fallout tv series came out, they wanted in on the wave, had changed software in the meantine thus scrambled the launcher. No malice there, just sadly it happened at the same time as Fallout London came out.
Zenimax is filled with cruel and sadistic people.
it will be. i guarantee it. Bethesda is currently trying to wrangle control of its own IP away from modders and fans. and its failing.
and I’m living for it =D
watch it be worse than
seinfeldstarfield“What’s the deal with all these remakes?”
If they were that close to releasing anything, why isn’t Todd Howard telling us about it?
This rumor of a remake of any Elder Scrolls game on Unreal or other engine has come and gone for at least 13 years. The only other game with more rumors of a debut is HL3.
Ahaha I guess you can only resell skyrim so many times…
Looking forward to playing it, but I’m not paying for another goddamn fucking remake Todd. Yarr.