Germany. It’s just live all the time, because why wouldn’t it? If you plug something in, you want it to work. If you don’t want it to work, you either plug it out (which works just as well as a switch, with the same convenience), OR you use the switch at the appliance because why would you try to reach the hypothetical switch at the wall outlet if the wall outlet is behind a drawer, under a table, or whatever inconvenient place? I use my remote control to turn the TV on or off, I don’t physically walk to the wall power outlet.
Why plug and unplug? Doesn’t the wall outlet have a switch?
I have actually never met a wall outlet with a switch.
Really? Where are you for that? I don’t have a wall outlet without a switch, and I’ve never seen one because why would it just be live all the time?
I’m in Australia for reference.
Germany. It’s just live all the time, because why wouldn’t it? If you plug something in, you want it to work. If you don’t want it to work, you either plug it out (which works just as well as a switch, with the same convenience), OR you use the switch at the appliance because why would you try to reach the hypothetical switch at the wall outlet if the wall outlet is behind a drawer, under a table, or whatever inconvenient place? I use my remote control to turn the TV on or off, I don’t physically walk to the wall power outlet.