"There are only two opinions on this sign: Everyone is welcome here, or not everyone is welcome here,” argues Sarah Inama, a sixth-grade history teacher.
This policy is designed to maintain consistency across all classrooms while ensuring that no one group is targeted or offended by the display of certain items.
Logically that means whoever would be offended by that sign is offended because part of everyone is people who are not like them, i.e. they are admitting their preconceived bias. Those people are who most need this sign, so that they can learn that not everyone is like them. Those people need to go back to 6th grade.
On the surface, the policy sounds completely reasonable. That kind of thing is probably standard in most schools the world over.
What’s insane is that we’re at a point where “welcoming people” is offensive to somebody.
Or maybe more realistically, it’s easy to feign offence at a bland statement like that and be a bigot without being forced to say the quiet part out loud.
Also, isn’t it the Republicans that love to plaster on a big punchable smirk and tell everyone they don’t have a right to not be offended? I mean, in this, they are actually correct - people do have a free speech right to be absolute assholes in what they do and say, for the most part. Free speech does have its limits, yes, but if someone else gets offended, well…too bad. Free speech is there to protect speech others do not like and yes, that includes speech that will offend liberals.
But wow, the very second the right might have the least bit of offense - they think the government should step in.
See for example the actual political correctness they try to enforce around the rituals when a song plays at a sportsball event, or forcing kids to say “under god” while they force them to say the pledge at schools. Or about burning flags in protest, or a president they support being burned in effigy. Or trying to get their book club smuggled into schools. Or not genuflecting for “the troops”, but only when there is a profitable war of aggression on the table, and so on. Or people not going out of their way to say, pointedly, “MERRY XMAS” (vs. the easy shorthand of Happy Holidays to cover both xmas and New Years, FFS. GD these babies are such whiners. Saying Happy Holidays was never a problem until these assholes had to act like it was some personal insult to them, even if they were just jagoffs that were only nominal xtians anyway. ) to these special snowflakes.
Apparently, they think they have the right to not be offended their entire fucking lives.
I understand uniformity and all, but there’s also a lot of over-sheltering going on. Part of being ready for the world is knowing things out there are rarely fair and most of us get offended at one point or another. You learn to brush it off and grow thicker skin, making you a stronger individual.
I agree, we shouldn’t be coddling folk triggered by messages like “Everyone is Welcome”. They need to toughen up and learn to accept messages of inclusivity.
They SHOULD feel uncomfortable if they don’t like this sign. It’ll put hair on their chest.
I don’t see how people are so opposed to the idea that “we should help our children become strong and robust so that they’re not offended by everything”.
Life is a lot easier when you can handle people saying and doing things you don’t like without it breaking you. I’m not saying injustice should be tolerated: Quite the opposite. I’m saying that fighting injustice is easier if you are robust enough withstand it when it’s directed at you.
My impression is that that’s what you mean, in which case I wholly agree.
Removing this display does literally the exact opposite of that.
Yeah, but it triggers future homophobic, white incels!
What about the straight white cis men?? When will someone think of them???
The key in that phrase is “offended”. You see, right-wing parents get offended when brown people are welcomed.
Logically that means whoever would be offended by that sign is offended because part of everyone is people who are not like them, i.e. they are admitting their preconceived bias. Those people are who most need this sign, so that they can learn that not everyone is like them. Those people need to go back to 6th grade.
On the surface, the policy sounds completely reasonable. That kind of thing is probably standard in most schools the world over.
What’s insane is that we’re at a point where “welcoming people” is offensive to somebody.
Or maybe more realistically, it’s easy to feign offence at a bland statement like that and be a bigot without being forced to say the quiet part out loud.
Also, isn’t it the Republicans that love to plaster on a big punchable smirk and tell everyone they don’t have a right to not be offended? I mean, in this, they are actually correct - people do have a free speech right to be absolute assholes in what they do and say, for the most part. Free speech does have its limits, yes, but if someone else gets offended, well…too bad. Free speech is there to protect speech others do not like and yes, that includes speech that will offend liberals.
But wow, the very second the right might have the least bit of offense - they think the government should step in.
See for example the actual political correctness they try to enforce around the rituals when a song plays at a sportsball event, or forcing kids to say “under god” while they force them to say the pledge at schools. Or about burning flags in protest, or a president they support being burned in effigy. Or trying to get their book club smuggled into schools. Or not genuflecting for “the troops”, but only when there is a profitable war of aggression on the table, and so on. Or people not going out of their way to say, pointedly, “MERRY XMAS” (vs. the easy shorthand of Happy Holidays to cover both xmas and New Years, FFS. GD these babies are such whiners. Saying Happy Holidays was never a problem until these assholes had to act like it was some personal insult to them, even if they were just jagoffs that were only nominal xtians anyway. ) to these special snowflakes.
Apparently, they think they have the right to not be offended their entire fucking lives.
I understand uniformity and all, but there’s also a lot of over-sheltering going on. Part of being ready for the world is knowing things out there are rarely fair and most of us get offended at one point or another. You learn to brush it off and grow thicker skin, making you a stronger individual.
I agree, we shouldn’t be coddling folk triggered by messages like “Everyone is Welcome”. They need to toughen up and learn to accept messages of inclusivity.
They SHOULD feel uncomfortable if they don’t like this sign. It’ll put hair on their chest.
Maybe they should grow thick enough skin to not get offended at this sign.
Okay then.
I don’t see how people are so opposed to the idea that “we should help our children become strong and robust so that they’re not offended by everything”.
Life is a lot easier when you can handle people saying and doing things you don’t like without it breaking you. I’m not saying injustice should be tolerated: Quite the opposite. I’m saying that fighting injustice is easier if you are robust enough withstand it when it’s directed at you.
My impression is that that’s what you mean, in which case I wholly agree.