Any game where you fight by picking stuff out of menus
I am not sure if I should feel insulted or thankful that I just gained a new perspective.
It’s either something dark and gritty like dark souls, or the cutest shit ever like animal crossing or stardew valley. I’m my case it’s both.
The meme says worst games. Dark Souls is one of the absolute best games.
My tism sometimes has me skip words when reading something with pixels in the double digits.
Tarkov. 16k hours. More time than most streamers.
Wow. And I thought I was bad with my 5k in cs…
Destiny. I hate it but I can’t stop playing it.
All I see are awesome game recommendations, thanks everyone! Except for Stardew Valley… that’s my game. I love it but I hate it for reasons mentioned already.
So I’m not autistic and these aren’t necessarily bad games, but for my partner this is definitely Dragon Age. She has put an insane number of hours into the first 3 games. She knew The Veilguard was going to be bad. She KNEW, she told me multiple times even the second before she told me she bought the game. She got 3/4 of the way through before having a crying, screaming meltdown over how bad it was.
but she was okay with Inquisition? I don’t get that at all. Dragon Age Origins is one of my favorite games of all time and I’ve beat it several times. Inquisition is straight trash by comparison. I beat it once and was immensely disappointed. Because of that experience, I haven’t even considered trying Veilguard. I just know it can only be worse.
It’s just disappointing to see how drastically the series has changed. It started as a top-down strategy RPG, and now it’s just a generic hack-n-slash game. Game publishers have shied away from games like the original Dragon Age, because they want to sell as many units as possible. And they think generic hack-n-slash games sell better. Games like Baldur’s Gate 3 have proved that there is still a large demand for more traditional RPGs, but the publishers simply don’t want to take the risk.
For me, HC WoW
I know right like regular WoW wasn’t already enough of a timesuck
Second Life. If you could call it a game.
I started “playing” it in 2006. Went through long periods of not playing it… but I always come back… and it’s always worse
I used to play yeaaaars ago doing custom scripting work and what not as a teenager to make extra money. I got on recently and it just seemed dead. Maybe I just forgot how to navigate, but I literally felt like I couldn’t find people to even interact with.
the technology has improved tenfold, the game looks and runs so different now that its virtually unrecognizable, but the communities are shit, the user count is at best half as many as it was in the late 00s to early 10s. and most of the people online are either just parked in a shitty club, usually AFK, hiding in their private land, innnocuously buying stuff for their house or character, lagging the place up with scripted farms and such… a very small number of worthwhile game / activity and roleplay communities (RP is still basically a game…) … and most everyone else is probably e-banging…
Bleh. That sucks. Sounds like the kinds of old communities I used to enjoy have probably fizzled out :(
This is RuneScape for me. I take very long breaks, but always end up playing it again after not thinking about it for like a year or two.
Holy shit is it still around? I remember playing that around the same period and going to all of the servers with free shit and occasionally coming across some weird sex server lmao.
when you say server, I think you’re talking about regions (colloquially called “sims or simulators” in game) while its true they do run on servers, usually 4-16 regions packed onto a single server… its easier to think of them as islands of virtual real estate, some are separate individual tiny islands of 256x256 meters, whereas others are joined to others of the same size. all of course, seperate from the continents which are owned by the company but land can be rented and such
privately owned land people can do whatever they want on it provided it isnt breaking law or TOS, and theres some weird shit that falls through the cracks.
the concept of SL is fascisnating, how it all works in the concept of a digital world, its been doing the metaverse 20 years before Mark Zuckerberg got the idea. the problem is, people are fucking freaks. and the metaverse is as freaky as they are.
Battlefield 2042. 5k hours.
Impressive. I didn’t know people exist with that many hours in this game but today I learned. As long as you had fun, that’s nice
Ehhhhhhhh. I had fun here and there primarily because I was playing with friends. I probably would have had more fun if I played something else though, sunk cost fallacy influenced me.
Stardew Valley.
I spent a vast majority of my college years and mid 20s playing an MMO by the name of Puzzle Pirates. Honestly, if it had maintained a large enough player base for the content, I probably would’ve been addicted a lot longer. I’ve never come across another game quite like it and it’s a shame mismanagement of the company and shitty decisions about the direction of the game led it to a slow death.
For me it was Warcraft 3 custom maps. And I’d probably still be playing it if blizzard hadn’t fucking destroyed it. Fuck blizzard forever.
The factory must expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory can expand so the factory…
I am so glad I bought that game before the steam release, which means most of my hours are untracked.
The factory must grow
Good choice !
DotA 2 is not the worst game… Right?