From the article: *Large SUVs were particularly affected. According to the police, notes were attached to the cars indicating that they were harmful to the climate. The tyres were not punctured, but merely deflated. The cars were parked in the area between the S-Bahn line and Elbchaussee around Kanzleistraße. *

Personally, I like this protest way more than glueing themselves to the streets, causing traffic jams where cars burn gasoline for hours and ambulances / firefighters / police gets stuck, putting innocent life in danger.

The article is in German. Warning: this link leads to google translate.

  • possibly a
    2 years ago

    A few decades too late for something like this to make any difference.

    I, for one, do not put the value of private property acquired through an unfair system over the value of life on Earth. I honestly don’t care about private property all that much in the grand scheme of things.

    At least blocking traffic gets attention. Climate change is killing people already - why would I care if people can’t get to their jobs, when those jobs are killing everything and everyone I love?

    Why should I care about the consumerism these BS jobs keep running? My mental and physical health does not depend on a Funko Pop’s existence - quite the opposite actually, it might be dependent on the cessation of Funko Pops’ existence.

    I’m not even allowed to vote against the system that is so clearly our enemy. I assume the difference between these activists and I is that they believe the system will allow itself to be reformed out of everything that makes it the system.

    I’d be fine if it all crashed overnight. In fact I’d be ecstatic, because that is the path to the least painful (remaining) outcome. I mean I would be completely screwed, but it would at least give future generations a chance.