I’ve seen a video talking about the leaked Facebook files where it says they should remove true information about side effects. It says Facebook should remove:
True information:
a. Delta: The Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects.
Why do you think people should or shouldn’t know about the side effects of the COVID vaccine?
There are people questioning the veracity of the quote so I’ve searched a bit and found some sources.
- New Documents Confirm Biden Regime Pressured Facebook To Remove TRUE Information About Side Effects Of COVID Shots
- New Documents Confirm Biden Regime Pressured Facebook To Remove TRUE Information About Side Effects Of COVID Shots
- Jim Jordan’s Facebook Files: Biden Pressured Company to Remove Humorous Vaccine Posts, Info About Side Effects
- ‘Facebook Files’ 2.0 Reveal White House Pressured Facebook To Censor ‘True’ Content
- “facebook” “remove true information about side effects”
It’s because 99.9% of the time when someone says “I just want you to know about the side effects” they
- Have learned it from YouTube or the internet and do not possess a medical degree
- Do not fully understand what is reported as a side effect, or that most reporting databases are treated as “Could it even remotely be possibly attributed to a vaccine, if so then post it here and let the experts figure out”
- Will not admit that experts are in fact, experts, and that they should be relied on more than random internet people
- Will continue to argue on any point for eternity, never listening to any counter points
We have heard it, we understand it already, we are informed. The risks are minute and rare, vaccines are some of those things that we each take a tiny risk so that society as a whole can survive and continue without these horrible diseases. If you are unwilling to take a vaccine that has a <0.01% chance of giving you a minor side effect because you are so selfish that you can’t see what herd immunity is, then that says more about you than any side effects would.
Well put
We are talking about the US government censoring true information about side effects, you are talking about something different.
If this is your issue then we need to also make the clarification of what is exactly happening.
The studies that happened, all published and available online via government websites. They aren’t dumbed down for lay people, just the technical documents provided by actual scientific researchers. All of that is not being censored. If you have evidence of the government actually tamporing with medical publication then we have a bigger issue.
What is potentially being censored are generalized publications on non-medical, non-technical forms. The reason for allowing this type of sensoring are many of the previously mentioned.
So I think a better question to ask is why are people seeking any sort of informed statements from FB on medical conditions? At best what should be found on those sites are statements as to why one should be worried about a pandemic, that a vaccine exists and you should seek advice from actual medical professionals. Side affects should NOT dictate the default stance on a public health issue. If you are worried about them, having been susceptible to side affects in the past, then you should speak to your doctor.
If you can’t get the vaccine without the inclusion of a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist then you shouldn’t be given medical advice of any sort from the same laymen. FB should not be allowing any sort of information about medicine beyond it exists, and it is important you go talk to your doctor.
I don’t understand. Could you dumb it down for me? Should people know the side effects? As I understand from your comment, even true information should be banned from FB because people should go there only to hear opinions anyways, not factual medical information. Am I right? I really disagree because first is medical information, and then it will be something else, until no one has the right to say anything.
Should people know the side effects?
They will know about the side effects, because those are discussed with the medical professional that performs the inoculation.
Talking about the side effects on Facebook is like diagnosing yourself with cancer from WebMD. Or ruling out cancer based on WebMD.
The pandemic is a social issue. We all have a responsibility the rest of the population to do what we can to not spread. The problem with this is we expect people to not be stupid and make truly informed decision.
There was a ridiculous number of people who said they weren’t getting the vaccine because some rapper said their cousin’s gf’s neighbor’s husbands balls fell off after getting the vaccine. Those people apparently didn’t have a basic epistemology that would cause them to take pause on something so stupid.
What does this have to do with legitimate publications? How many people do you think have read medical or technical publications? How many of them do you thinking know know the difference between the types of studies, how the statistics work or efficacy? How many side effects medical terms do you think the average joe understands? Often times people misunderstand that the affects of the disease are far far worse and far more likely than the side affects.
If you have questions about side affects you should be talking to a doctor. If you don’t understand why going to them is important then you are the type of person who may be swayed by some rapper’s balls falling off when there is absolutely zero evidence for it. It also means you probably wont really understand the side affects and may make a decision because you misunderstand what they are.
LOL dude no, get out of here. I was told when it came out that 200,000 had died of the vaccine. That’s an entire mid size city in the US, gone. Poof. That means everyone in the US would know at least several people who have died from it. Stop acting superior, it’s a proven fact, government or not.
You are selfish for being afraid of a vaccine. You are selfish for not being brave enough to go get it to add to herd immunity to protect those who cannot get protection of it. You do not have some secret knowledge of government conspiracies, you are not Nero of the matrix and do not have everything figured out while we are dumb NPCs. Go, be brave, get the shot, and move on to something else in your life. If you get a side effect that lasts more than a day, I will personally buy you a coke for being wrong.
Which government?
I love that he keeps referencing “the government” and “the US government” as if they control what other countries do. Like Sweden would give two fucks what the US government is trying to hide, they’d be telling everyone.
That was a mistake, I fixed it. The quote is from the US government, this doesn’t have anything to do with all governments.
No dude, that’s my point. Even if the US government wanted to keep it a secret, why haven’t we heard anything from Australia? Switzerland? Sweden? The EU in general? The US government does not “control the world” dude, you know that right? If it was unsafe and the US was censoring it… other countries wouldn’t have to follow our rules. That’s what I’m saying. if it’s a conspiracy, then it would have to be a global conspiracy beyond anything we’ve ever seen, with zero leaks, with zero doctors coming forward breaking oaths, with no rogue governments.
There definitely wouldn’t be some video posted on freaking YouTube about it.
There have been doctors coming out, you just can’t hear their opinion on the main channels because they are controlled by the US. And there have been videos posted on freaking YouTube about it, but guess what YouTube is censored just as well as Facebook because it’s hosted in the US.
Oh and the deceased! We be hearing about them world wide, oh and the families of the deceased. What about the friends of the deceased! With that many of those people who have been kept quiet now too. How many hundreds of millions are in on the secret now?
Ok, then why isn’t it on youku or bilibil or wechat or telegram or whatever the fuck the russians use? There’s only two options here:
That there is a global conspiracy where Putin, Xi Jinping, Kovind, Bolsonaro and everyone else ALL got together and agreed to absolutely never dunk on the US even once
You’re batshit insane
Pick one
The quote is from the Joe Biden administration.
I got the vaccine and I’m a gay frog now.
Write it on a scientific paper and see how much I care about it. Why people are incapable of answering a simple question?
I’ve tried posting about the side effects a few times but it always gets downvoted to oblivion, so I guess most people don’t want anyone to know about the side effects and want the government to censor that information, but I don’t understand why.
Because everything you’ve posted here is bullshit. The mRNA COVID vaccines have been widely available for 2+ years now and it’s definitively shown to have saved many lives without serious side effects.
I’ve been told god knows how many times now by internet idiots (yes, you’re an idiot OP), that I will get autism, be mind controlled, get diseases worse than covid, and my favorite - literally melt.
That was all supposed to happen within a year of getting it. Oh wait, no within 2 years Oh wait, now within 5 years You know what, I bet 100 years after I got it I’ll probably be dead, then they’ll see! Then they’ll all see! Did you know that 100% of the people who get the vaccine will die??!?!
Side effects do exist , better education about the actual risks would prevent lies which find traction in the reality that meaningful side effects exist but everyone says “definitively shown to have saved many lives without serious side effects.”
I get that there are extremely rare side effects for certain individuals, there’s no such thing as a perfect medication afterall. But OP here is clearly either trying to be a troll or peddling conspiracy bs and it’s not worth anyone’s time to engage with them beyond telling them that they’re full of shit.
There are people reporting serious side effects you just haven’t been able to learn about them since the US government is censoring even true information about the side effects as proven in the leaked papers.
Take your blatant conspiracy theory bullshit elsewhere.
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leaked Facebook files
I loled.
What? It wouldn’t be the first time they have documents leaked. Last time they may have even changed their name to Meta because of it.
Some experts believe that the name change from Facebook to Meta was an attempt to stave off the tsunami of bad press following misinformation on its platforms, content moderation failures, and revelations about the negative effect its products have on users’ mental health.
Imagine going to FB for “leaks”
a.Delta: The Surgeon General wants us to remove true information about side effects.
That is a false quote: there is no period at the end of that quote, because that was only half a sentence. The next word in that sentence is a big “IF,” followed by context that made it clear they only were requested to remove bullshit. This was followed by 4 other bullet points that further affirmed that the government specifically wanted them to remove half truths and lies, not factual information.
If you’re not even going to bother to get the whole quote, why are you posting? It appears the only one who is not actually interested m the truth is you.
Just by the title we know that you are that kind of crazy.
Have you tried twitter? I’ve heard it’s great for people like you right now.
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She’s just reporting, she’s not making a video dissecting and proving everything for you, if you want one of those maybe you should search for some multiple hour video of a conspiracy theorist on a whiteboard. If she believes in the side effects maybe she has reported on it at some point. I know most people aren’t going to believe anything they don’t hear on mainstream media even when they are just censored US propaganda outlets whose purpose isn’t to inform people. But independently of who we each trust what is your answer to the main question, just disregard the body if you don’t like it.
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Why do you think a video or Facebook posts are accurate sources?
I don’t believe they are more or less accurate than any other information, but I want to be able to inform myself and hear all opinions to make informed decisions. You can’t make an informed decision when the US government censors even true information about side effects.
You’re assuming the video is correct when you say that. Is there any actual, verifiable, sourced information that there even are vaccine side effects (of the sort claimed by this video)? And above and beyond that, the US government is censoring said information?
If not, it’s not a plot about censorship. It’s just misinformation.
(there is data but he isn’t qualified to understand it, but looking at it it sure looks scary don’t it)
Seriously there are databases on vaccine issues, and if you read them as a layperson it is freaky. You immediately start getting wary of them, this was a backfire of their original purpose though. The ironic thing is that these databases are made public on purpose so the public would feel better about vaccines, but that relies on a public that is actually, you know, diligent about data.
The databases are populated by anything that happens after getting a vaccine. That means if you get strep throat after getting a vaccine? It goes in the database. Now a doctor or trained people know what is actually attributable to vaccines and what isn’t, and can filter that information and mark it as irrelevant, but to an untrained person it’s Oh god look vaccines cause cancer. No they don’t. The lifetime smoker at age 77 does have lung cancer, but just because she got lung cancer after receiving the vaccine does not mean that it’s related.
And this is of course just ignoring the fact that OP is talking about a government conspiracy to hide data from us while also referencing public databases full of data about vaccine safety.
Yup he’s just going in circles and to him that means it’s all justified.
- I want to show you the truth
- You don’t know the real truth because the government is censoring it
- The truth is on Youtube, the absolute king of DMCA takedowns
Really I pity him, he probably puts a lot of self worth in being the Keanu Reeves of figuring this all out.
Yeah; as you point out, the extant information certainly doesn’t mean what he thinks it means, and there is zero evidence of government censorship here.
Basically the OP has brainworms and is trying to infect other people with them. Hope they’re banned from this community as this is not the first instance of them doing it.
Are you being dense on purpose? I’ve quoted the relevant part about the government censoring the information. Go read the leaked papers if you want to verify it.
Not just our government, but every government in the world, all working together, agreeing perfectly, on this one fact. Every politician, every doctor, all colluding together. Dude, if that many people had side effects the entire world would know, every doctor would have to have broken every oath they took to do no harm. Not one country would be speaking out about it.
Do you know how that would actually go? Some countries would go public and others wouldn’t. Doctors would be leaving countries and talking publically about it. The US government is not all world powerful, other countries would have their own rules. You think the EU would stay silent? Switzerland?
Everyone stayed absolutely silent about it except for Veritas here and his youtube. The world governments silenced everyone except the youtuber you follow. Really stop and think about how crazy that is. If there was a world wide conspiracy where every country was in perfect alignment about this your youtuber wouldn’t be making videos. He would have disappeared.
Stop thinking you are “in on it” and you’re smarter than everyone else. Stop being so afraid of everything. Be brave, muster the courage to take the 99.99% chance that you’ll be fine (albeit a bit achey the next day - get some gatoraid it helps), and thank god you realized that you were brainwashed by youtubers who rely on you watching to make a living before it was too late.
I don’t pretend to have any ultimate knowledge. I just wish people had enough curiosity to want to investigate this for themselves. I’m not talking about the side effects. I’m asking about the censoring. The government shouldn’t be censoring true information about the side effects. Instead, there are people calling it misinformation because they can’t be bothered to search and read some papers.
Lol dude I’m telling you WE HAVE. We have read it. Jesus how many people have to tell you that?! We literally know what you’re talking about and referencing.
First, if it’s some big government conspiracy, how would there be any “papers” available for us to read? They wouldn’t exist. They’d be shredded, black boxed away by the government. It’d be scrubbed off the web, any website hosting it would be raided by the FBI.
Second, we recognize when we don’t have the context of the data being presented. Just because you can read does not mean that you understand how the data correlates. Dunning Kruger is real, the more you learn in life the more you realize how little you know. The age old trope that a first year psychology major knows how to solve everyone’s problems, but then they keep going and think “Hmmmm maybe I don’t know everything”.
Don’t just read a paper, put your money where your mouth is and go get a medical degree. Then I’ll listen to you.
(By the way if you’re just a troll, bravo, wonderful job, this has been fun)
There’s no proof the papers are real, and additionally no proof the government is censoring them.
This is simply misinformation.
There’s no proof the papers are real
You couldn’t even be bothered to search for “The Facebook Papers” they are discussed by the CNN, I don’t know if that makes them real to you. You clearly don’t trust the image of the papers that the video is showing for some reason.
Let’s just call everything I don’t agree with misinformation and not try to research for myself /s
and not
try to research for myselfwatch youtubers /sFTFY
What research? There’s not any proof that what you’re saying is right; the Facebook post is not evidence for itself.
What it is evidence of is misinformation, to which you have fallen prey.
Stop posting idiocy like this to try to lure others into these idiotic beliefs.
Stop calling everything you disagree with misinformation. You are not the holder of truth who’s going to show me the path to enlightenment. Everything you say is just your opinion you aren’t providing any sources either so everything you say is just misinformation according to your logic.
(and remember that anything you post as research can’t be true because the government has censored everything)
What is your justification for accepting anything published on FB as fact?
I didn’t say that, don’t put words on my mouth. I said I like to hear all sides of a story even the wrong ones.
I didnt say that you did. I was asking you a question. How do you determine that a post from your aunt who says COVID vaccine will cause cancer and a post from the AMA saying that in less than 0.1% of vaccines administered causes any sort of side affect and that in that 0.1% nearly all were related to preexisting conditions?
I am asking for your methodology because i have a feeling that like the majority of people whom put any stock into things they read on FB, it’s not a very rigours process. No slight to you, most people have no background in science so having a good epistemology is not high on most people’s list.
My side says that licking toads counters the side effects of the vaccine. I demand to be taken as seriously as your youtuber friend. I can even provide an excel file with numbers that I can claim proves my theory, if that’ll prove it to you
Each time I’ve gotten the COVID vaccines I’ve been informed by the nurse about the known side effects of them. Of course I’m also aware there may be other side effects discovered in the future but so far all I have experienced from any of them is much less than I felt from the Shingles or TDAP or even some of the annual flu vaccines. My spouse who has severe breathing issues due to neuromuscular quadriplegia had no side effects from the COVID vaccines except a low fever, barely breaking 100°F. Neither he nor I have had COVID, not even a mild case, and his doctor checked his blood for antibodies because he’s at such risk of dying if he gets it. He’s got good levels. That’s the result of the vaccines. Come fall, we’ll do the next round.
Yet you expect random people to know even more when you believe that? Go ask experts like your doctor or search out a university professor if you are that skeptical. Or are they untrustworthy too except for these random users on the internet who you know absolutely nothing about when it comes to their qualifications other than a background in social media usage.
I think people deserve to give informed consent, but the nocebo effect is very real. Some people will read about side effects and then experience them simply because they’re convinced that they will. It’s the reverse of the placebo effect.
Locking this thread per rule #2 and #5 - this isn’t a discussion.
The only side effects im shure exists are the ones i had when i got the shot. All that happened is that my defenses got way down and catched a flu for like 3 days, and then it went away, thats it. And i think thats rather normal after getting any kind of vaccine.
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Why is a bot replying to me and why does it have 8 upvotes and i dont have even a downvote? You seem fishy. But to answer you mr roboto, those that are saying vaccine bad ussually are religious nuts that try to force their crazy down peoples throats and get violent about it (as violent as the internet can allow at least) and start spamming and using tools like you to do that, or propaganda if you will, and is not if the goverment should is that if they would since you guys cant really do anything about it if your tweet abut a vaccine chip using orphans bones is taken down can you? The goverment pushes whatever shit they whant be it good or bad as long as its convinient for them. Now should they censor, no, censorship is bad, but the shit you guys are deffending is propaganda thats ill intentioned, be it by religious nuts or the russian goverment, and it just exist to cause chaos. My comment isnt telling you vaccine bad or good, it doesnt hurt the governments agenda and its probably to uninteresting to catch the attention of those nutters so il say that is just gonna be ignored.
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You can’t talk about this topic. People don’t care unless it’s coming from their doctor.
People shouldn’t care unless it’s coming from their doctor. Otherwise it’s as useful as healing crystals and putting an onion in your sock.
I mean the only people who need to know the side effects are either immunocompromised or old. Their choices are get a little sick after getting the vaccine or die. The former is very very enticing
I believe it’s important for people to have accurate information about the side effects of the COVID vaccine. Here are some reasons why:
Informed Decision-making: Knowing the potential side effects allows individuals to make informed decisions about whether to get vaccinated. They can weigh the risks and benefits based on their personal health conditions and circumstances.
Managing Expectations: Understanding the possible side effects can help individuals mentally and emotionally prepare for any discomfort or temporary symptoms they may experience after vaccination.
Seeking Appropriate Medical Care: Being aware of the potential side effects enables individuals to recognize when something is not normal and seek appropriate medical care if needed. This can help ensure timely intervention and prevent any complications.
Transparency and Trust: Openly sharing information about side effects builds trust between the public and health authorities. It demonstrates transparency and a commitment to providing accurate and comprehensive information.
When I got my vaccine, they gave us a sheet with all the possible side effects, their relative frequencies, and when you should seek medical attention. Do you not get one of those?
That’s nice but the thing is if you posted those side effects on Facebook they would have to remove it because of the US government pressure. What do you think about that? Shouldn’t people be able to share and read those side effects on any platform they choose online?
Somebody else already explained it but I’ll repeat since you’re not listening. You didn’t quote a full quote. You pulled half a sentence.
They wanted true information removed when it was only partial, or was paired with incorrect information. Posting the pamphlet given when you were vaccinated would be fine because it was complete and contained no incorrect information.
But posting half the information can be damaging too as you’ve shown elsewhere in this very conversation. Your 1 in 32 statistic was followed up with information that issues were minor and had absolutely no lasting side effects or major cardiac events. Posting that statistic by itself with no extra information scares people from getting the vaccine.
So you posting 1 in 32 people have issues would get removed. You posting a link stating that 1 in 32 people have issues but none of them major or long lasting would not be removed. Do you see the difference?
Not a Facebook user and I know nothing about them having to remove this. Seems strange to me that the government would prevent you from sharing information that they’re trying to disseminate themselves. I do agree that the information should be available on any platform.
My government health department mandated this kind of information sheet too.
Facebook is owned by Mark Zuckerberg, he gets to choose what is shared. He says no to nipples, yes to incitement to genocide, and yes to the insane ramblings of my former mother in law.
I have no idea whether his army of underpaid mods would remove a screenshot of a government data sheet or not but the problem there is being so reliant on facebook, a private company.
The great thing about the fediverse is if you don’t like a particular platform you can spin up your own instance.
Please seek help for your mental illness.
I’m not going to bother with someone with your mental capacity.
While this guy is correct ONLY about the fact that the other user is just name calling and NOTHING ELSE, im stil gonna ROFL since this guy litteraly pulled a list of falacies.
You literally just replied. And it doesn’t sound like you’ve gotten help yet.