You can look into Cloudflare’s CSAM setting, but I’m not exactly sure what it does.
I don’t understand how a web host is legally responsible for what their users post as long as there’s active moderation removing it in a timely manner.
You are correct, there is safe harbor provisions on the matter. There is a legal responsibility to report and store the content securely when it is reported as an admin.
It’s like it’s not enough that you deal with all the technical shit, updating to new versions, checking shit out from GitHub, running builds, paying for the goddamn thing, then you are also responsible for babysitting content? Fuck that. Unless you have a good group of mods/admins it is really difficult to do.
FYI in USA the law CDA section 230 only preempts state law but not federal law. If something which is federally illegal lands on your server you need to deal with it ASAP
You can look into Cloudflare’s CSAM setting, but I’m not exactly sure what it does.
I don’t understand how a web host is legally responsible for what their users post as long as there’s active moderation removing it in a timely manner.
You are correct, there is safe harbor provisions on the matter. There is a legal responsibility to report and store the content securely when it is reported as an admin.
It’s like it’s not enough that you deal with all the technical shit, updating to new versions, checking shit out from GitHub, running builds, paying for the goddamn thing, then you are also responsible for babysitting content? Fuck that. Unless you have a good group of mods/admins it is really difficult to do.
keep in mind that this does not apply to every country in the world.
FYI in USA the law CDA section 230 only preempts state law but not federal law. If something which is federally illegal lands on your server you need to deal with it ASAP