It’s funny, because two male electrical plugs will still pass electricity fine if you put them together.
What a wonderfully specific meme
i made it myself uwu
Omg i cant believe a real artist is talking to me 😲
Fr tho kudos on the hand made meme, youre out here doing the good work
omg thank you! it is so easy though. as you can see by the watermark, just use imgur or other services ^^
And here i am cutting photos out of magazines like a chump. 🤣🤣
Any two things can produce a spark if you rub 'em together
It’s…not gay if your electrons don’t touch? 🤷
Ah, who cares if it’s gay, come here and let’s have some fun, that’s all that matters
Labels can be useful, but I’d rather get tangled in each other instead of them
Yeah, that’s much more fun lol
What’s that game where you’re on a mat with coloured dots and have to touch different ones with your hands and feet?
That, but naked. Sounds like a good time
I am not an engineer, but I’ve heard hardware stores will refuse to sell anything to you if you are trying to make a cord that’s male on both ends due to that being a crazy dangerous fire hazard
But still, plugs aren’t people anyway…
On that note “Oh but a key that opens any lock is more impressive than a lock that opens for any key.”
“Yes, but my vagina isn’t a lock, it’s a hole… and your penis isn’t a key, and it sure as hell isn’t unlocking me without my say so.”
Ah, the famous death cable.
There is a reason why all wall plugs are female.
American plugs terrify me.
Lick the tip for a shocking experience
They seem safe enough. I’ve never had one do anything crazy, so long as you respect it.
Yeah but compared to British plugs that have a bajillion safety features.
Assuming you plug it into the same receptacle or one that is on the same phase, nothing happens. Stupid for sure, don’t do that, but it’s already wired that way in the wall, you aren’t short circuiting anything with a cable like that (also assuming you didn’t mix up the neutral/hot wires when you made the cable). USA outlets at least. I don’t know about the rest of the world.
Pretty sure no one at home Depot knows or cares enough to stop you from buying something
Well except one is 120 volt, 60hz and the other is 220 volt 50hz
I love jokes like these, other variants I’ve heard are
“Libtard can you even tell me the difference between Sex and Gender if they’re REALLY two different things?” “Well it’s quite simple, you see the difference is that I didn’t have gender with your mother last night.”
“There’s only two sexes!” “You’re right! There are only two sexes, the sex I have with your mom, and the sex I have with your dad.”
Just FYI, telling them the difference between sex and gender is the difference between biology and psychology usually shuts them right up.
Why is it okay to be sexist?
That’s not really how yo mama jokes work, in an insult sense. They work by implying that suddenly you’re, socially speaking, their father, the rest is flourish. Like the maid uniform your mom wore last night.
These types of jokes “work” because people consider it an insult when you somehow suggest their mother is promiscuous, or fat, or whatever. When you wonder why that’s sexist ask yourself why these kind of jokes aren’t told as: “Me and my friends gangbanged your father.”
But I do make father jokes. Sometimes it seems like you people want to be offended. I feel like it should be ok to make jokes exclusively about moms. It should be ok to exclusively make joke’s about how much your dad sucks (deez nuts).
“Me and my friends gangbanged your father.”
FYI, in the Middle East things like this are used to a great effect of starting a fist fight (possibly a knife fight) as well.
Why would anyone care about that? I already explained how they work: A new man moving into a mother-son relationship is not exactly a trivial thing, you’re completely ignoring even the concept to then assert, without argument, that it must all be due to sexism.
I care for that because I don’t think that sexism and misogyny are in any way better or more justified than other forms of bigotry.
They do happen, but you’re right they’re usually centered in bigotry. I think “banged your mom” is more of a dominance play, as iirc there have been times where women have used “I fucked your dad last night” in a similar way, but it strongly skews the other way due to toxic masculinity and homophobia. Saying I fucked your dad last night as a man talking to another man would be suggesting the father is gay or bi, and that your yourself are as well.
There’s only two sexes. Thebsex i jave with your mom, and the sex i have with your dad.
Mothers are allowed to like a good dicking
Ah, I see you are a mother lover too.
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A fan. Pleased to meet you. :)
Sometimes you need to play their game to win
Some mums just need to be fucked
To answer the question implied ( how do lovers with non-hetero bits get it on? ) the answer is any way they can. The sex is not about making sure the parts fit but engaging in physical intimacy and expressing love (or at least extreme horniness) for each other, and so any given couple is going to figure something out, even if its frottage or oral or whatever.
That’s really confusing for me since in German we have a seperated word for engaging in physical intimacy/extreme horniness that excludes sex. The closest to that in English would be to make out with someone.
Yes. The LGBT+ community sometimes uses the word outercourse (as opposed to intercourse ) also play is a supercategory.
Oh. Yeah. Forgot about that. I looked up “rummachen” and there wasn’t a good translation
petting is sexual intercourse without penetration but not without having an orgasm though. so ‘rummachen’ is definitly different.
I actually didn’t knew that, but at least its wayyy closer than “making out”
come again?
I think they consider sex to be sinful if it’s not purely for the sake of procreation.
That’s the case for a lot of modern Christian ministries, though they’ll hum and haw about circumstances, such as if an infertile woman should have sex with her husband.
The scholarly consensus regarding Paul’s proscriptions is that even childbearing is inappropriate since the apocalypse is imminent. That sex is only allowed to sate men whose lust burns too hot (or something to that effect.)
Obviously, the apocalypse didn’t happen before that generation died, and Christians had to renegotiate with their dogma.
It’s also noted that there’s no such thing as rape or consent at the time, in that in any sexual encounter, the dominating / penetrating individual is the one taking power and is presumed to have agency. So when two guys get it on, the top is guilty of adultery or fornication (and is killed for such sins) but the bottom is free of responsibility. He is killed anyway because the incident pollutes the land with bad spirit and requires the death to regain its purity (which is really rather chthonic for what becomes a very spirity dogma).
There’s a lot of apologetics devoted to navigating this because otherwise modern Christians have to contend with the lack of consensual sex, the chattelization of women and active participation in institutionalized sex slavery (non-Hebrews captured in war were totally allowed to be sex slaves), so it’s all a mess.
Why would electrical cables be biologically designed? They don’t evolve, they’re man made.
What idiot out there thinks that iPhone is birthed from some sort of biological design womb?
the same fucking idiots that believe sky daddy made them through “intelligent design”
You mean iPhones don’t come from the great one, mother of tech, slayer of androids, conquerer of the mindless, the apple thief, Eve?
Is that what you are telling me?
Cause that’s wild, bro!
Steve Jobs is alive and gets bred by a Macintosh like cattle to birth iPhones
The same idiot that thinks an omniscient, omnipotent being created you and gets mad about your sexuality.
There’s also hermaphrodite connectors, connecting any way whatsoever. And then there’s connectors which are assigned male or female but when you look closely enough it’s not so clear any more: The general rule is that whenever a stiff conductor mates with a a springy conductor then the stiff one is male and the springy one female, but then have a look at e.g. DB connectors (serial, parallel, VGA cables) and you see that the ground/shielding is stiff on the side that is springy for all the signal lines, and the male connector thus completely envelops the female one.
CEE 7/3 sockets (German) are unambigiously female, while CEE 7/5 sockets (French) have a male earth, and then you have bisexual plugs, CEE 7/7, mating with both.
Isn’t the rule that the female connector should be closer to the power source and the male closer to the appliance? So you don’t accidentally shock yourself.
Live conductors should never be exposed, but that doesn’t mean that they need to be female as in be the springy part, they can also be stiff conductors that are shielded somehow. Take say DIN 56905, hermaphrodite power cables for stage lighting and stuff
Apple fanbois
Biological designed womb? Don’t be stupid.
Iphones are obviously harvested from an Apple tree©.
That would actually be pretty cool
Huh, it’s almost like humans are not electrical plugs!
Stop! You are destroying my world with your LIES
The analogy with the plugs and sockets is so lame anyways.
They want to compare a plug and a socket but the analogy falls apart once one takes a moment to realise that the penis analogy, a plug, is a receiver for electricity.
Do eggcells suddenly travel up dudes dicks and deposit babies inside them?
The egg needs male pee to be ready for fertilization.
So the egg travels up the urethra, to the balls (where we know pee is stored), is made ready, then travels home.
Then the jizzum is released, and chases the egg. If it arrives at the perfect moment the egg is implanted on the lining of the womb.
Activating it with an RFID antenna results in a person.
The female uses her ovipositor and extracts a single egg cluster from her egg sac. She then shoves it into the sperm bath located in the posterior thorax of the subdued male. Once the ovicluster is fertilized she will choose to depart, letting the male live. Or she will decapitate the male. Or she will consume the male, in whole or in part.
Once fertilized the female then finds and subdues a suitable host. Using her ovipositor, she attaches the ovicluster to the host’s underside.
The eggs soon hatch triggered by the warmth of the host. Dozens of larvae burrow into the host and consuming it from the inside out to fuel their own growth. Instinctively, the larvae avoid vital organs until no other edible parts remain.
Once the host is consumed, the larvae exfiltrate the host’s remains in search for a nearby suitable place it can pupate, making its own cocoon from available plant matter and its own saliva.
Do eggcells suddenly travel up dudes dicks and deposit babies inside them?
Uhh where do you think babies come from? Duh! Got ‘em!
Wait, that’s not how you’re supposed to do it!?
All those seahorse documentaries didn’t prepare me for sex!
No, it’s a great analogy. For the purposes of electrical conductivity, the gender of the socket is really just an expression of the cultural norms where they were made. There are hundreds of different socket genders, and you can easily convert one type to another depending on what you want to accomplish. Sounds like they’re really just advocating for gender affirming care.
Ah yes
The electrical bussy
So this person thinks too dudes bang by smashing their dicks into each other full force? At least now I see why they might be a little concerned lol
So how do homosexuals know which man’s penis will open to accept the other man’s penis?
You know how male animals like cows and moose will fight by ramming into each other, and the winner is the one that pushes the other one back? I’m picturing that, with the same serious faces, but it’s penis heads that make contact.
Docking (dick in foreskin) and frotting (rubbing dicks together) are things. 🤷🏻♂️
You see, there is this thing called the urethra…
Clearly forgetting the poop-hole-loophole
“Fuck me in the ass cause I love Jesus!”
Fuck yeah, Jesus ignores assess just because!
Oh hi, ThatWeirdGirl1001, how are you?
Guess that is one way of telling you never tried anal
Homophobes have big “Stop having fun!” Energy.
There are 3 types of people in this world when it comes to gender and sexual identity
Homophobes(and other equivalents)
People in the LGBT community
Straight people
Homophobes are literally gay people in denial! Straight people would just go on with their day
Can we really stop with the “homophobes are gay in denial”
Yes, there’s an amount of self hating gays out there, but to say every homophobe out there is gay is fucking stupid
Homophobic men were more aroused than straight men when shown gay porn.
It doesn’t mean all homophobes are gay (even straight men were turned on by gay porn) but it does beg the question: why do homophobes get a bigger boner over gay porn than straight men?
I’d say there’s two groups of primary homophobes: People who are themselves gay, and people with overactive disgust circuitry – “If I (personally) am disgusted then it’s wrong for everyone”. The third group would be people simply following social impulse but that’s also the case for the gay ones, doubling down on homophobia to make sure they’re still accepted, thereby driving the whole thing in the first place.
I’m on break at work, so I don’t really have to to get past the abstract but.
Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli.
I feel like it’s a big assumption to conclude homosexual desire from this. Like sure, I can understand why you would, but I’ve definitely gotten erections from stimulus I didn’t find sexually arousing, especially if they illicited some other strong response.
Pre-transituon I used to get rage-boners, sad-boners even disgust-boners. Estrogen has mostly eradicated unexpected erections for me, but that isn’t really a factor here.
Pre-transituon I used to get rage-boners, sad-boners even disgust-boners.
What. I get horny boners, and night boners. During puberty I got random boners. It might be that trans brains don’t (always) come with the control circuitry that the external hardware expects and it’s getting confused, it certainly doesn’t sound like ordinary cismale boner patterns.
Can confirm, I’m straight and I don’t give a shit who other people are interested in
Literally. If “homosexual = gay” and “gay = (dated) happy, joyful, and lively,” then homophobes saying “Stop being gay” can be understood as “Stop having fun.”
i don’t know if the thrust of the original original post was meant to be homophobic, or racist, or both.
It’s twitter, so who knows: it might even be ironic.
What you’re referring to as “Twitter” is achtually “X, the service formerly known as Twitter” 🤓
The URL still says ‘twitter’.
Well, the answer is definitely sexist. So we have all three in one meme.
Tee hee, you said “thrust.”
Show them a short extension cord and watch them flip a breaker.
How does one being European fit in here?
Europeans have the sexier parts. I mean, who doesn’t immediately drop their pants if they hear the word Schuko? So hot
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It’s gay and European.
They can still frot. Also, the prongs on one of the plugs has holes that could be penetrated by at least 1 prong on the other plug.