Do you have any tips for parents that try to protect their teenagers getting addicted?
Do you have any tips for parents that try to protect their teenagers getting addicted?
I‘m not sure how GDP is measured for an international company such as Google. Does the entire Revenue count cos the HQ sits in the US? Or is the license fees that it pays to Bahama‘s (in order to avoid taxes) is substracted from the US GDP? Does somebody know how that is measured?
Don’t know if that helps you - here in Europe it doesn’t look better. In all countries you can choose between the crazy, the stupid and the as-always. I‘m afraid the politics machine transforms you in one of those or scares away the motivated.
Verdammt, jetzt bekomme ich meine Rechnungen, Spendenaufrufe und Werbung Tage später. Mmm, gut für die Sparquote 😃
Bevor du hier rechtliches Halbwissen verbreitet, beschäftige dich bitte mit den Themen „Unerlaubtes Fotografieren“, „Beweissicherung durch Fotos“ und „Persönlichkeitsrechte“. DANKE
I‘m not saying hydrogen for every use case. No. German style of arguing? Just kidding, we Germans tend to opt for one or the other, but rarely an in-between or mix.
H2O has it’s advantages in terms of transportation and long-term storage. Same as petrol, oil, and gas btw.
We need new infrastructure for the entire energy chain being based on battery, PV, wind, SAF, hydrogen, whatever. Stronger power grids, daily battery storage, electric transformers, pipelines, harbors, h2o/ ammonia generators, fuel & loading stations, all that stuff. For each of the other energies but carbons. I don’t know what’s this argument is about.
It’s easy compared to the alternatives and time span for energy storage. You can de-couple production of energy with consumption. You can transport energy by help of hydrogen either by frozen, compressed gas, cold ammonia or through pipelines. That’s easy and hands on.
Try to transport energy through batteries. Duh. Or fusion energy (somewhen). Or nuclear energy. You always need a power grid.
It has the big advantage of easy long term energy storage. You can store power made by PV in summer and use it in winter.
Not US-based, German, but residential prices go crazy here as well.
For me it was the best decision to buy a house. For two reasons: you surf on the asset inflation as well. Moving to a new house last year wasn’t that pricey as I only had to borrow the difference old vs new bigger house.
Second reason is psychology: I don’t know somebody who has stocks in their account in same height as a house price. Paying mortgage forces you to save money. Having a (low) 6-digit stock account, feels being rich and money flows out into buying things.
If you just need the energy for the pool, a small setup without battery is all you need. Saves you half the price. Panels and inverters are around 900€ in Germany. Putting a battery on it makes another 1,200€ and it makes sense only, if you need power in the evening.
I don’t get it. For me it seems like „it’s not 100% the best way, so you have to stop it.“ Sure, a car-free, equal society that treats nature as family is the way to go. But why do they try to kill the first movers? Because Elon Musk is a weirdo? Why not stopping the coal diggers a few kilometers to the east? Or the chemical plants to the south first? That’s such a brain fuck.
Wenn er ein Fünkchen Stratege ist, dann würde er wissen, dass ihm das bei einem Regierungswechsel auf die eigenen Füße fallen wird. Ich vermute er ist bauernschlau und wird erst kurz vor der Wahl dem zustimmen, in der Hoffnung, dass es erst nach der Wahl tragfähig wird. Denke mal die Spd wird da dann nicht mitmachen. Wir werden sehen …
No, commenting is fast but reading is slow and clutter.
Weiweiweia, Linux ist jetzt kinderleicht und einfach zu bedienen, haben sie gesagt 2001, 2006, 2010. Ich hatte es versucht und mir einen Desktop-PC und ein Smartphone zerschossen. Den WG-Router aufm alten PC konnte ich auch nur über On/Off administrieren - so einfach war das. Und ich halte mich für Technikaffin.
Vielleicht ist mein Gedankenfehler, dass ich davon überzeugt bin, dass Technik sich dem Benutzer anpassen muss, nicht umgekehrt. CLI auswendig lernen, will einfach keiner.
Daher kann ich mich einfach nicht an den ganzen Dev-Nerd-Kram anpassen, der da oft bei OpenSource und Linux angeboten wird. Die UX ist da nämlich grauselig.
One of the few countries that never have been colonized by the West.
Covid period was a sour wake up call for Chinese citizens. Poor people. Hope they somehow find a change of living and rulers.