Kbin account for artisanrox@mstdn.social. Yay!
perfect for christian skydiving babies. if the baby can afford to skydive they can afford freakishly expensive scented baby water.
He’d go well with some rosé wine and sauteéd onions on the side.
[this comment redacted in its entirety]
There was a point where I worked 12hr days ONCE a week and that in itself was asinine.
The I Can Haz Cheeseburger? kickoff meme of the happy Russian Blue cat.
I wasted sooooo much time on ICHC and it was due to that memeified cat picture that started it all.
One has stashes of money and the other has hot cocoa and marshmallows fondue
Downvote all you want. You have tea and crumpets with the guy who falls all over Kim Jong Un, and go and name districts after him, then absolutely fffk you and horse you rode in on.
I’m sure Bibi’s best buddy Donald Trump will be the first to show up in tacticals and do all the FREEDOMING on the front lines. 🙄
There must me a massive oil/gas field under Gaza or something for them to do this.
omg I could see why that read terribly LOL
Nazi icons/clothing/symbols are outright banned. It’s not unspecific.
Germany actively boots out and leashes nazis, while Israel elects them to office, parties with them, names districts after them, and permits them visits to the Kotel.
Wild times.
My God also hates that downvote dude here too. 🖕
My God likes Fetterman, Shapiro and Kenyatta.
So there.
well my God hates you, Mike. 🖕
But there are a FEW legal hair cuts! Not just one! Praise True Democracy! o7 o7 o7!
John Mastodon really had his meme game up to par before we even were a thought in an old Zenith TV reflection.
Funyuns are soooooo tasty AND they don’t want to kill you for using the bathroom
This has always been one of my favorites 🥰
YES totally understandable. That’s why I did the title like how it is, or people would (understandably) make the awful mistaken conclusion I think Doris is cool or something.