• kwjOP
    21 year ago

    Do you think that this will change people’s minds and affect next elections, and if yes, are there any federal politicians/parties that care about it?

    • neshient
      11 year ago

      The federal election last year we had a change in leadership from the liberal party to labour. Liberal’s the conservative party and their climate change policies were non-existent. Swapping coal for gas is not going to help climate change no matter how hard they try to spin it.
      Labour party is supporting more renewable energy sources and electric vehicles which would have factored into their win. From what I’ve heard they’re are looking at electrifying buses in NSW. But compared with South Australia state building a hydrogen hub, federal government got a long way to go.

      • kwjOP
        11 year ago

        What about trains and trams? Any menions of rail transport?