Cryptobros gonna cryptobro

  • overflow
    12 years ago

    What alternative does the book suggest? All the reviews only note them suggesting debt relief for the world’s poorest countries and that we’re all imperfect communists because we act out of altruism sometimes and how that proves communism works

    • @rysiekOP
      12 years ago

      I guess you’ll have to read the book to find out. Really not inclined to do a book review for someone who’s throwing f-bombs at people he disagrees with.

      But here’s a hint: perhaps the problem is not the specific technical implementation of a financial system, but the power structures that financial system promotes and enshrines.

      • overflow
        2 years ago

        Yeah so anarchist communes but don’t we have enough information on preindustrial societies that have existed/that still exist to show that they aren’t as egalitarian as claimed and they aren’t free as of violence either to know that’s completely stupid and violence is in the nature of man and not any particular system which is why no matter how free the market is , people will still be exploited

        • @rysiekOP
          22 years ago

          Wow, you either read books very fast and understand very little from them, or you just pull crap out of your arse without even bothering at all to dive into the source material.

          I wonder which one is it. 🤔

          • overflow
            -12 years ago

            The synopsis and reviews of the source material just talk about it exploring the history of money and giving evidence to point out to it’s origin as credit. All reviews of the book whether good/bad mention the end of the book recommending debt relief and it’s talks about everyday communism in none are any concrete alternatives mentioned. So regarding your critique of capitalism and the author’s background as an anarchist it serves to reason that any alternative system to capitalism that would be promoted must be anarchism so what pray tell did I pull out of my arse even jacobin doesn’t really find it that enlightening

            • @rysiekOP
              2 years ago

              I guess we’ll never know until you read the book. 😄

              But here’s another hint: perhaps debt relief can be implemented without an “anarchism”. You might also want to explore the author’s definition of “everyday communism”, and how it doesn’t have much to do with a communist state.

              But I am not going to hold my breath here.

              • overflow
                2 years ago

                Are you an imbecile if you suggest a book by an anarchist and then complain about capitalism and talk about the need for it to be replaced any sensible person would conclude that you’re advocating for the replacement of capitalism with anarchism and not just debt relief, further more we already do debt relief for poor countries and as you can plainly see it does nothing for them as the corrupt politicians will just continue to loot the country’s assets and rack up the nation’s debt for it to be considered for relief yet again leaving the citizens to bear the cost as nation states unlike individuals/companies will always have even one willing lender meaning this cycle of misery could possibly continue till the end of time with their purchasing power constantly being eroded and the possibly that at anytime their assets stored at the bank could be expropriated by the government and the author’s definition of everyday communism as I already explained is literally just doing nice thing for other people again I assumed that you were an individual with a working brain who would realize that there has never been a society in the history of mankind that has operated on pure altruism and that charity alone cannot solve the issue of global poverty

                • @rysiekOP
                  22 years ago

                  Are you an imbecile

                  Are you ever able to make an argument without calling people names?

                  if you suggest a book by an anarchist and then complain about capitalism and talk about the need for it to be replaced any sensible person would conclude that you’re advocating for the replacement of capitalism with anarchism and not just debt relief

                  And if you’re defending cryptobro scams any sensible person would conclude you’re okay with them. How has that worked out for you so far?

                  there has never been a society in the history of mankind that has operated on pure altruism and that charity alone cannot solve the issue of global poverty

                  Nobody ever said anything about pure altruism, nor charity. Debt relief is not charity.

                  I also really like how you make a point about the “politicians” doing the looting literally in a thread started by an article on how cryptobros loot poeple that had just been looted by other cryptobros. I guess if the looting is a private enterprise, it’s fine and dandy? 🙄

                  But please do go on, I enjoy reading your hot takes about what’s in a book you have not read, and what I think that I have not said!

                  • overflow
                    -12 years ago

                    And if you’re defending cryptobro scams any sensible person would conclude you’re okay with them. How has that worked out for you so far?

                    Anyone with a brain in their head can see that I’m not defending scams but the right of individuals to make choices based on the information given to them and bear the responsibilities for those choices.

                    Nobody ever said anything about pure altruism, nor charity. Debt relief is not charity.I also really like how you make a point about the “politicians” doing the looting literally in a thread started by an article on how cryptobros loot poeple that had just been looted by other cryptobros. I guess if the looting is a private enterprise, it’s fine and dandy? 🙄 But please do go on, I enjoy reading your hot takes about what’s in a book you have not read, and what I think that I have not said!

                    Charity is generosity and helpfulness especially toward the needy or suffering so of course debt relief is charity.The cryptobros aren’t forced to use those defi applications you removed and are able to read the source code of the application before using it and decide whether or not to use it while the citizens of third world countries have no choice in what countries they’re born in and are largely unable to move to other countries safely without help nor did they elect the politicians in power on a platform of inflating their currency again I ask how the fuck does everyday communism/debit relief stop central banks from devaluating currencies and governments from expropriating property of their citizens