Cryptobros gonna cryptobro

  • @rysiekOP
    02 years ago

    an economist who doesn’t even understand the difference between mainstream and austrian economists

    You forgot your monocle emojo. Here, take mine: 🧐

    • overflow
      -22 years ago

      if you’re an economist I don’t think it’s that farfetched that you should know the beliefs of the most dominant school of economic thought especially considering your whole thing is criticizing them and any introductory material in the field would introduce you to their beliefs.

      • @rysiekOP
        02 years ago

        I think it’s far fetched to assume, especially without having read any of his works, that Graeber doesn’t know Austrian economics. 🤣

        • overflow
          -12 years ago

          he gives ludwig von mises as an example of a mainstream economist so yeah it’s clear he doesn’t