Yes!!! So Mr. Banana sir, I request you some money to fill my whole house with coca cola 🥤 machines and remove water. And requesting you to decrease cola price.
Anyway, thanks for your awareness scheme. I am sure people believe this concept and implement cola as daily drinking liquid instead of water. (In other parellel universe)
Yes!!! So Mr. Banana sir, I request you some money to fill my whole house with coca cola 🥤 machines and remove water. And requesting you to decrease cola price.
Anyway, thanks for your awareness scheme. I am sure people believe this concept and implement cola as daily drinking liquid instead of water. (In other
parelleluniverse)Mr. Banana is busy right now. You know, going bananas and stuff … But he’ll gladly process your request asap. I already approved it!
While you wait, check out our new, live changing subscription for iCola:
You’ll never be exposed to the dangers of water again. Our new cola neural implants will allow you to create cola right out of your body fluids.
Instead of saliva, you’ll be drooling cola. Heck, you will even sweat cola.
Can you imagine the joy of sex in this scenario?
You won’t regret it. Even when you have cola tears run down your cheeks, you will always be enjoying a cola.