I had tiktok pre install before using it. I use it once to see what it would look like. I quite almost 20 minute after. And forget is existence. When my mom call and show me the thing asking if any of us had made the video I never sweat so much of fear. I uninstall it immediately.
Have you any idea what happen? My face was not from the present (like an AI using my face on stream) but from the past ( I won’t say any detail but I can recognize my face so go with it)
I saw that article after https://www.google.com/amp/s/pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/tiktok-captures-your-face.amp Fuck off I don’t want to live in black mirror guys!
I didn’t say any time that my sister had s nsfw account. I said secret because she is really private. She even refer herself as a guy and her picture is a guy because she don’t want weirdo to send her dick pick.
Okay but that doesn’t explain the joke? I’m still confused