Liberals often think that if someone has different opinions from them, then they must be a conservative, because they have no idea that socialists exist.
Sometimes liberals think that socialists are the leftmost liberals, but we’re not liberals at all: we want nothing short of the abolition of private ownership of the means of production.
I’ll save this comment for next time someone tells me socialism isn’t that big a change
Usually when people say that they mean what Bernie Sanders means when he says socialism, which is liberalism with a social safety net.
Americans have forgotten what socialism actually means, because socialists & socialist thought were purged during the Red Scare and McCarthyism and the Cold War in general. Most Europeans I think still retain the original meaning of the word.
Or they know that they exist but don’t really understand socialism, Marxism, historical materialism, things like dictatorship of capital etc.
yeah most liberals believe horseshoe theory and think Communists and fascists are both evil authoritarian rightists.
Not exactly. They’re tankies, which has its basis in appreciating the USSR and modern day China and some other governments that call themselves “Communist” while having very few if any leftist and communist qualities. Hexbear is eager to defend genocides, whitewash parts of Russian history, and tell you why America is in the wrong in every single event, and therefore America’s opponents are good. Most confusingly, they’re also trolls. They really enjoy that these arguments anger other people.
I would say stalinism (which is what tankies are so enamored with) is very conservative or even reactionary from a social point of view, even if it’s not from an economic perspective.
What is conservative economics anyway? It seems to mostly consist of lying about economic competence and fiscal responsibility combined with tax cuts for the rich and general corruption judging by the actual conservative parties in most countries.
Pretty good summary of Reaganomics
call themselves “Communist” while having very few if any leftist and communist qualities
Yes, that does sound a lot like hexbear. I defederated them because all I saw was fascist bullshit.
Removed by mod
That sounds fairly representative of the consensus
“They” turned me into a newt. “They” took our jobs. “They” are really just pretending and are actually far right. The number of strongly opinionated “they” messages from blahaj users any time hexbear is mentioned is impressive.
The patriotism is always surprising to me too. I never knew America being shitty on the world stage was controversial. Like, I figured that out when they overthrew democratic governments to support dictators.
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lol no
Hexbear is a big tent community that tries our best to avoid sectarian shitflinging while having three very strong points of unity: Trans rights, anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism, and relentlessly bullying reactionaries (this includes both liberals and conservatives in addition to the obvious targets: the mask off fascists).
Comment saved thanks
Very weird game of telephone happening on Lemmy rn where apparently the longest running queer instance on Lemmy is being presented as full as ‘conservative sleeper agents pretending to be queer to mock ‘real’ queer people’
And those “real” queer people are at
.I met a nazi sharing links to blahaj content on telegram the other day, was a real “oops caught you in the wild” moment.
It’s true I am a sleepy angel
tfw no anarchist ghost smh. I didn’t know the afterlife was so authoritarian, damn tankies.
This is funny because it seems to be a more appropriate image to invoke for Hexbear users as we are the ones more notorious for “dogpiling” or “brigading” which is ironically a function of the fact that we disabled downvotes because of reactionaries using them to astroturf posts and harass trans people without actually speaking out and outing themselves.
So for years the site culture is one of disagreement yielding a flood of dissent instead of just a “silent” downvote.
TL;DR if you want to force your community to up their posting game, disable downvotes.
Best decision made on the site to date.
Anarchists do not recognise the authority of death, so there are no anarchist ghosts.
All reapers are bastards.
No gods no masters no spooky ghosties
I am 100% on board with Anarcho-Necromancy
No authorities means no god.
Alternative joke: Anarchists are the only ones who get a good afterlife the rest of us are stuck haunting.
Just to put in liberal terms, we are:
Culturally Progressive (eg. Pro LGBT)
Economically Socialist (eg. Pro-Economic Planning, Pro-Gift Economy, et Pro-Nationalization)
Anti-imperialist and critical supportive of progressive forces on foreign policy (Eg. Pro-Cuba, pro-Vietnam, pro-China, though somewhat conditionally supportive of Russia, in fending off NATO and its Ukrainian proxy)
We are thus also anti-orientalist and also kinda support ‘another kkkrakka down, unlimited genocide on the Global North’ sort of shtick…
We’re tankies, by your definition, but normal leftists, according to other people…
And I say this as a moderate rebel a la White Helmets…
This all feels so contradictory, you can’t be anti imperialist and pro China at the same time. Chinese capitalists are colonizing my country right now, we can’t just say “oh it’s OK because they aren’t Americans” the outcome is the same for local people
Also, and my main conflict here, how can someone somewhat support Russia but suddenly oppose Israel, politically they are almost the same: far right authoritarian regimes, working for the same goal, profiting from the war. My point is this messiness of been picky of what colonizers are best or worse is exactly what been used to spread misinformation, instead of focusing on colonization itself
China doing commerce in your country isn’t colonization, don’t be dramatic. I have no idea where you’re from, but I know a Bolivian person who also complains that China is conquering their country, which is absolutely ludicrous compared to what the CIA did to Bolivia.
What you saying is so messed up, they are destroying the last piece of natural resources for cheap, so you can have cheap phones while making the wealthy more wealthy, how is that not colonization? the CIA also did a coup in my country in the last century but it isn’t related
Yeah the world still operates on a capitalist framework and China buys and sells things on a global market. Unless China is carving borders, installing puppet leaders, making aggressive demands for how another nation’s government should operate, forcibly moving people in other nations, using agencies like the IMF or World Bank to squeeze money out of national funds, demanding austerity, or creating a vassal state, unless China is doing a single one of those things it’s entirely dramatic to say they’re colonizing. Buying and selling things for cheap is what commerce is. Is it unfair China has a lot of money to use for trade? Is having more money in a trade agreement itself an act of colonization or what?
It’s especially dramatic compared to the CIA, which has done multiple coups in Bolivia in the name of oil. You’re comparing a country buying lithium on terms set by Bolivia to a country funding a military revolt directed by Gulf Oil.
Yes destruction of natural resources is regrettable and hopefully we can reach a position where there’s no longer a need to get involved in a destructive global market. Honestly the market I’d criticize China the most for is how they never boycotted Israel, and in fact have sold guns/artillery to the IDF. They also sell guns to both sides of the Kashmir conflict. You’d have a much better case to claim China is colonizing Palestine than anywhere in Latin America.
how is that not colonization?
I’m going to assume good faith here and that you’ve just never actually bothered to read a book but it’s really really hard not to insult you for this shit. Colonisation is what happened to Palestine. Colonisation is settling a land, often owned by someone else, and stealing it from them, usually while engaging in ethnic cleansing.
If this is not what you mean then you need to stop calling it this because it’s complete and utter bullshit.
How many countries has China invaded or bombed from afar in the last forty years? How do China’s loan conditions compare to those of the World Bank and IMF? The notion that they’re “colonizing” anyone is completely daffy - they have long-running border disputes with some of their neighbors and a long-running leadership dispute with what remains of the previous government of China, those are completely different types of conflict.
As for Russia and Israel, the difference is that the people in the Donbas who seceded from Ukraine back in 2014 weren’t placed there to displace Ukrainians as a Russian colonial project. They’re the same people who lived in Donbas going back to the USSR’s dissolution, and they had a series of legitimate grievances when the rest of Ukraine elected a government that was actively hostile to them.
That last part also applies to Crimea.
That happened when I was in the midst of a completely shattered understanding of geopolitics and was piecing things back together with the help of Lenin and co. but I distinctly remember thinking back then “this seems really important but I am distrustful of the narrative that Russia is this cartoon villain invading and annexing people at gunpoint without firing a shot” simply because I had seen how that works in practice the many times the US has ultimately tried to do the same thing (or at least that was always the stated intent with narratives around “Nation Building”).
Now obviously Russia is not an altruistic actor here and the Russian government is extremely socially reactionary and corrupt, but that doesn’t matter when you’re in eastern Ukraine seeking self determination and under siege by a bunch of fascist paramilitaries with the tacit approval of their US backed government that rose to power in a CIA coup.
Russia is not an altruistic actor here
Always worth bearing in mind. The reason Crimea got taken over in 2014 and Donbas didn’t is pretty clearly because of its relatively higher strategic importance - it took a lot of provocation from NATO and Azov for Putin to change his mind about that calculation, I’ll never forget how bloodthirsty the media was especially in the month leading up to the invasion.
What’s your country?
He did say he was putting it in liberal terms
Don’t argue with the brainwashed tankies dude. You’re absolutely correct. They will never even consider your point of view, there’s no reason in wasting energy.
They will never even consider your point of view
Projection as always
You have no idea who I am and what my beliefs are.
“You’re all brainwashed and won’t consider their PoV”
“no u”
“Excuse me you don’t know who I am!!!”
Do you see the hypocrisy in that retort? You don’t know who any of these people are either. So don’t write them off so stupidly.
I would do the same for gun-toting Trump tards in KKK lite Facebook groups. You hexbear brainlets are exactly the same, so you get the same treatment. Your beliefs are crystal clear, and they’re retarded. What are my beliefs exactly?
I’d love to know why you think we’re conservative. Or some examples of conservatism being supported on Hexbear
There is a rumor that it’s all a game and you’re really just there LARPing in mockery of the type of people you’re pretending to be.
Pretending to be communists for 3 years and thousands of comments as high concept performance art
In fact we’re so dedicated to this joke we read Marx and Engels and joined socialist organizations
Doing an actual communist revolution because we are just that committed to the bit.
Some stubborn liberal that’s mad we had to [REDACTED] a few billionaires and war criminals as is necessary in revolutions comes in to the free gender affirmation clinic having just finished brunch at the local free kitchen and bursting into the reception area shouting “BUT AT WHAT COST?!” Then claiming the clinic isn’t actually real, and storming out mutter about paid Russian actors and Trump, who had since been posthumously convicted by the previous liberal government after having died choking on a McRib two years prior.
Doing an actual communist revolution because we are just that committed to the bit.
We’re method actors. I’m actually a neo-paleo-retro-Whig, but I took the job of being a communist crisis actor and I have integrity.
Lying on my deathbed in 2176, my life having been radically extended by medical research in a prohuman economic environment, My weakened eyes gaze out the window at the cities floating gently above the planet-wide food forest. I gather my descendents around me and croak out “It was all a prank, bro. It’s just a prank. I’m not really a communist. I helped build 100$ of communist as a joke. Just for a laugh.”
I’m just a dude playing a dude larping as a revolutionary.
thousands of comments
literally millions of comments and hundreds of thousands of posts lol.
This is why they are so afraid of us. They could never match our posting power
You’re definitely very dedicated to a joke
Yeah it’s such a well done conservative LARP that it’s one of the only places on the internet I actually feel safe asking genuine questions as a trans person.
People from unfederated instances responding to hexbear comments with ridiculous bullshit- but they don’t show up on our end. eat my shit and hair bigot
Doesn’t China have free publicly funded gender affirmation clinics? Or like at least one opened recently?
They do, the comment is ridiculous. However this person is clearly not invested in what’s good for trans people because they immediately misgendered me in their reply
more and more I feel like people who are both transphobic, and also project that on China are really telling on themselves about what they would do if they were in power. It always feels like “you’re lucky our FREEDOM LOVING government lets DEG*NERATES like you exist!” It’s almost more terrifying than the typical right wing blue hair enby boogieman memes.
I feel like there’s a lot of people along for the ride when it comes to these narratives- like people who will seriously believe some military guy that spent the last two decades airstriking muslim weddings when he says with a straight face that he’s really concerned about the freedom of east Turkistan
Just further proving my point that places outside of hexbear harbor and even defend these shitbags.
It really is just barely beneath the surface in the more lib instances. But then rather than deal with it they just play telephone to make it about how we’re actually the problem
That’s awesome I didn’t know htat.
Oh no I never considered that a place I’m critically supportive of might not be perfect. Guess it’s time to throw away all my beliefs and buy NFTs while sucking down whatever the dems are pushing in amerikkka.
Lmao they’d be treated with more kindness by state security agents than they would be some dipshit County sheriff in the U.S countryside.
It’s fucking bizarre people keep hammering on this when the US is engaged in, I cannot emphasize this enough, anti-trans genocide as defined in international law. Like bruh. Bruh. Clean up your own house.
It’s that brazenness which makes me feel compelled to respond. If you live in the US, claim to be on the left and can’t even call for an end to your own government for its crimes I have no interest in your contributions.
Hahahaha little man is angry. Thanks for making my day soyboy.
You would be prosecuted and possibly killed by the Chinese government. Remember that.
Remember that you swallow every ridiculous piece of Atlanticist propaganda that’s fed to you.
LGBT rights and issues in actually existing socialist countries
It doesn’t matter. There’s no way you would even consider any point that doesn’t fit in your bubble. You and all the other idiots in your fantasy world of an instance are a waste of energy. You are lthe same as any Facebook Trump supporter. Your politics are different, but the brainrot isn’t.
I’m pretty sure it’s you who’s never explored outside their ideological bubble, because I was a bog-standard American liberal for over 40 years, until I actually read a book or listened to a point of view outside of that bubble.
You have no idea what my beliefs are dude. All you know is that I think you and your buddies are retarded. You can definitely convince me otherwise, but you’re failing miserably.
‘pretending’ to be trans for 3 years in effectively a private instance to do what exactly? make you feel weird when we finally federate?
Some people just can’t fathom the possibility that we actually mean it.
It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism — Fredric Jameson
Check the lower right of this authentic vintage Frank terror meme. So many people just cannot accept how embarassingly sincere most of us are.
Reading hundreds of communist theory books and joining a democratic centralist party just to fool the libs.
Not sure exactly what we’re supposed to be achieving by doing Hexbear and so perfectly engaging in communist discourse and advocating for literally every single downtrodden and oppressed group on the planet if it’s all fake? For what purpose? Surely doing that all so perfectly is just… Advocacy. Digital activism. It’s not a game if you do it so hard it just becomes exactly what you’re doing.
The 500-1k active Hexabarbearians are a plot to… uh… shit let me get back to you.
It’s true I am actually a 63 year old paleo-conservative living in rural Iowa pretending to be a communist with my Republican friends at hex.bear.parody. I believe in guns, going to church several times a year while accusing everyone I don’t like of being a satanist, voting in every election for the worst human being imaginable, and sports.
Some of the arguments/memes I’m seen there are been shared by conservatives, using the same talking points, I was struggling to detect what comments were sarcastic but now it’s clearer
Some of the arguments/memes I’m seen there are been shared by conservatives, using the same talking points
such as…? People can’t respond if you keep being vague about it.
Sometimes too it’s that the right and the left come to similar sounding conclusions but for entirely different reasons. I think the Isreal/Palestine conflict is a great example. Both the right and the left agree that Isreal is bad, so it sounds like we “agree”. However the right thinks Isreal is bad because they hate Jews, whereas the left thinks Isreal is bad because we hate genocidal apartheid states. So although it sounds like we agree because we both say “Isreal bad”, the reality is that our viewpoints couldn’t be more different, and as a result what we mean when we say “Isreal bad” are actually completely different things.
I think you will find this is true for a lot of things that perhaps you think sound conservative on Hexbear. It’s why people think that the horseshoe theory of political viewpoints is valid; because they hear something high level that sounds similar between two seemingly different groups and just immediately jump to “well they must be the same!” rather than investigate why two different groups might be saying something that sounds similar. So if you see something you aren’t sure about I would suggest you ask about it rather than jump to an incorrect conclusion about it. Lots of opportunity to learn even if you don’t agree.
We’re like Bane “The Venom is the only thing keeping him alive” levels of irony poisoned here. Add almost 7 years of in-jokes, memes, obscure conspiracy theories, and thousands of emojis
and I can only imagine this place is a nightmare to navigate for visitors.
What exactly about society do you suspect we’re interested in conserving?
About society lol we definitely want to conserve nature
Society bears
No, not at all. They are very far left communists and some anarchists. I love them.
No, they are definitely not anarchist and often bring up Nestor Makhno in ways to say anarchist leanings should be stomped out.
I don’t know what to tell you, but there are absolutely anarchists over there. It’s mostly marxist leninists, but there’s definitely anarchists.
They are mostly MLs and they often ride the line on their rules on sectarianism, enough where I’ve often reported stuff to moderation that only sometimes is addressed.
But there are definitely anarchists. There has been an anarchist comm for a long time
deleted by creator
In my experience it’s a centrist instance. Trots are as welcome as LMs, and so are anarchists. Most users are libs tho
It’s true. I am the only true leftist in this miserable sea of liberalism.
Oh great here they come again to defend themselves, good job
To answer your question, NO, they are not. Stupid and completely lacking in historical, economic, or political nuance? Yes, but that’s a separate problem and not “conservative” in the slightest.
Lol no
a fish, swimming in water, asking if the person sitting on the shore is wet
No lol