They actually created a mathematic proof to solve the body switching episode. Iirc they even got it published.
They could have just watched Stargate SG1 that did the exact same thing.
Writing a mathematic proof is a whole different ballgame than figuring out the solution to a problem. You have to definitively prove that the solution is applicable to any problem matching the criteria.
Group theory courses love that episode
Anybody else disappointed after watching the most recent season?
Yeah it kind of feels like they wanted to cram in a lot of cultural references that happened the last couple years to make up for lost time
And most of those references were dated by the time the episode was out.
Yeah the crypto episode really felt like it was a bit late to the party
Then The Simpsons did a crypto/NFT episode even later.
With the Simpsons I feel like I need to watch it years after the episodes come out so I don’t feel how dated they are
That is the #1 thing that is mentioned every time this topic comes up.
Futurama was always about pop culture references. So much so, there are lists.
Maybe it was just a little more direct this season or most of us are older and we noticed it more.
It’s also the thing about pop culture today, it’s so short lived that media culture can’t keep up.
Good point
During the original run, they were produced on short order and the animation was cheap, so they could keep up to the latest pop culture trends. Now they’re produced almost 9 months to a year in advance with higher-end animation, so they’re out of date by the time they stream. Plus, IIRC, this latest season may have been delayed for some reason.
It was delayed cause Jon DiMaggio (Bender’s VO among others) was demanding higher pay for himself and his fellow cast
- refused to be paid shit pay for his work.
The funny thing is that is exactly what they did last time they came back. EyePhone and Susan Boil jokes.
Luckily it just takes one season to get them out of their system and then we get some new things.
I had completely blocked those out of my brain. You’re absolutely right.
A little. The essence of Futurama is still there, but it lacks something.
I have mixed feelings about some of the rehashing of old stories, but for the most part, they were ok.
Strangely enough, this meme is applicable:
If I die tell my wife hello
What makes a man turn neutral? A lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?
I liked them resolving Kiff and Amy’s kids, mostly cause Amy is a strong enough character to hold her own episodes. I can’t think of any other call backs I enjoyed though
There was nothing futuristic about the scripts in the current season, just the characters and settings. Like they’ve just been covering current topics of 2023, and on top of that the episodes feel more like a generic animated sitcom.
The season just seems to have the feel of old Futurama completely stripped, and replaced with Hulu branding.I am incredibly disappointed with this season.
Every time they revive it I feel like this, except for the movies. Especially the obligatory first episode poking fun at the cancellation and explaining the revival. There’s usually a few gems though.
Last time around, the eyephone episode with the butt mole and the strange “and this iPod, I don’t want it anymore”-line from the witness protection episode sent me cringing so hard I broke three ribs.
Oh man, it was SO bad. It was a crime against the entire show that they let that one slip through.
Not me! Haven’t seen it yet.
But now you’ve set expectations low I’ll probably enjoy it more than I would have otherwise, so thanks!
Ah I’m sorry
Set them low, but look forward to episode 10 being pretty good. And I’m sorry you’ll be subjected to episode 9.
Aw man, how am I supposed to look forward to episode 10 now that I have higher expectations instead of getting a pleasant surprise?
Cheer up, maybe you’ll actually hate it!
Aw, it’s kind of you to say that.
That was definitely an Amy Wong line.
Nah, it was fine.
To me it was about as good as the Comedy Central seasons. That is to say, not as consistent as the original Fox run but still plenty of bangers in there.
If this run follows the same path as CC, then the quality will trend upwards after this first batch.
We recently ran a full on marathon. The rot set in a good while before the last season, but the last one definitely went completely off the rails
Very. Episode 10 was the only good one.
Yeah, a little… It wasn’t great. One or two were pretty funny, though.
I was disappointed watching the first season after all the hype and love from the geek crowds. Maybe if I was a theoretical physicist I’d get a couple extra background scribbled jokes but the show is very underwhelming.
It showed. That’s why i loved it.
Professor Farnsworth: “Ah, perfect timing! I just turbo-charged the ship’s matter compressor!”
Fry: “What’s the matter compressor?”
Professor Farnsworth: “Nothing’s the matter, Fry, now that I’ve turbo-charged the matter compressor.”
Always cracks me up.
My favorite is still the “I can’t swallow this” pill meme
“I’m having one of those things! You know, a headache with pictures!”
I also say that line on the regular, always gets a chuckle.
I mean, I’ve held a degree a before, and nobody called me smart, and I didn’t even have a whole team of people hold it with me either.
Then why does this season suck so badly?
Show me a reboot that doesn’t suck
The other 7 times Futurama came back after being canceled
I’ve been liking the new Beavis and Butthead seasons.
Battlestar Galactica
Arrested Development did a great job with their reboot.
You’re joking, right? That shit was incredibly disappointing after how good the original run was.
Too much obvious social commentary.
I wonder if this is still the case and how much of the original staff is still there
Yadda yadda yadda…”Urectum”
And yet, they couldn’t keep track of Benders “birth”, and they still gave us that horrible “eye Phone” episode.
Ugh, starting to sound like the Rick and Morty fandom.
Except all the hidden jokes were actually thinkers
And all the unhidden jokes where bland
Its a literal statement of fact. Would it be less cringe to say they didn’t go to Harvard?
Nobody cares that you went to Harvard. Nobody cares how smart you think you are. It’s pretentious
Harvard cares.
/r/futurama and this sublemmy/whatever have made me hate the fan base. Same memes over and over.
I believe the accept term is “communities” rather than sublemmies
Mostly to differentiate us from Reddit and because the name “subreddit” is based off how reddit used to be one big homepage just called Reddit before splitting into multiple “sub-reddits”
There always the option of not looking at them.
Brag much?
Give them some credit…they didn’t mention inventing an entirely new mathematical theorem just for an episode long gag.
Lol that’s pretty impressive. A much better brag than the sum of phd’s
Wow I had no idea they proved that themselves. Thanks for sharing!
They didn’t write the article?