Ah man, looking at those bullet points I realize I’ve got the first two down pat (you should see how quickly my family’s faces turn to visual expressions of sighs! Next level disappointment speeds!)
But I realize now - I’m yet to achieve even a bronze in Internet Arguing!
It’s fine, you’re doing well. You just need a few comments back and forth, then you start your fourth comment with “well, actually I think you’ll find…”.
On the fifth comment, you need to attack a minor spelling or grammatical error they have made.
Sixth comment, try and sound like you’re reasonable, and they’re obviously not… then it’s a race!
First person to compare their opponent to “basically Hitler” wins!
You should receive between 100 and 1000 argument XP, depending on the level of your opponent (you get about 10% more for a victory, but you can still level up if you lose every time).
Ah man, looking at those bullet points I realize I’ve got the first two down pat (you should see how quickly my family’s faces turn to visual expressions of sighs! Next level disappointment speeds!)
But I realize now - I’m yet to achieve even a bronze in Internet Arguing!
What are you obsessed over?
I bet it’s something stupid. You’re a big fat dummy head!
… I might be bad at this as well.
It’s fine, you’re doing well. You just need a few comments back and forth, then you start your fourth comment with “well, actually I think you’ll find…”.
On the fifth comment, you need to attack a minor spelling or grammatical error they have made.
Sixth comment, try and sound like you’re reasonable, and they’re obviously not… then it’s a race!
First person to compare their opponent to “basically Hitler” wins!
You should receive between 100 and 1000 argument XP, depending on the level of your opponent (you get about 10% more for a victory, but you can still level up if you lose every time).
No you haven’t.
Would you like a 5 minute argument or a 10 minute argument, or the full half hour?
Speed run strats. Give me the half hour in 5 minutes.
Absolutely not that doesn’t sound doable at all, and in fact I think it’s quite rude of you to even suggest such a thing >:(
Oh no. It’s getting hit on the head lessons in here.