Sertraline is an antidepressant. I’ve taken it. It worked fairly well for me. That said, if I told someone I was upping my dose and they said “that’s art deco,” I would assume they were referencing Sylvia Plath and L’Ennui via The Great Gatsby, and I would be impressed and agree.
And then I would be amused at their correct assumption that I, an LGBT white woman with depression, have familiarity with Sylvia Plath, and I would be impressed with their wit.
All that to say, you can just say anything, and sometimes you’ll get lucky.
The brain is great at creating patterns where none exist :)
You got that in the can. You’re a real medicine man, ain’t ya
A veritable Dr Quim, as it were
I think that’s a different sort of doctor.
If you were a character in a book, you’d be my favorite character. Please take this as a compliment.
I do! Thanks!
Honestly, any comparison to Sam Vimes is a compliment. Unless it’s the alcoholism.
Samuel Vimes is personally responsible for my pair of good boots and he isn’t even real.
I went mountain climbing on Saturday and the good boots saved my life. Sometimes it isn’t about feeling the cobbles beneath your feet in the streets of Ankh-Morpor, but about the god damned sharp rocks climbing Mt. Erebus, and the fact that one slip means certain death.
Oh, and speaking of death, he loves mountain climbers. He doesn’t even have to do his job.
I’m obsessed with the Watch books and I’m not seeing the reference to Sam Vimes. Can you please elucidate? I’m but a humble cabbage technicien
She probably agreed because that is at least a seamless way of “acknowledging” some totally incomprehensible bullshit that a stranger just told her.
Not that I see how the sertraline dosage even came up, to be fair.
You’d be surprised what people will tell you. Although usually it’s the customer and not the employee
I’ve met so many people who start giving me intimate details of their life after a mere greeting. Like, yo! Don’t you have any filters?
It is funny how many things destroy filters. Stress, lack of sleep, exhaustion, alcohol.
Not to mention several or none of those things, combined with some type of neurodivergence. Like, I know I’m supposed to engage socially here and if it’s not a situation I have much experience with I might just accidentally tell the truth in some way that NT’s think is weird.
I had a lifetime movie type experience with an ex several years ago, that was an incredibly close call. Shortly after it happened, I got a haircut and told the hairdresser about it, because it’s a good story. She got pretty quiet and afterwards my sister scolded me for trauma dumping. It probably was that at the time, because I was pretty traumatized, but I didn’t realize that that would make a stranger feel weird.
I was in my early twenties and had not yet learned that I was autistic, but I do tend to pick up on those signals. Just, the stress of the situation made it feel like a thing that should be shared (for real everyone, google peoples full names before you start dating them).
for real everyone, google peoples full names before you start dating them).
Also, check the state’s court records.
Like this?
Tbf, being told by a stranger that they are upping their dosage un-prompted is itself some totally incomprehensible bullshit. Too many of the people that do this will actually accept any response that isn’t a direct attack on or distraction from their personal narrative.
sertraline is an antidepressant, for the curious but lazy.
That’s so art deco
Art deco is an architectural style from the 1920s, for the curious but lazy.
That’s so sertraline.
A barista is a usually tippable service worker of moderate status who is trained to produce a slightly better tier of coffee and related beverages, for the curious but lazy.
That’s so agree.
Curiosity is a car-sized Mars rover exploring Gale crater and Mount Sharp on Mars as part of NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission, for the tippable but coffee.
That’s so Holla back girl
Not just architecture.
I agree.
also known as Zoloft in the US
Finally, a comment for my psycho profile
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It doesn’t surprise me to learn that the guy at the weed shop doesn’t know WTF he’s talking about.
Nobody at the dispensary knows anything about marijuana. You just get the same canned responses with every question.
I overheard a budtender say that at my local dispensary too lol. Must be a marketing incentive.
“budtender” is that what we call weed dealers now?
I’ve kind of understood “dealer” to be someone who sells illegal drugs, and “budtender” to be someone who works the counter at a legal dispensary. I dunno for sure, I don’t actually encounter these concepts often.
It does seem kind of silly, I mean we already have words that describe people who work in stores. On the other hand, it’s specific and easily understood from the first hearing.
oh my god! it’s a real word. I thought it was a typo. I have never heard of it before, since Marijuana is not legal where I live. I learned something. Thanks.
A dealer is Packer and a budtender is Dwight.
This is how the gray goo end of the world happens. Nano tech infused weed brownies.
I mean, he /could/ be right. He probably isn’t but he could be.
Nano technology doesn’t refer exclusively to like nano robots it could also just be infused with nano particles of something.
Well, there’s a lot of particles that are “nano” in size. And “nano” isn’t a size; nano is a unit prefix.
Even the earth is smaller than 1 nano parsec. So the meaning is irrelevant when earth is a nano “particle” (on the parsec scale).
Meaningless jibber jabber.
And “nano” isn’t a size; nano is a unit prefix.
Even the earth is smaller than 1 nano parsec.
Thank you for the pointless pedantry
Pointless pedantry is a specialty of mine. I’m happy to be appreciated.
Pedantic. When people say micro-scale/nano-scale they mean “measured in micrometers/nanometers”. So a nanoparticle is a particle with a size that makes nanometers the most convenient unit.
Got that billy gates up in ya
I feel like I would just agree because I would assume that person is being weird and wouldn’t want to interact any longer than necessary.
I agree with you
Ha gottem!!
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Skibidi is so cromulent, brosef.
Please don’t, I’m not ready for new slang. I barely had a grasp on old slang.
As an old, learning the new slang is a wonderful chance to learn words of power that will make everyone around you flinch under their force.
Utter a “that’s bussin for real,” and watch those around you fall to their knees, and add a “poggers” to hear them wail and grind their teeth. Sprinkle a “skibidi” in to really drive things home.
You’re missing out on true power here.
It pleases me greatly when my kids take psychic damage from a simple incantation “sadge chat, no rizz for real for real”.
That’s so fetch.
If you barely had a grasp on old slang, new slang is just a second chance to get on with the times!
Are we still hanging onions from our belt?
No, we’ve moved onto shallots.
That’s so art deco
Are you going to deglaze that pan? Yeah.
No dipshit, we make belt buckles from them.
Cromulent, adjective - Acceptable, adequate, satisfactory.
The kids change the slang all the time. Did you know that dope apparently no longer means cannabis? Apparently the kids think it means exclusively heroin (horse).
This has been true for a long time, hasn’t it? I’m in my 40s and I don’t think I’ve ever associated “Dope” with the devil’s cilantro.
I don’t know, we called it dope in when I was in high school (you were probably a very young child). You were in your 20s at the millenium and that wasn’t that long ago. Perhaps you were the kids that changed it?
cromulent has interestingly been around since 1996, courtesy of the Simpsons.
I’d never heard the word “embiggen” until I moved to Springfield.
Wasn’t cromulent in Blackadder tho? And surely that was before 96? Or am I just missing the relative age of things again?
Fleep, my noser.
Ha, what a paycheck hexadecimal!
I would like to appoint you my Officer of All New Expressions
Another farm steward to the center line and who’s the wiser? 👍
The meaning doesn’t matter
If it’s only idle chatter
Of a transcendental kind -
And everyone will say
As you walk your mystic way,
“If this young man expresses himself
In terms too deep for me
Then what a very singularly deep young man
This deep young man must be!”What does it reference?
breh you’re supposed to be a writer, not a guy offering lotion to someone in a hole!
Gilbert and Sullivan. “Patience; or Bunthorne’s Bride”
It’s a comic opera / musical
I dont have a barista…
Ask your Sommelier then
My sommelier has no barrista either.
That’s so art deco
Do you suppose most may only be half or quarter-reading too?
I agree.
I mean if you give a barista a hard time in conversation, what are they going to do besides consider you a fucking weirdo?
“that’s so art deco” “I’LL KILL YOU FOR THIS”
if you act weird people will stop talking to you, welcome to this world
Sorry, what?
The art deco period was a period of huge drug taking because it was before drugs were so restricted.
That sounds so plausible, I don’t even know anymore whether or not there’s sarcasm involved in this thread.
I was only half-listening to that.
can confirm, you can just say things, and nobody will ask you any questions.
It’s the weirdest fucking thing ever.
Often times that’s because the topic being discussed is something uninteresting enough that I’d rather just smile and nod instead of admit I don’t know what an art deco is. I pretend I know what people are talking about just so they’ll shut up sooner. The sooner the conversation ends the sooner I can stop pretending to be interested in art decos.
this is one of my biggest peeves of social interaction honestly. just the shit where people constantly say “yup, uh huh. mhm”
Sometimes it’s also just funny to agree with shit you don’t understand. So that’s fair tbh.
Why did you think no one would ask you a question? Also just curious, what did you have for breakfast?
because i’ve done it before. You can just go out in public and start screaming, nobody will do anything the vast majority of time.
I don’t eat breakfast.
Makes sense. Thank you for sharing
As a coffee enthusiast and probably a part-time barista some time in the future, I love how baristas are the most pretentious humans people can think of
thank you fellow human. this commentary actually made me feel more connected to humanity.
signed, a guy in portland
Considering it could be a Lana Del ray reference, aka melodramatic central, I see the through line.