I love monsters. It’s why I’m a big sucker for any franchise that has them. From Godzilla and Gamera to Digimon and Pokemon. So Monster Hunter is right up my alley. What’s your favourite Monster Hunter monster and why?
I have several because I’m a large nerd aside from Yian Kit Ku (for being a hilarious weird bird) I like…:
Malfestio: What a cool owl. A jester owl too. A jester owl that attacks with status inducing dander, like some kind of magic moth! How creative! Love the red eyes.
Lagiacrus: The original Monster Hunter Tri (not ultimate!) was my first Monster Hunter game. Lagiacrus is its flagship monster and is largely fought underwater, fitting as underwater fighting was something the third had newly introduced (and sadly never seen again because apparently gamers hated it.) Lagiacrus’s roar is burned into my brain as being my first Monster Hunter game I died A LOT. I also remember his eyes glow orange in the murky depths of the ocean. Very cool. God I Love Tri’s island setting.
Ceadeus: Not the hardest final boss in a Monster Hunter game, but look at it, it’s a fucking whale with a beard. Plus the mood of that hunt is pretty cool, following it down a deep ocean tunnel. Again, Tri had a cool setting.
Brachydios: Look at this guy. That goofy crest is perfect. He also has a very cool gimmick. That green slime is symbiotic fungus that grows on his fists and crests, and it explodes on impact. He has exploding punches. That’s so hilarious as badass at the same time.
Gogmazios: Oil dragon, and when he lifts his head the pattern under his chin looks like a lamenting face.
See? Creepy.
Yama Tsukami: This thing is terrifying. It is a giant floating gas filled octopus, that eats entire forests by sucking them into its giant, human teeth filled mouth and it tries to suck you in when you fight it.
Oh fuck no it’s the fucking creature from Nope. NONONO.
Odogaron: It’s a gorgonopsid. Neat.
Shara Ishvalda: This thing starts off covered in rocks, it’s “wings” pummeling you like giant rock hands. As you hit it the rocks are shed, and this scary bastard greets you. I like that it’s almost looks like it has no skin without its rock shell. It resembles exposed muscle and bone, and it’s wings almost look like exposed nerves. But the creepiest thing about this guy is that his eyes always seem to be staring at the screen regardless of the position of his head or body. Meaning the whole fight he stares unblinking at the person playing the game, not your hunter
Wow that was a long post
Pre-World Murder Pickle simply because it was as derpy as it was dangerous when it came out of left field during hunts. Never quite got that sense of danger in World and Rise.
How could I forget Pickle Jho!?!
Nakarkos, because it’s a goddamn bone hydra that’s not supernatural, it’s just brilliant use of a normal animal’s anatomy.
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It is a very cool design
Let Yian Kut Ku be buff
I have only played MH Rising and don’t recognise any of these mfers 😭
I liked the dargon that blew tornadoes at you and the slinky water girl and the polar bear
Mizutsune the bubble blowing god
Zinogre everyone’s favorite dog wolf
Astalos because bug wyverns are an awesome concept (Boltreaver is even cooler)
Rukudiora as magnetism is an absurd awesome element
And finally Akura Jebia because it’s a scorpion
Dodogama is best boi
Nargacuga is a kitty
Steve (Seregios) or Astalos