And yes you have to spend it all
Edit: There are a lot of little good things in these answers that I often ignore. Thanks everyone.
Came to check how high this comment was. Ofcourse it’s the top comment.
you gonna bang that shit or what
Tell me you haven’t smoked without telling me you haven’t smoked
Register a domain name based on some hair brain fantasy for the year.
Then spend the year ideating and fantasizing about what might be while doing nothing.
Thats a whole year of value for 15 bucks.
This feels like a personal attack
You’re also fat.
I… think we have different definitions of happiness, and drastically different ideas of the “the happiest we could be”.
And eventually, 10 years and over £100 for a domain you’ll never use.
It’s me. Too many domains I have no idea what to do with.
Cat cafe, you can chill in there for ages slurpin on coffee surrounded by the lil gremlins
I want rat cafes. Sadly there’s only one, and it’s in japan.
I just want to pet chaos potatoes while eating food that they are stealing from me
There’s the New York Subway if you can stomach the smell
Most of the subway smells fine.
you’ve been in NYC too long :-p
If we’re talking random animal Cafes, I want a lizard cafe with separate rooms for tropical and desert lizards.
That would be neat. I couldn’t handle having rats anymore due to the prospect of constant loss but would love a place to hang out with some.
Done it. But it took more money just to get there via Uber.
Worth it.
Give it to someone that needs it.
I need it
What for?
Aha, so I was right, you will give it to someone. >=3
Had to check if you were also the top commentor.
To be happy
The other guy already said weed
A big breakfast burrito and a latte.
a latte
“Yeah, well, I really don’t think we have time for a hand job.“
I think I’d buy some bugs for my lizard. Maybe some hornworms? They’re very good for hydration and basically every reptile that eats bugs goes absolutely crazy for them!
If my buddy is happy, then I’m happy, too.
Here’s a picture of my ugly boy, Pączki.
Well I love Paczki with all my heart! I’m spending my $15 on Paczki too
OMG! That’s the best name for a pet! As a Paczki lover I approve!
He is pretty!
What species is this? It looks like house gecko but larger and oddly cute
He’s a bearded dragon with a genetic defect that caused him to be born without proper scales or spikes.
Because of that, he’s a “special needs” animal, so he needs lots of extra care to keep him healthy.
I’d definitely recommend (fully scaled) bearded dragons as pets! Mine is an excellent cuddle-buddy and constantly makes me smile with his dumb goofy antics and curiosity.
My guess is a Bearded Dragon
You’re correct! But he has a genetic defect, so he looks pretty different from a standard healthy dragon.
Huh, I didn’t know that there were beardies without scales and spikes. Judging by his face, they still shed and it looks like sunburned skin peeling.
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An icecream for me, one for my wife, and enough fuel to drive to the waterfront so we can eat them while sitting at the edge of the pier, swinging our legs.
That’s very sweet. I guess I’d do something similar: buy a crab bucket and a rope, and head down to the waterfront where I’d swim under piers and see how many people’s dangling legs I can hook and pull under with the rope
That makes me laugh harder than it should. 😆
10 bucks weed 5 bucks ben and jerrys
Who’s going to sell you a spoonful of BJs?
A lovely lady behind the Wendy’s
Only a spoonful grabs giant spoon
Do you mean that 5 bucks only gets you a spoonfull of BnJ? Because over here a bucket is like <5
A pint of BnJs is about $8 at a convenience store near me. You might be able to get it for $5-6 at Walmart. I was just joking about how expensive it is and writing the name like Blow Job. Was just being silly.
$15 AUD for 458ml of Ben and Jerry’s here. So, whats that, 3/4 of a pint?
Damn that’s pretty insane. I think normally they are 4.99 euro over here and that’s already a lot imo. To be honest I only ever buy them when there is a discount or something.
Do you mean that 5 bucks only gets you a spoonfull of BnJ? Because over here a bucket is like <5
It depends on what I’m trying to maximize.
If I just want the happiness spike ASAP, then I would just buy $15 worth of Magic cards, or maybe a booster pack or three, depending on the set.
If I’m trying to maximize my overall happiness over any amount of time, I think spending $15 on something reusable, like a nice pair of socks or a hat would work out for me.
If I want to maximize happiness in general, then spending it on someone else I care about does double duty. It makes someone else happy, and I get happiness from being involved in the process.
Darn Tough socks on sale. Merino wool, so you dont have to wash them every time if you use wool wash and air then out (and don’t wear then without shoes (dirt)), and a lifetime warranty. Now that’s a nice $15 pair of socks.
An ex gave me an old pair of her’s that she used for work and I’ve been a fan ever since
It’s so hot right now I’d probably spend it on ice cream and/or frozen custard. Then be in the bathroom an hour later because I’m lactose intolerant.
You’re not gonna grab some lactase pills with part of the cash, or spend that $15 on dairy free ice cream?
Did they stutter? The pain is part of the experience
I’m gonna pay my $15 to watch.
I also choose watching the shitter.
This better not unlock something in me
Go to the zoo. See some owls.
Go to the country. Eat a lot of peaches.
Millions of peaches?
Peaches for me
Peaches come in a can
They were put there by a man.
in a factory downtown
Buy Minecraft, which apparently is on sale for $14.99. It’s not quite as fun when all your friends have the official version and get to play together while you’re stuck with an - *ahem* - unofficial version.
How long would it take you to save $15 if you tried?
$15 is like 80 BRL and I don’t have a single cent to my name right now so…
Well that sucks
For zero monies you & your friends could run VoxeLibre which has better performance characteristics. Microsoft doesn’t deserve your money or your user data, but I am sure VoxeLibre or Minetest wouldn’t mind a donation.
Minecraft is still a really good game that still gets fairly large updates.
It’s being milked for Bedrock & there are dozens of free software alternatives with VoxeLibre being a standout
Use java than 🤷
Or use bedrock and ignore all the bullshit if you can.
Are free versions even close to Minecraft in features, polish, and all that?
I personally think that Minecraft is one of the best games you can buy for the fairly low price, community, multiplayer, etc.
They are more than complete/polished with multiplatform support, with healthy modding communites, & better performance since they aren’t built on Java. In the past your money went to the developers—now it goes to megacorp Microsoft with little done in terms of maintenance.
Minecraft has gotten a lot of updates after Microsoft bought Mojang.
I don’t personally mind paying a small amount for a good product that is constantly getting better after many years.
Sure Java could have better performance but it’s rare that it matters much on modern computers.
You do you but I don’t think paying for things is the end of the world.
At that point play the free alternative and dont give your money to Microsoft. Do you love throwing your hard earned money at Microsoft?
I just doubt that the free alternatives are as good and Minecraft is really cheap anyways.
Have you tried the free alternatives? I guess to me its not the price alone its the principles of giving Microsoft money.
On the topic of games, Stick Fight The Game is $5 on steam and I got it while drinking with a few friends. It was the most fun I’ve had in years. I also hop on randomly when I get a chance and it’s just as fun with random people.
Stick flight is great!
I got it at launch.
You know those machines that dispense stickers for quarters?
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I sat here and thought about it, and I truly think I’d go to the dollar store, buy a few cheap water guns, and have a water fight with my sisters and their kids. Remember how fun water fights are??? Even those cheap little water guns; doesn’t have to be fancy. Leftover money would go to popsicles.
Fam sounds like you need to get out there and make this a reality. $15 is cheap compared to a good memory like this
I prefer the little fake Nerf guns but same principle. You can get several and several darts for $15 and then you can do it in the house.
An edible
A 40
A little Caesars pizza, crazy bread