It must have been really hard for gamers to do that side quest where Geraldo of Rivia says racism is bad
Or when Ciri is canonically bisexual. Or how the Witcher 2 is about a guerilla movement for national liberation.
You guys are overestimating gamers capacity to read
Most gamers turn off the subtitles because seeing words makes them feel bad about not knowing how to read.
I don’t understand people who go the Roche route literally just because the choice to get onto it involves Geralt just keeping the elf dudes sword away from him like a dick when Roche shows up out of the blue.
It just felt like such a weird choice to make to me. Like why should Geralt give a shit? I was just like here have your sword and go fight each other I guess.
I have to imagine a lot of it is weird brainworms about “nonviolence” despite playing a game where you slaughter people willy nilly.
maybe I was already too leftist when I played the game because keeping the sword from the elvish freedom fighter while the dude attacks him just seems petty and dickish and obviously taking a side in the conflict on the side of Roche.
Geralt has already stated he doesn’t really care about their quarrel, so just giving the dude his sword and let whatever happens happen just seemed like the more neutral (and less assholeish) of a move.
It’s another trolley problem type thing; if you don’t give him the sword you’re obviously taking a side and just letting him die but you can pretend that you’re not responsible; if you give him the sword you’re in some sense “responsible” for whatever happens next, mainly that one of those two people is probably going to get killed. You’re responsible in either instance, but it’s easier to delude yourself you’re not in the first.
Don’t worry gamers argue Ciri isn’t actually attracted to women in giant long form essays
damn… i never played the 2nd one… the first was fucking amazing and so was the 3rd but when the 2nd came out i didn’t have a computer that could play it and so i just forgot about it
that side quest
I feel like “Geralt turns to the camera and says ‘the real monsters are cruel and intolerant men’” happens in a good ten percent of the quests, both side and main.
There’s a mod that change it for woke is bad.
Are you serious? What do they change?
Im not.
OK haha it’s totally something they would do, though, so you can’t blame me for doing a double-take
Well, im not sure if it exists or not. I made it out because I remember this case of a mod to remove the gay flags from a spider-man game.
You know what?
Gay black Witcher
I’m glad I never bothered with Based Geraldo’s game because the fanbase seems nuclear toxic.
The books and the games are actually quite good, there’s a reason they got so big in Poland. See this synthesis of other comments:
“It must have been really hard for gamers to do that side quest where Geraldo of Rivia says racism is bad.”
“Or when Ciri is canonically bisexual. Or how the Witcher 2 is about a guerilla movement for national liberation.”
“I feel like “Geralt turns to the camera and says ‘the real monsters are cruel and intolerant men’” happens in a good ten percent of the quests, both side and main.”I don’t think Andrzej Sapkwoski is explicitly leftist but the stories would get ripped apart by the anti-woke crowd if they were first released today instead of in the 80s, and no I don’t think this is just cope to defend a story I found deeply meaningful. Geralt’s character arc in the original short stories and books is about going from a jaded bitter individualist “why should I ever stick my neck out for anyone else” to “I will fucking eviscerate anyone from the dominant social group who tries to pogrom these ethnic minorities”.
Chuds just have exactly 0 media literacy skills so they see white man and think “omg he’s just like me” when his position in society is actually to be persecuted, scapegoated, and given the shittiest of shit-work to the point where he multiple times has to go into the shit-filled sewers just to earn money for food.
I mean I had no interest in the Netflix show because it looked horribly done, not because Big Woke woked all over it or whatever the chuds said
The fanbase is just another example of “curtain is blue and there’s no other meaning” brainworms even though the game has quite a lot of interesting themes going on
You can tell I’m a grown ass man because the thing I fear and hate is called Sweet Baby
Ah so this is what passes for a “meme” on
I swear to god if i see the names of john woke or jane gender in the credits im gonna be SO PISSED OFF that i will assassinate the prime minister of israel Benjamin Netanyahu.
On one hand corporate souless rainbow washing bad, on the other, gamers mad about diversity make me hapi. LET THEM FIGHT! (Thereby driving up pr and sales, muhahahaha!)
praise geraldo
Geraldo Rivera is literally me
opsec tip: if you vote on a social media post that you screenshot to post here, crop out your vote or screenshot before voting. Don’t accidentally tie your hexbear account to corporate spyware that likely knows your IRL identity.
in all honesty they have a hundred other ways to track what you’re doing beyond screenshots… but i guess it never hurts to not help them out
this ain’t even a meme yo, this is some half-assed gamer agitprop how is this funny