The Adeptus Sororitas power armor is so fucking funny, because it’s this huge roomy carapace that’s 100% big enough to not only contain but comfortably contain breasts, and then there’s these giant vanity tits bolted onto the outside to make sure anyone watching knows that the wearer is a woman, since the Imperial Cult is banned from maintaining a force of “men at arms.”
Probably has the same effect as this:
If anything that’s not weird and mutated enough for a space marine. They have at least one redundant copy of every important organ crammed in there and all of them are bigger and weirder than normal organs, so they probably look really freaky out of their armor, like orks without the green skin and silly jaws.
The SoB are normal humans wearing armor made for normal humans, and the art varies as to whether the proportions make sense. I like to headcanon the boobplate on them as replaceable ablative plates bolted to the outside of the carapace, like a round penetrates one and there’s just a stack of ceramic disks inside or some shit.
I’m not sure if you are serious, considering that I’m pretty sure we have official artwork that shows them as basically normal humans, but larger and with slightly off proportions. The picture is a joke regarding terminator proportions.
Eh, GW doesn’t lean into how weird and inhuman space marines are enough because they’ve become a shallow mockery of what they used to be and are now having decisions made by the horrifying union of businessmen and nerds that grew up being way too into space marines. Canonically they’re creepy as hell and eat their enemies’ brains to gain their knowledge (that’s actual original canon btw, and I’m not sure when or if it got retconned away by some spoilsport). The only author I’ve ever seen do a good job writing space marines is Dan Abnett in one of the Gaunt’s Ghosts books that had a PoV space marine with a completely alien perspective relative to any of the human characters.
I’m pretty sure there’s also been official art that has space marines with heads roughly the size of their own ribcages before (when accounting for the bulk of their armor), which is the funniest version possible so just I’m going to canonize that right now.
Eh, GW doesn’t lean into how weird and inhuman space marines are enough
WH in general is a waste of a setting.
They really could be doing anything with it and they insisted on writing 50+ books focusing on the fascist supersoldiers with daddy issues and bolter p*rn.
I’m going to use the opportunity and say that it bothers me how space marines do not make any sense in a setting that takes itself as seriously as post-2nd edition 40k. Space marines seem to be less numerous, less capable, and more expensive to make than conventional tanks. What’s the point in having 1-2 million of them running around? Just make a bunch of tanks instead.
everyone knows all officially licensed artwork is always 100% consistent with both lore and with other artwork
Sure, but I’m yet to stumble on anything weird. Furthermore, marines in standard armours very clearly have differently-placed shoulders, compared to terminators.
I always assumed the terminators were part machine. That they’re more like a torso and a head shoved into a machine body.
That’s the dreadnoughts, which are sometimes portrayed with the occupant’s head literally sticking out the front like the mech “suits” from Kill la Kill. The terminators are supposed to just be particularly heavy suits of power armor, but the art gets kind of silly because they originated with model kits that were kind of silly and had wacky proportions because GW’s original sculptors favored extreme stylization over accurate details because of the limitations of the old mold production processes before they made it big and started being able to have plastic injection molds made in the early 2000s.
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These boob-plates are installed for legal reasons. Were they not installed, the Ecclesiarchy would periodically be shot at by accident, as non-boob-plated Fleur-de-lis are heresy as all good Imperial citizens know!
Honestly Soritas armor is a perfect lore bit. The Ecclesiarchy isn’t allowed men-at-arms after a wee bit of massive civil war, but just so conveniently had a leftover all-female warrior cult that had just proven its unwavering devotion to the Imperial Cult, so everyone just shrugged and let the galaxy’s most obvious loophole take effect just so long as they make it very clear that they’re not men-at-arms.
That’s the kind of disfunctional bureaucracy that the Imperium needs to bleed at all times.
Missed opportunity to make the verses into gatcha style titty drapes.
Cmon gw!
This looks like AI art lol
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