I mean we’ve been saying they are both too old. That hasn’t changed.
Unless the democrats fuck up and pick someone over 70, it’s a good win for them on this point.
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Bernie would have been an excellent contender in 2016.
Contender? He should’ve been the president in 2016. Democrats had to fuck that up. Trump won mostly because people hated Hilary.
Hilary won the popular vote by almost 3 million because most people liked her.
She lost the electoral college vote because of a few really close states.
Yeah, against a playboy who didn’t have any political experience or acumen whatsoever. This should’ve been a landslide victory for dems. I stand by what I said, Trump won because it was Hilary he was up against. If it were Bernie, Trump wouldn’t have had a chance.
Even my dad, a blue collar welder in his late 60s, was totally on the Bernie train in 2016. If that doesn’t tell you anything about how Bernie could have done, I don’t know what will.
Just because she won the popular vote, doesn’t mean everyone was happy to vote for her either
Same for Trump…
A few states that were really close because her campaign was up against a social-media heavy campaign that weaponized misinformation, and didn’t know how to respond.
She lost the electoral college because she rigged the primary.
In retrospect the margin was so thin that if she’d only modestly pissed off Sanders voters she would have won.
Indeed! That’s why I said excellent contender. Because he would have beaten Trump easily.
I’m not so sure of that. Rich people from both parties might have thrown their money and power against the threat of even weak tea socialism.
I know what you’re saying, and you’re painfully right.
Hilary was beating the rapist with 34 felonies ass in the polls. The shit stain won because people thought it was a landslide and didn’t need to vote. That won’t happen again. She still won popular vote, something a republikkklown hasn’t done in a hot minute.
Edit: Looks like facts hurt some snowflakes feelings.
The reasons Hillary lost in 2016 are varied.
- Poor GoTV operations in WI, MI, and PA.
- Comey fucking her over with a GOP October Surprise.
- People didn’t know what they would get with Trump. They were saying he’d turn Presidential for YEARS after he was elected. (He never did…)
- Hillary having a faint smell of corruption around her, mostly concocted by Team Trump.
- Russian Troll Farms filled with dipshits who worked overtime to fan dissention amongst the Left and Centre while empowering Team Trump.
- Targeted Troll attacks in Swing States, specifically WI, MI, and PA, that Hillary wasn’t paying attention to.
Even with all that going on, she did end up as the Winningest Losing Candidate in American history. I HOPE that they are going 50 State Strategy this time around. Trolls look for weak points that they can attack.
Nah, Hilary was a fine choice despite her own personal and political issues. Despite not preferring her, I am rather confident that she would have not made a bad President. Perhaps not a good one, just also not a bad one.
Fucking shame what happened. Oi, Chaps! I say we bloody up this wanker with a side o’ voting!
Sorry, channeling my stereotypical inner mocking British man.
Edit: I stand by what I said unless given compelling reasons to not do so. Maybe I’m remembering things incorrectly. It’s been awhile. Make a case, don’t care if it’s a legitimate link. I’m happy to do a learn.
He wasn’t a Democratic Party member in 2016. He caucused and partnership with them but if he’s not going to be in the party, nobody should be surprised that he’s not the parties pick or preference. He didn’t officially join them until 2019. The circumstances might not have worked but be real the Democrats didn’t fuck it up in 2016.
It’s not like people like Kamala either
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That’s a wild definition of “unknown”
I’ve grown to like her more in the last 24 hours as I read more about her actions through the last couple years.
Sigh. Try reading about her last twenty years, not the last 3.
Unfortunately Bernie’s leftist policies posed a slight risk to a small percentage of capital. So an all-out bipartisan effort to torpedo him ensued, and from the ashes emerged Planet Hillary.
Lol I’d say Trump was the one who emerged like an all-out villain, but yeah, pretty much!
Don’t underestimate the DNC’s ability to pick the worst possible option
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Much as I like Bernie, but yeah, the same goes for him as for Biden.
I think Bernie is a pretty smart guy. he knows where he can be most effective - no trajectory change needed.
Sure. But he’s getting up there in years too. Eight years ago I really wanted him to win.
I think everyone who had their name pushed and could have a chance at the convention has already endorsed Kamala Harris. They’re pretty obviously trying to avoid a contentious convention.
That seems to be the goal. I think it’s a good idea to not go too hard on Harris until the convention, but the excitement seems there.
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I still really want AOC but with Whitmer bowing out I think Buttigiege is probably it.
Harris is a black woman. No way they’re picking a gay man as her running mate. They’re worried she has too much for the (X)phobic crowd on her own. I would be absolutely shocked if whoever they pick as her VP isn’t a straight white man. You can say what you like about it but that’s the reality of where we are as a nation.
The kind of people who would not vote for Harris because she’s a Black woman were already going to vote for Trump.
There are absolutely people who are not concerned enough with race or gender to vote for a black woman but are still homophobic. Who knows how many people that is but I would bet a lot of money that the DNC has no intention of finding out.
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There once was a man from the Kremlin,
A fascist, war-mongering gremlin.
To strengthen his rule,
He empowered a fool,
Now the voters have both of them tremblin’.How about a haiku:
A man-child with nukes,
Firm grip on GOP’s balls,
Fuck out of Ukraine.
no u
Ah okay okay fine.
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Yet dropping out didn’t make him a single day younger. He’s still too old.
How would you know??? I bet it did!
COVID, my ass, Biden been drinking from the fountain of youth. Any day now, he’ll become unborn and lay in stasis until ready to be birthed for his next presidential run in 2077 during which he’ll battle Mecha-Reagan!
If you don’t believe me, ask my neighbor’s dog. They’re the one who told me all this. Crafty damn dog…
Dementia Don, the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can’t complete a coherent sentence is too old. He needs to drop out, it’s just embarrassing at this point.
The Fanta Menace. I’m dying on this hill.
The Tangerine Palpatine is simply too old to lead the galactic senate and needs to step down to the nursing home.
TIL they have nursing homes in prison.
Oh shit, that’s not bad, I’m going to have to work a little and add it in
If we’re doing Star Wars names, may I suggest Bloba Fatt?
This really has a nice ring to it. I feel like it could go on a sign.
He is too old, but like, if a 90 year old hitler were running for president i wouldnt be saying im not voting for him because of his age. Trump has been the worst parts of humanity for decades.
Exactly. “Too old” is a concern, but far less than “fascist wanna be dictator.”
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Wait wait, the Democrats, who said Biden was too old and stopped giving $ to Biden’s campaign are being consistent in their message? Well I’ll be damned.
How dare you hold republicans to even the most meager standards!
The Uncommitted movement was about his support of the genocide, not his age.
Yep. And the primaries are a great time to do just that.
But Biden didn’t drop out because of the uncommitted movement.
No, the people with money were afraid he could not win, letting a significantly worse candidate win.
Maybe, but that’s because the rest of us did think he was to old. One doesn’t invalidate the other.
The people who pulled the money felt he was likely to fail because of his age, or rather, the affects of it on his performance. If he had been killing it, he would still be in. However they didn’t pull their money because of him arming a genocidal regime, which is the issue that the comment I was replying to, was saying.
Fair enough.
Let them have fun voting for her then, because she does nothing for us
Preventing the collapse of the country isn’t good enough for you idiots?
In 2020 I knew Biden was a Zionist, a racist, a warmonger and his issues page was anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian. But I was told Trump will be worse, so I begrudgingly voted for him and got a genocide.
The same playbook cannot work again for Kamala Harris and I don’t think I am the only one who feels this way.
You may want to prevent some imagined unicorn scenario that is unrealistic. I want to prevent this actual hell on Earth that Biden is enabling. Watch the doctor’s interview with CBS or just the short segment I just linked to, then tell me again about voting for someone who supports “Israel’s right to defend itself” and doesn’t think there should be conditions on it.
Hallmarks of an internet troll - a user which makes no meaningful contributions, or engages meaningfully with any other topics other than political agitation. In this case we have pages and pages of history revolving around using Gaza as a cudgel against Democrats, and literally nothing else.
Curious that they only moderate a bunch of Arab magazines and a single Huawei mag. That’s completely random and not weirdly specific at all I’m sure.
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Ad hominem. If you aren’t going to watch this and develop a better understanding of what the Democratic Party has enabled so be it.
But understand that the people you despise and dehumanize the most can still swing the election, perhaps treating them as humans is a good first step. Instead our anger is demonized too.
In Michigan, for example, Biden won in 2020 by 154,000 votes. Census estimates put the state’s Arab American population around at least 278,000.
Biden won Arizona by 10,500 votes. The Arab American population in the Grand Canyon State is estimated to be 60,000.
Biden took Georgia by 11,800 votes. The Arab American population there is at least 57,000.
You know, I could keep quiet and just not vote for Biden or Harris. I am the idiot who is wasting his time on people who don’t even see us as humans. You do realize this makes it even harder for the Democratic Party in future elections?
“I don’t like what happened therefore the other option must have been better” is the kind of logic I’d expect from a two year old.
The other option for me was voting third party. I swore off Republicans in 2004 when I voted for Kerry and never looked back.
Getting a viable candidate that will spurn israel is not something that is going to happen any time soon. This will require a major cultural shift in the US, and that isn’t gonna happen easily. This is the sickening state of reality, life is cheap, and most people do not give a fuck.
Honestly, if it’s a choice between me and some people I don’t know half a world away, I’m picking me. That goes twice when the choices are:
- Pick the gal who will piss off the dictator to the point where he complains that he’s not getting enough bombs and missiles quick enough for his bloodthirstiness…like her former boss did.
- Pick the guy who will hand more than enough bombs and missiles to kill every single Palestinian at least once, if not more than once, while grinding American Muslims under the bootheel of Right-Wing Authoritarianism.
I’ll pick the gal every single fucking time.
He confused Biden and Obama, Haley and Pelosi. Bizarre stuff spews from his mouth nearly every time he opens it. Where’s the outrage?
Where’s the outrage?
Gnawing a hole in my gut.
No, that’s just the Indian food you had for lunch
Its an expired Vietnam era M-ration but good guess.
You should make a YouTube channel!
I am not steve. Anyways I was simply making a joke.
He’s been doing it for so long it’s exactly what we are conditioned to expect.
Everyone sane is outraged.
This really demonstrates a difference between democrats and republicans.
Democrats cared about the hypocrisy of pointing out that the opponent candidate was too old, and only started saying this after this was no longer a problem.
Republicans didn’t care that their candidate was also too old.
Damn, that’s a great point
Its not his age it’s that his brain is broken.
His brain is even more broken than before. Watch the footage of MAGAts walking out of his rallies as he keeps repeating the same things and talking gibberish.
Just remembered one video
I hadn’t seen this before, and it was generally really enlightening that these Trump supporters have genuine concerns for the working class, obvious as that should be by now. It just sucks that they’ve been hoodwinked into thinking that Trump is their savior from the corporate oligarchy that is clearly affecting us all. Misplaced reverence to a guy who is a mechanism in the same pro-corporate atmosphere. If only they realized that the Democrat party (flawed as it is) actually works toward their interests with policy (edit: toward improving wages, taxing the ultra rich more fairly, healthcare ideally for all, social programs, etc.), rather than attaching themselves to this “not-a-career-politician” who couldn’t care less about them. Maybe not all hope is lost on trump supporters, but the cult of personality is much too strong and has been for a long time.
I mean I saw nothing impressive there, just showing that people know they’re voting against their own interests and some ARE intelligent enough to know that but decide to not think about it.
Is this a video showing problems about Trump, or just problems with our whole system regardless of the “leadership”
Probably both
And not just normal age related broken. Though age hasn’t really improved the situation.
He abuses Adderall which would explain his cognitive decline.
Neurosyphilis is wild
I mean, he is too old. He’s only 3 years younger than Biden. So if the narrative here is that Biden is too old, then so is Trump.
That three years makes a big difference to Trump voters, that is the difference between “Frowned Upon” and 18 years old.
The difference between Sleepy Joe and “a fine and brilliant young man.”
He is only the candidate because of DEI. It would be discrimination to disqualify him based on his advanced age. Damn DEI.
We already TRIED electing a president who was a year younger than Trump is right now and even then, it SUCKED! Thank goodness there’s no reason we ever have to make that stupid, bone headed, silly mistake ever again…
The objection to Biden was his infirmity and obvious mental degradation. People were saying he had early onset dementia in 2019. Trump has neither of these issues. He can stand and talk for hours. He was shot and got back up. He’s healthy.
So you’ve never actually listened to one of his speeches then have you? He can’t maintain a train of thought and usually doesn’t finish a sentence before going off track and never finishing. He fell asleep at his own trial. He is absolutely too old and does all the things they accused Biden of. Biden was too old, so is Trump.
Trump is old but he’s got all his marbles. Sorry. You just don’t like him and want him to lose which is fine.
If “all” his marbles is about half a normal set, sure, I guess he has all the marbles he started with…
Underestimating your political opponent
Clearly a student of Sun Tzu
I think considering Donald Trump to have any significant degree of intelligence or political acumen is an overestimation. The Cult of the GOP is a concern and I am worried about how many people have cast aside all sense of empathy and humanity in favor of supporting Trump, but the man himself is little more than a demagogue with a recognizable name.
You’re right he’s super dumb and not a threat at all. It’s only his handlers.
my grandad can stand and talk for hours, that doesn’t mean his ramblings would make any sense, or that he could run our country
Actually you’re right. Don’t worry about Trump. He’s senile and doesn’t stand a chance. Kamala totally has it in the bag.
Do you get paid in rubles per stupid comment you make? If so, you’re doing well. Better than fighting on the front lines eh?
Everyone who disagrees with me is a russian agent.
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You’re misunderstanding his point.
He didn’t say Trump didn’t have a chance, he said Trump shouldnt have a chance. Huge difference.
Shark battery stable genius. Go 🌻🌻🌻
You must not have actually ever listened to Trump give a speech
Jesus Fred Christ what are the photo editors doing?
Every trump article has an ever-more-close-up even-greasier horror picture of his sociopathic rapist fraud face. Man, nobody wants to see that shit!
Exactly what they should be IMO. It’s an article talking about how he is too old and that photo, even from the tiny thumbnail I see, is just perfect for demonstrating that fact.
Ugh. It’s so horrible.
And, counterpoint, they use these pictures for other non-old-related topics too.
Opening the eyes of the blind
Btw, Jesus’ middle name is Harold.
Ie, hark the harold’s angels song.
I thought it was Hoobastank.
trumps dad’s middle name was christ so - y’know. it fits right in there.
It’s clearly ai generated
In what way does this look AI generated?
This fat bitch trying to look like Emperor Palpatine or something in this picture lol
More like angry Oogway turtle.
That’s Moscow Mitch
Trump\McConnell Nutjob Turtles 2028
Reminder that he shits his adult diapers daily
Is that from old age or years of hard drug abuse? You may be off topic with your diaper fact… which is crazy to think about since he has been a serious contender in three presidential elections. 🤦♀️
there’s a lot of things you can say about trump but he’s actually a t-totaller afaik
Is that actually a thing lmao
There are multiple pictures of Turd sitting down where it’s painfully obvious he is wearing a diaper.
Normally there is nothing wrong with that, but he, and everyone who votes R, is a piece of shit and was mocking Biden for his age with diapers. Have never seen a photo of Biden like that.
Also, it was one of those unconfirmed by everyone in the White House and who works with Turd that he shits himself constantly.
Nah… instead the world witnessed an old man… in action, shitting himself.
If you Google the debate something like an hour 18 or so you can hear him pause mid sentence shit and continue as if that was normal.
I love how you try to revise history when it was Biden, caught on camera, during a ceremony in France, who apparently shat his pants.
LOL fkin revisionists are amazing. I swear.
No one said Biden didn’t have continence issues. They are saying it is obvious Trump has to wear adult diapers when he sits down, thus he is likely needing them regularly. You are so primed to either suck-off trump, or shit on biden, or both, that your reading comprehension just gets by-passed by the hair-trigger response.
Not sure if you’ve heard yet, but Biden’s not running.
FWIW, Snopes says the claim that Biden shat his pants in France is false. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/biden-invisible-chair-dday/
Thanks for this. StaySquared is too much of a chickenshit to retract his claim, I suspect.
if you aint fit for working after 65+, you shouldnt be fit to be a fucking president
A single felony conviction prevents you from getting a TON of jobs…
… but apparently 34 doesn’t prevent you from being president
Recruiters are finding jobs for felons with this one simple trick.
Not if people vote for you.
It was all the media really cared about before. Should be their number 1 concern now. Right?
They should. Both Biden and Trump belong in a home
We have a perfect museum for Trump. It’s themed around “Tolerance”. He would be around his greatest heroes.
Is there a nursing home prison? Because Trump belongs in prison, and maybe his age and poor health will save some taxpayer money.
Specifically, their own homes. Both are rich enough to afford private duty nursing.
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Biden still exists, you know?
You’re being weirdly pedantic. Biden is still just as old as he was, so he’s still too old to run. If some other octogenarian stepped up and said he’d like to run I would say he’s too old too.
Someone can still be old even if they aren’t running for president. Nothing in the statement implies or relies on biden still running for president, just that he is old. He still is. It’s ok to still think about people even when they aren’t in the news anymore, they didn’t go away.
Good observation. Wonder if they will respond.
Whew struck a nerve. Impressive
Makes sense, If 81 is too old, 78 is probably too old too. After all, Trump would be 81 during his presidency if he wins.