The spongebob game wasnt so bad. It had like a login bonus but it didnt seem to be too bad But once we got into the lego star wars game the f2p bullshit started. And oh god. This game clearly designed for kids had all the f2p bullshit. Login bonuses. Gridnyness. Multiple in game currencies. The daily/weekly ect missions. The unlockables
But god the racing game was even worse. 100000 things to unlock and basically nothing is by default basically. Sooooooooooo absurdly grindy. And most harrowing of all… i swear to god… 5 seperate in game currencies.
I want to reach out and scream to him “games werent always like this maaaaan”
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Halo CE original sassy tomboy Cortana is still the best Cortana. Halo 4 Cortana’s characterization and story was good but they
’d her too much and then completely shit the bed with the plot after that. Don’t even get me started on The Weapon or the creepy Oedipal subtext of Chief/Cortana/Weapon and Halsey/Keyes’s relationships too
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I wasn’t old enough to get into Marathon when it was new, but picked up on a lot of it through references from being a Halo nerd since that series started. I should give it a look sometime but I always got the impression it was “Doom, but with a ton of lore for nerds” and that might be unfair but also might make me like it more
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Master Chief kills aliens and doesn’t afraid of anything, got it. (thanks)
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Did you hear what Bungie is doing to Marathon lol.
Extraction shooter, loot boxes protruding. Very very disrespectful.
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Theyre turning it into a live service that plays like Tarkov lol
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I found YouTube links in your comment. Here are links to the same videos on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
My favorite bit of Halo lore is that the character of Cortana was created by a guy who paid for college by winning a He-Man character contest as a kid, and people found this out through a blog post on
Something I wish there was more useful information stored in my brain.
lolwtf, I know a ton of useless Halo lore and behind the scenes shit and somehow never heard of that
I don’t think that’s the issue with Kerrigan in SC2. SC2 was ruined by Amon and Kerrigan’s character was collateral damage. Honestly, in Wings of Liberty she was more of an archetypal dommy mommy waifu than in Heart of the Swarm onwards where she just became a dull, incoherent mess of a character.
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She was really one-dimensional in WoL. Problem was that they tried to give her the same treatment as Sylvanas, where they go “Oh actually she was just evil because she was under the control of the super-mega-satan villain” and try to sell her back to us as a good person, which is more marvel-fication than waifu-fication if you ask me.
Amon killed the story so hard it’s genuinely depressing. An evil so great that it leaves 0 room for any individual motivations or interesting personal conflict between the other characters, we must leave all our differences (and everything else that might make us interesting) aside to unite against this existence-ending threat. An evil so great that, once again, the only reason anyone might be on his side is fucking mind control. An evil so great that he was actually behind everything bad that happened up until this point, retroactively taking away agency and character depth from characters before his name was ever mentioned.
No room for conflict between Kerrigan and any of the Protoss or Terrans whose loved ones she killed, after all, we can’t waste time squabbling amongst ourselves while Amon is preparing to kill us all! No room for intrigue between any characters, this is not the time for personal motivations, we all need to follow the exact same goal, doing anything else would be suicide.
I really hate Amon. Like I said, Kerrigan was collateral damage of Amon blocking any character in the story from having depth.
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what is your definition of waifu-fication then?
yeah pretty much that, villain as a pure plot device
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