We read the ingredients on shampoo bottles and we liked it!
Kids today don’t even know what’s in their shampoo anymore
I know, right?
Sodium Laureth Sulfate.
Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.
Laureth. Lauryl. Laureth. Lauryl.
What? Is? The DEAL?
Better go to the library to look it up in an encyclopedia!
Eh, it’s fine. I trust the suave company. I’m sure they make a perfectly fine product of salon quality that won’t dry out or otherwise damage my hair or skin.
Um, it’s Sodium Yanny Sulfate
Is this a Wake reference?
My skin doesn’t like it and it’s fucking everywhere.
If you want to wash anything without it you have to go in two buy your soap from one of those shops where people smell funny and dress bit too casual.
Bathroom readers, magazines, and Readers digest.
chicken soup for the soul
Ah so that’s why they’re going bankrupt now!
Dr. Bronners has enough stuff on it to read for 30 mins.
And it gave you your daily dose of crazy in the pre-Internet age.
Oops got stuck in another lather, rinse, repeat loop
Yes! I still have a number of these around here somewhere. They’re old, and many of the articles are out of date, but they’re still enjoyable reads!
Glad to see they’re still making these. Might grab one if the newer ones are any good.
Huh, this vegan dog shampoo has not been tested on animals.
I feel like that’s the one product they should test on animals so that my dog doesn’t have to be the guinea pig.
I always thought “tested on animals” meant they would shampoo the dog… which made sense because they have a lot of hair lol
We had a little basket thingy with books and magazines. Stuff like Calvin & Hobbes, I Spy books, Popular Science magazines, etc.
Every year for Christmas our father would get new content for the toilet library. Usually from Walter Moers’ Little Asshole series. Good times.
We read the backs of shampoo bottles.
deleted by creator
I fully educated myself about tampon insertion and toxic shock syndrome during trips to the bathroom.
Magazines and newspapers.
Plus catalogs.
The Sears catalog was multipurpose
OP: wha- what is a m-m-magazine?
I wiped with a CD instead.
Scraaaaaaaaaaape. Ahhhhh.
Almost as good as the 3 seashells.
i was thinking vertically
Oh, like a poop knife.
Magazine racks. Every home had a small one next to the toilet
Our bathroom door has a built-in magazine rack dating back to the 70s. It holds phones pretty well too.
But does it know why kids love the taste of cinnemon toast crunch???
It holds phones pretty well too.
Phones can have more than one app installed ya know lol
“Shelf” isn’t one of them, sadly.
“Door”!? I live in a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, but even I can’t reach a door from the toilet…
In my house the bathroom door’s swing takes up about 1/3rd of the bathroom and the door slams into the toilet when it opens. So if someone (like a cat) swings the door open suddenly while one it pooping, they’re going to walk with a limp for a while.
We used to have words printed on paper (the pressed corpses of trees) called books, magazines, and newspapers. They’d bring one of those.
I’m curious how old OP is. I still keep a book in the bathroom. It’s where I do most of my reading.
Bathroom books are absolutely a thing. My boomer aunt has dozens of Andy Capp booklets.
The hot fries guy?
Farmers Almanac. Used to come with a pre-drilled hole for hanging on a hook in the outhouse.
Good ole Reader’s Digest.
We’d look through the bathroom window, there was always something funny going on. Such as packs of velociraptors fighting each other, or a mastodon causing wreck on the neighbour’s garden.
Dr. Bronner’s magic soap label
I’m middle aged and I’m still only half way through that saga
Magazines, books, reading the backs of products, and sometimes people would even use a mirror or two to watch TV on the shitter.
I used to find some neat patterns in the wood grain on the back of the bathroom door.
Classic. There’s the pattern in some ceiling finishes too.
Wash, rinse, repeat. List of ingredients. Wash rinse repeat
There used to be racks/baskets dedicated to hold magazines in the toilet…
Mad magazine, Nat Geo, or if all else fails, back of the shampoo bottle.