Man… these isekai manga titles are getting out of hand.
Imagine showing this article title to someone from the great depression or even more recently a fire fighter who lived through 9-11…this time is wild
Humour is a sum of tragedy and time.
Ive met enough old bastards who lived through the great depression and while most of them are dead they wouldve all laughed. One of them got porn banned on a base dedicated to R&D because of the sheer quantity of privates caught jacking their privates in the toilets. That man was my great grandfather who was one leg on the porn smuggling market.
Stay classy, young men.
That is some weird shit to get upset about, but I suppose I can understand it for a game that seems to have put a lot of effort into the proper related jiggle physics. If I bought a game specifically because it has super realistic anime ass I’d probably be very upset if they took those away.
Love the comment in the article about godamn China wanting to take away my anime butts.
Making your character disappear when the camera is close isn’t even an uncommon thing in games. I think in the past Capcom learned the same lesson Hoyo just learned, cause in Monster Hunter this is an option you can select, but not the default.
Well that just made me facepalm and mutter, “Fucking gamers” out loud this early in the morning.
Fucking seriously, how god damn immature can gamers be.
Ehh, I’m with the gAmErS on this one. ZZZ is very straightforward about what sort of game it aims to be; a game that shows you big ole jiggly tiddies. Whether or not you think that’s a game you’d want to invest your own time and resources into, a lot of people have paid pretty heavily into this game to get specific jiggly bits on their teams. To take that away from them, as if that wasn’t a core selling point to the game, is kind of a dick move.
We’ve had character fade for decades. Otherwise it can be hard to see upwards for targeting or looking around in third person titles :p
In ZZZ there’s not much you need to do in the overworld by looking up, it’s 100% to see more angles of the character
The great buttocalypse of 2024 😱
Because it’s oh so hard to find some butt on the Internet… 🙄
I especially like how the only example photo (from a fucking tweet of course) shows the completely flat non-ass of some anime goth girl that looks like she’s 14. We need to go back to making gamers ashamed of their hobby.
Not gamers. Closet pedos.
It’s like how not all anime is for closet pedos. But there’s certainly a whole fucking lot that needs to be named and shamed.
Of course. Just like how GTA players are actually closet mass murderers.
Sorry didn’t realize that sexualizing children is fine as long as they’re virtual and could never possibly lead to increased numbers of child sexual assaults.
Hey so two things:
not all women have giant breasts and huge asses. Other body types exist. Most healthy women have smaller breasts than any you see on tv or in games or anime.
The availability of violent video games and media correlates with lower violent crime.
The availability of pornography correlates with lower rates of sexual crimes.
Therefore it stands to reason, though it is unpleasant if not impossible to objectively test your conjecture is likely the opposite of reality.
Oh great, somebody that doesn’t understand stats.
You know what else having access to violent video games correlates with that might be a bit more important than the video games themselves? Material wealth and higher standard of living. What happens to correlate with material wealth and higher standard of living? Less crimes of every single type.
Also I don’t agree with the way the body is being sexualized in the comment above mine, but there is a serious problem, still, with sexualization of characters that explicitly look like children but are “totally a 200 year old vampire bro”. This is especially true of anime and video games with anime-inspired artwork. I’m not saying that all video games or animes are like this. Nor am I saying that all gamers and anime fans are closet pedos. What I am saying is that there’s serious problems in these communities that must be addressed. The pushback in spite of my non-condemnation of the whole is kinda hilarious. I do understand how my first comment could be misinterpreted.
Never thought I’d get into an argument where somebody thought sexualization of minors was a good thing though, so I guess that’s a new experience at least.
We had you people try this shit in the 1990s.
Violent media does not cause violence.
Pornographic media does not cause sex crimes.
Get the fuck back to your southern Baptist Church and leave the nonreligious alone. Stop pretending you give a shit about kids, you just want to push your weird little religion on everyone.
Just so you know what the scientists studying this have to say:
Should we be worried about escalation? The consumption of VCSAM does not prevent pedophilic individuals from future offending and can instead act as a progressive addiction (Maras & Shapiro 2017). Some CSAM offenders who engage in contact offending have suggested the contact offending was an extension of their online offending (Quayle & Taylor 2003). For example, in a recent study that applied Ward and Siegert’s (2002) pathways model to sexual offending of penetrative child sexual offenders, several offenders engaged in CSAM before resorting to contact offending. 12 One female offender, “commenced to use the internet…(time) to chat with other people… who gained sexual gratification from child pornography which led to the commission of the subject offences” (Osbourne & Christensen 2020, p. 13). The material has been argued to potentially serve as a gateway to contact offending (Maras & Shapiro 2017), as the offender may become desensitized to passive viewing, finding it to be insufficient over time (Schell et al. 2007). In line with the material being considered as a gateway, an offender might commence with masturbating to VCSAM material, then escalate to CSAM material (after becoming desensitized to VCSAM), before progressing on to act out impulses on children – in an attempt to experience the original level of gratification when first viewing VCSAM. Sullivan and Sheehan (2002) refer to the desensitization of images as the ‘fantasy escalation effect’ with the trajectory to engage in increasingly explicit videos and images (Sheehan & Sullivan 2010).
Given that much of VCSAM material is computer generated, it allows for unlimited creativity in how child characters are abused compared with CSAM (e.g., movements and depictions that are not humanly possible in real life). In turn, offenders who escalate through the types of VCSAM, viewing unimaginable forms of bestiality and penetrative activity, might find themselves skipping the nudist, erotic, or posing forms of CSAM during their escalation, instead being drawn to the gross assault and sadistic CSAM. It is not, therefore, illogical to suggest that those who commence CSAM offending from VCSAM offending may be more desensitized and follow different offending trajectories compared with those who commence with CSAM offending, which could be explored in future research.
While engaging with abusive material does not inevitably result in contact offending (Henshaw, Ogloff & Clough 2015), there are effects to the exposure of such. In their laboratory study, Paul and Linz (2008) found that participants exposed to ‘barely legal’ pornography (females depicted as under the age of consent), were quicker to recognize words with sexual connotations (after being primed with neutral images of female children) compared with participants who had been exposed to adult pornography (after being primed with neutral images of older-looking models). The authors concluded that the relationship between cognitions and the likelihood of acting on such, is complex (Paul & Linz 2008). While they argued the mere endorsement of sex-youth cognitive schema does not guarantee deviant action, the potential effects of deviant behavior from being exposed to such material cannot be outright rejected (Paul & Linz 2008). Paul and Linz (2008) suggest that extensive exposure can desensitize individuals to related behaviors and content. Given VCSAM is related in content to CSAM, the ongoing effects of exposure to VCSAM is an important avenue for future research
I am not religious…
You, on the other hand, are very good at making up arguments to put in my mouth.
Bye bye now
Never thought I’d get into an argument where somebody thought sexualization of minors was a good thing though
Nobody was making this argument, that’s a straw man you made up.
He did actually make this argument when he said pornographic material depicting minors being available would lower cases of sexual assault…
Just because the argument was implicit and not explicit does not mean it wasn’t made. That was not a straw man.
The other commenter was actually strawmanning my position incredibly heavily in another comment, but I noticed you didn’t call that one out.
Lemmy is rife with this pedophile apologia, especially concerning threads about child pornography material made with AI and about comic style child pornography material, and I have no problem with saying that that is absolutely disgusting.
Are pedophiles mentally ill humans that need help? Yes. Should they be pushed towards active pedophilia in any way, shape, or form? No. They should not. As psychologists studying sexual abuse prevention agree, even in the case of VCSAM.
A direct excerpt from the paper:
Should we be worried about escalation? The consumption of VCSAM does not prevent pedophilic individuals from future offending and can instead act as a progressive addiction (Maras & Shapiro 2017). Some CSAM offenders who engage in contact offending have suggested the contact offending was an extension of their online offending (Quayle & Taylor 2003). For example, in a recent study that applied Ward and Siegert’s (2002) pathways model to sexual offending of penetrative child sexual offenders, several offenders engaged in CSAM before resorting to contact offending. 12 One female offender, “commenced to use the internet…(time) to chat with other people… who gained sexual gratification from child pornography which led to the commission of the subject offences” (Osbourne & Christensen 2020, p. 13). The material has been argued to potentially serve as a gateway to contact offending (Maras & Shapiro 2017), as the offender may become desensitized to passive viewing, finding it to be insufficient over time (Schell et al. 2007). In line with the material being considered as a gateway, an offender might commence with masturbating to VCSAM material, then escalate to CSAM material (after becoming desensitized to VCSAM), before progressing on to act out impulses on children – in an attempt to experience the original level of gratification when first viewing VCSAM. Sullivan and Sheehan (2002) refer to the desensitization of images as the ‘fantasy escalation effect’ with the trajectory to engage in increasingly explicit videos and images (Sheehan & Sullivan 2010). Given that much of VCSAM material is computer generated, it allows for unlimited creativity in how child characters are abused compared with CSAM (e.g., movements and depictions that are not humanly possible in real life). In turn, offenders who escalate through the types of VCSAM, viewing unimaginable forms of bestiality and penetrative activity, might find themselves skipping the nudist, erotic, or posing forms of CSAM during their escalation, instead being drawn to the gross assault and sadistic CSAM. It is not, therefore, illogical to suggest that those who commence CSAM offending from VCSAM offending may be more desensitized and follow different offending trajectories compared with those who commence with CSAM offending, which could be explored in future research. While engaging with abusive material does not inevitably result in contact offending (Henshaw, Ogloff & Clough 2015), there are effects to the exposure of such. In their laboratory study, Paul and Linz (2008) found that participants exposed to ‘barely legal’ pornography (females depicted as under the age of consent), were quicker to recognize words with sexual connotations (after being primed with neutral images of female children) compared with participants who had been exposed to adult pornography (after being primed with neutral images of older-looking models). The authors concluded that the relationship between cognitions and the likelihood of acting on such, is complex (Paul & Linz 2008). While they argued the mere endorsement of sex-youth cognitive schema does not guarantee deviant action, the potential effects of deviant behavior from being exposed to such material cannot be outright rejected (Paul & Linz 2008). Paul and Linz (2008) suggest that extensive exposure can desensitize individuals to related behaviors and content. Given VCSAM is related in content to CSAM, the ongoing effects of exposure to VCSAM is an important avenue for future research
What in the porn brained nonsense is this comment?