Mobile games do (mostly) suck though.
A. For controls, power, and screen resolution, mobile is just the worst. If a game on mobile tries to imitate a controller, it takes up a while lot of screen space. If touch is used more like a mouse, I’ve never seen a game that needs touch specifically.
B. Mobile is a better platform for the shitty pocket casino games. When it’s impossible to leave the device at home, it’s much easier for a game to develop an addiction. That’s why mobile games like clash of clans get users paying upwards if $100,000.
It also sucks that when you buy a game to own it often isnt maintained, so upgrading your phone or sometimed even just OS updates will break the game with no fix, no recourse. I got real fucking tired of losing my purchases to that shit.
Notably I played the ever living shit out of xcom enemy unknown and would have kept doing it too if it weren’t for this issue.
there are plenty of great switch games. “oh i won’t pay for games why do all the games suck hurrr”
Unfortunately 99% do suck ass these days. Rewind a decade and the Play Store used to have so many great games, even the free ones.
If you need decent mobile games:
Space RPG series
Space Courser (not sure if it still exists)
Space Traders: Frontiers
Mindustry (free and open source!!!)
BTD5 & 6 (personally I use the Netflix editions)
Stardew Valley
Wizard of Legend
Villagers and Heroes (old school, small MMO cross platform with PC)
Albion Online (same as above but bigger and newer)
World of Goo
Hyperspace Delivery Service
Elder Scrolls Legends (I think it shutdown?)
Pokemon Showdown (technically a web app)
A whole assortment of console emulators!
True Surf is awesome too if you want a surfing simulator.
Don’t forget pathos and endless sky.
Endless Sky is on mobile now?!
Yes the port is at least on fdroid. I would recommend a larger screen device but it’s pretty playable on a phone.
Fallout shelter rocks
I’ll go and add Slay the Spire and Dominaria to the list.
I’d personally add Slice & Dice to this list. Probably the only mobile game I like all around (though I’m big PC fan first).
I miss Snake