Details of Syria-SDF Agreement

  1. Ensuring all Syrians’ rights to representation and political participation based on merit, regardless of religious or ethnic background.

  2. Recognizing the Kurdish community as an integral part of Syria and guaranteeing its constitutional rights.

  3. Ceasefire across all Syrian territories.

  4. Integrating all civil and military institutions in northeastern Syria under state administration, including border crossings, airports, and oil and gas fields.

  5. Ensuring the return of all displaced Syrians to their hometowns with state protection.

  6. Supporting Syria in combating Assad’s remnants and all threats to its security and unity.

  7. Rejecting calls for division, hate speech, and attempts to incite discord.

  8. Implementation committees will work to enforce the agreement by the end of the year.

  • harcM
    18 days ago

    Podejrzewam, że bardziej ponowne zejście do podziemia. Lepsza opcja, niż dać się wykończyć w bezsensownej walce z przeciwnikami, z którymi nie mieliby teraz szans.