Ah ok. You’re just a troll. Nevermind.
Ah ok. You’re just a troll. Nevermind.
What world are you living in? If capitalism rewarded people for how critical their jobs actually were, teachers wouldn’t be making minimum wage and needing to take multiple jobs to make ends meet. And according to COVID, delivery workers, supermarket employees, restaurant workers, etc, would all be rich seeing as they were deemed essential workers. Pretty sure there weren’t any CEOs deemed essential workers.
Are you trying to say that you are ok with people working a full time job and not being able to afford to live in the place where they work? It strikes me as a bit silly that you expect people to still do those jobs if it doesn’t pay enough to make it worth it. The real fault lies in the companies and corporations taking in record profits but “can’t afford” to increase wages because it’ll cut into their margins by .01%.
Wealth gaps do not motivate anyone to grind and investing money you can’t spare is not a feasible option to escape poverty.
The American Dream where all you needed was hard work and determination and you could buy a house, support your family, and live well, is dead. There are families with 2 adults working 2 or 3 jobs that still need financial assistance in order to afford food or rent. They’re definitely on the grind but that doesn’t work anymore. Now people grind just to survive while the wealthy do nothing and watch their bank accounts overflow.
The difference between the reality now and 30 years ago is the corporations got greedier and focused their energy on squeezing every cent they could out of their workers and their customers to live their own pockets. This is the reality of unregulated capitalism. It’s a fight for the bottom in terms of quality and a race to the top in regards to prices. The only thing that matters is profit above all else.
In this system, the rich control the “capitalism” and choose who the “rewards” go to. Profits go way up and CEO pay has increased 400% while the worker’s wages have remained the same. They’re doing stock buy backs and lining their own pockets while their employees need second jobs and food stamps to live.
You’re defending a system that constantly looks for new ways to fuck you over if it makes an extra penny. You need to reevaluate your whole schema
By “just division of resources” are you referring to the monstrous and ever growing wage and wealth inequality gap? I’m not sure how you consider that to be a “just” system.
How about a game of chess?
Mass murder like threatening to kill 1.1 Million civilians.
Maybe it’s because I’ve only just made it to Mars, but I didn’t know there was any other way to travel except for clicking and fast traveling. Click load click load click load planet. The tutorial tells you to do just that… is there something later on that says differently?
Controller support is actually quite cool. Seems like they built a whole new layout just for controllers (which makes sense because they’re gonna have this on Xbox/PlayStation). It’s a bit off putting after coming from DoS2 but quickly grows on you.
I want to try and see if I can use the track pad as a mouse instead of the thumb stick though. Would make exploring and navigating menus a bit faster…
I have mine set to medium with FSR at Ulta and I think it’s pretty good. Need to play more to test other options though
Also, Betsy Ross originally created a tentacle shaped flag, not a rectangular one.
“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
This game is awesome. Can’t stop playing. The cut scenes are all so extra and hilarious. It starts fun but pretty tame, and every time you’re about to settle into a groove and maybe this is what the game is really about, it changes or adds something new and weird.
Are… Are these two things related?
Getting some real Spice Channel vibes from this
You’ve raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo
What do you call a nun that works with the mob?
Nunya Business
I saw a post saying they were testing restricting mobile access to only through the app.
I think they just got a cease and desist from Google yesterday.
So, for example, there could be a gaming community that just collected all posts from the other individual communities into one place?
Please only wash your Cyber Truck with Brawndo™