I’m not a gamer either, but I learned programming in the 80s from the people who built these types of games. Also I played them a little bit because I was a kid.
Although, technically, you could jump in the wall if you ever go between one of those columns.
Yeah they are different because you could exploit the game mechanics and box clipping. You can also double jump if you land a little short in the first one but it doesn’t work in the second one.
Let’s fix this with incremental reforms
I’m not familiar with pictrs and how it works, but software I wrote which contains thumbnails and full copies of every image on the fediverse along with fingerprints, full database metadata, etc, doesn’t take up even a tiny fraction of that space. So…
It uses peltier effect, which isn’t very efficient. There are more efficient ways. Also, personal peltier coolers are really old tech. The article says Sony incorporated their cell phone heat dissipation technology, which means patents. But overall it seems like good product design with mediocre tech.
Using it outdoors probably isn’t too bad. It can remove heat faster than skin can conduct heat from the air, and faster than sweat. It can also help during all these wet bulb weather events that are increasingly common.
As far as battery usage, I can’t find anything on capacity. They say 100 minutes charge, commenters say it lasts about 2 hours on full charge. Given the size it’s probably similar to a cell phone battery. A blurry image I found looks like it says 1.5 amp charging rate. This would put energy usage at around 5 watts with a smaller than average cell phone capacity. According to physics Substack, people generate around 3 watts of heat at rest. So it is just powerful enough to cool you. Also why it says only “light exercise” in the ad copy presumably.
As for energy efficiency, it’s actually probably very environmentally sound. But it has lithium ion batteries, plastic, integrated circuits etc. So in that sense, not so great.
Also it’s best use case is for riding mass transit to work. Working from home would be so much more environmentally sound.
I think the reason they are considered similar is the usage of Double Ratchet encryption.
Other drugs such as dissociatives like ketamine are much less addictive. In
Or even cannabis. The OG of pain management. Cannabis is documented over 10 millennia before Aspirin. Who knows how long before that it was used. Before the oligarchs in USA conspired to eradicate it from earth in 18th, 19th and 20th century, it had significant biodiversity, who knows how many medicines were lost. But thanks to the many outlaws who continued to cultivate it in very diverse soils and climates, it is very diverse again. Still, the capitalist pharma companies can only think in terms of “what molecules can I patent and sell?” They reluctantly allowed the studies investigating whole-plant effects, marketing it as “entourage effect”, but this was only so they could patent formulae in much the same way.
I think my point here is just that we have to get away from the stupidity of the capitalist system before we advance.
Even with pain management in general I may have been a bit harsh on the doctors for believing lies. Their entire schooling is filled with capitalist lies, so they are trained to believe them. But that doesn’t mean innocence either.
There are courses in med school about pain management, reducing physical dependence and all that. Even if they are colored with pharmacorp propaganda, a good doctor should be able to filter out the bullshit.
Right? This is what always gets me about ‘public square’ arguments. We have that. It’s called the Internet. Corporate honeytraps are not anything special or unique, other than there’s billions of idiots dumb enough to get caught in them.
There’s so many moving pieces with Hillary that it would be difficult to make a solid case, especially with the whole Weiner Comey fiasco. But I will say about that, there was a double standard, before with Trump it was thou shalt not make announcements too close to election day, then suddenly they did the opposite with Hillary. As for Bernie, it came out after that the Democratic leadership very much ignored the caucus to choose Hillary instead of Bernie. Donna Brazil admitted some pretty messed up shenanigans on public TV.
But then the following election, forgive me I don’t remember all of the exact minutiae, but Bernie was winning, and was pressured into a premature concession when Buttigieg conceded to Biden, a selfish calculated act which might even be paid back by him being the next chosen king. At least that was his hope and there’s been a lot of scuttlebutt about it. Krystal Ball did a segment about it once, I’m too lazy to look up the YouTube vid but it’s probably easy to find.
Obama might be an exception. The people elected Bernie Sanders, twice. Not Biden.
Pharmaceutical companies lied to doctors and patients about how addictive opioids are.
Every single opiod, from opium itself, to heroin, to morphine, etc. Has been promised to be non addictive. How many times can you believe the same lie before you hold some responsibility for the outcome?
Then, a series of studies concluded that many people are living with untreated chronic pain;
Which is still true. In fact, the reason for this is at least partly because of fear of addiction, so they too cautiously don’t treat pain at all.
But no one wants to admit, not doctors nor pharmaceutical companies, that medicine doesn’t have a viable solution to the most basic of medical problems.
Al Gore won the vote. Then his opponent’s brother, Jeb Bush, governor of Florida suddenly found ‘irregularities’, threw out a ton of votes, and just merely coincidentally now his brother was declared winner? We’re supposed to believe that? Maybe if his dad wasn’t just president a decade earlier, that might be believable… maybe.
I think the problem is more that the constitution isn’t being followed more than there being something wrong with the constitution itself. These people want to get rid of like 3 or more of the first 10 (bill of rights) amendments.
Step 1. Ensure government fails the people Step 2. Offer to dramatically change the government so that it’s no longer considered failure, but everything else is the same. Fascist playbook.
Representation in general is a problem as well. The Electoral College presents a growing danger because it is increasingly unrepresentative. We’ve now had two elections in 16 years where the winner of the popular vote lost the election. The same happens with Congress, but more severe. Continued minority rule could cause chaos as the majority no long accepts rule by the minority.
The people haven’t elected a president since Al Gore. And the last 4? Supreme Court justices were picked by the minority party, from a pool of about 3 dozen or so judges that are part of an openly hostile extremist group.
Wrong image
Considering the sophist university system and the centuries of materialist bigoted psychological pseudoscience, I’d be surprised if it was a system even capable of churning out a rational humanist therapist.
The Ultimate gift for™
They want to make sure no one steals their genius idea. Where’s the rainbow nonbinary one?
I just noticed the graphic “4 shape of river is permanently altered”. Who wants to take bets that the only reason they care is because it affects some asshole’s riverfront property?
This really sucks when you spent 45 minutes constructing a thorough reply.