• @rysiek
    32 years ago

    No, all of these things are horrible. But also none of these things is solved by cryptocurrencies/NFTs/web3.

    • overflow
      2 years ago

      crypto with strong monetary policy can never be minted by a tiny minority

      no one can stop you from receiving funds

      no one can stop you from borrowing/lending using a defi protocol even if the developers add checks to the front end you can always just use your own front end

      you can vote on the direction of monetary policy in crypto

      you can vote on the direction of defi protocols

      you can send funds to anyone in the world for a few cents

      if you don’t like the direction a crypto is going in you can fork it and go your own way

      • @rysiek
        22 years ago

        crypto with strong monetary policy can never be minted by a tiny minority

        Six mining pools control over 80% of all Bitcoin mining. Who controls these pools? Pretty sure it’s not the majority of Bitcoin users.

        no one can stop you from receiving funds

        Tell that to the person that used the DAO contract to receive funds from it, and then Ethereum hard-forked to stop them from receiving these funds. Or anyone who has a blacklisted wallet. :-)

        I mean, how does these two things — the Ethereum hard-fork because of DAO bug, and wallet blacklists — not show that clearly the whole crypto sphere is just bull? That’s literally the most basic promise cryptobros make; and yet it simply does not hodl.

        no one can stop you from borrowing/lending using a defi protocol

        And then you can use the borrowed funds to gain voting majority and empty a Proof of Stake coin. 🤣

        you can vote on the direction of monetary policy in crypto

        …but your vote will not mean much, since the whales will have their way anyway.

        you can vote on the direction of defi protocols

        And the vote will be safely ignored.

        Come on, try harder. This is amateur hour!

        • overflow
          2 years ago

          Those six mining pools cannot mint more btc and there are other cryptos other than btc

          I mean, how does these two things — the Ethereum hard-fork because of DAO bug, and wallet blacklists — not show that clearly the whole crypto sphere is just bull? That’s literally the most basic promise cryptobros make; and yet it simply does not hodl.

          That’s ethereum you moron there are literally several other blockchains in existence that have not hardforked to reverse a transaction. How is someone using their borrowed funds to do something unethical disproving my point that no one can stop you can from borrowing funds . When have whales ever stopped ethereum classic users and other hard forks from moving away from the monetary policy of the original chains. Most defi protocols don’t ignore the outcome of votes no one forces you to use a particular one

          • @rysiek
            2 years ago

            Those six mining pools cannot mint more btc and there are other cryptos other than btc

            Of course they can. That’s literally what they do, it’s just called “mining”. But also, if they pooled together and got over the magic 50% of global mining capacity, they could just rewrite history, moving any BTC any way they wanted.

            That’s ethereum you moron

            Please either stop calling me names, or get more creative. This uncanny valley of dank aggro is unamusing.

            Also, Ethereum happens to be one of the most popular blockchains. If that’s not indicative of the rest of community, what is?

            Also also, are you saying Ethereum is a failed project because of the DAO hard-fork?

            Also also also, that’s like me claiming that this little local bank I know here around the corner doesn’t do unethical stuff and so that disproves your whole point about banks being evil. So are banks not evil, or is cherry-picking not a winning strategy? 🤔

            • overflow
              2 years ago

              It is not only the blockchain in existence so it’s completely stupid to treat it as the representative of all projects in the space when they’re built by different team teams with different philosophies, governance and monetary policy it’s like saying because c is the lingua franca of the programming world that all other programming languages must share the same inherent flaws they’re different projects they so it only makes sense that they should be judged differently. It’s an unfinished project since it’s hard to say objectively whether it’s failed or not it has a quite a lot of applications running on it some good ones and a lot of bad ones too subjectively I would say that it’s not even if I don’t agree with it’s philosophy it clearly has a userbase that doesn’t mind it. Some banks are evil I wasn’t saying all banks are evil the point I’ve been repeatably been trying to make that it’s completely unfair to smear a group based on the actions of some individuals

              • @rysiek
                12 years ago

                Dunno man (I assume you’re a guy, please correct me if I’m wrong), the link in the original post mentions a lot of other blockchains that seem to have all sorts of problems.

                Also, waiting impatiently for your insightful take on blacklisted wallets.

                • overflow
                  2 years ago

                  Dunno man (I assume you’re a guy, please correct me if I’m wrong), the link in the original post mentions a lot of other blockchains that seem to have all sorts of problems.

                  A quick glance at the link only shows ethereum and solana related news as you know already ethereum has had a history of censorship since it’s inception and solana isn’t even a decentralised blockchain it utilizes a handful of beefy nodes to achieve consensus neither projects’ developers have ever really been known for being true believers in decentralisation in the fullest so none of them can be seen as guides of the best in the space.

                  Also, waiting impatiently for your insightful take on blacklisted wallets.

                  blacklisted wallets are terrible you can connect your own front end to the smart contract if you’re technical/use another front end to the smart contract done by someone else if you’re not technical/use another defi protocol

                  • @rysiek
                    12 years ago

                    How unfortunate that even freedom-loving cryptobros allow their projects to do such horrible things. Who woulda thunk it! It’s almost as if it’s more about financial stakes than “freedom” or whatever. 🤔

      • krolden
        02 years ago

        Hi yeah were gonna cut off your internet and/or power.

        How are you gonna pay for potato’s now?