If tech went down for six months, they’d offer you a discount for hopping on one leg while rubbing your stomach and patting your head.
Besides data collection, the main purpose is to get more money out of people willing to pay more without missing out on people who won’t pay that much.
It’s tiered pricing where they’re fine with you selecting a tier, as long as they steer enough to the higher one l.
Yes, there are poorer people out there, but I think we all kinda forget how big the divide is. It lets us put ourselves in a place where we feel like we’re doing well comparatively, but I think it’s important that we remember that we’re all being taken advantage of and we all deserve better. Yeah, definitely some will need a bit more uplifting than others, but it’s Us vs. Them, and I think we spend too much time trying to further sub-divide that ‘Us’. Thank you for attending my crazy segue.
We’re all poor enough to deserve those free nugs though.
Yes we are the poor. If you need a job to survive you are the working class. The middle class is a concept to avoid people eating the rich. This also counts if your salary is a million, if you need to continue to work to make your life work, you are the working class.
Also originally the middle class is wealthy people who have no title. Like landed gentry and the bourgeoisie. And the upper class is aristocracy and nobility.
You unwittingly (or maybe purposefully but few spotted it so far) tripped on the Moral Core of the matter.
Somebody tricking the McDonald’s system for personal upside maximization isn’t the class warrior so many are portraying here, rather he’s just another greedy fucker with a swindle that just so happens to target a large corpo.
A class warrior would be trying to make things better for everybody, not just himself.
I can see how his date’s take on this might have been that he’s a guy who is dishonest for his own gain, which is hardly the kind of person you want to get in a relationship with.
Further, somebody with their own decent notebook and the technical knowhow to run Android emulators is almost certainly not poor and actually needing to do this, which would be the only valid reason to do it.
I don’t view it through the lens of Marxism. Rather, I see this simply as cheating a cheater. The whole reason McD’s is pushing the app is to gamify the experience, take advantage of people’s psychological weaknesses, and trick them into paying more than they otherwise wood. I see this as just scamming the scammers.
I can appreciate those who steal from corporations but I sure as hell don’t want to implicate myself by being with them when they do it lol
A guy I hung out with in college told me about all the ATMs he stole and asked if I wanted to go with him next time… I said maybe another time and then never spoke to him again. I didn’t want to be associated with him when he eventually got busted…which he did…
I don’t know the details of these nuggets, but I’m guessing they used multiple sessions to use a coupon code multiple times or something of the sort. More just exploiting a poorly set up system than theft.
Stealing ATMs is significantly different and definitely more illegal in my mind.
Someone who does not appreciate those who steal from exploitative global corporations, is not someone worth knowing.
The entire reason the McDonald’s app exists is so McDonald’s can have variable prices to rip you off based on what they learn about your habits.
I hardly classify using their services in unintended ways as “stealing”.
If tech went down for six months, they’d offer you a discount for hopping on one leg while rubbing your stomach and patting your head.
Besides data collection, the main purpose is to get more money out of people willing to pay more without missing out on people who won’t pay that much.
It’s tiered pricing where they’re fine with you selecting a tier, as long as they steer enough to the higher one l.
This is what you text to win her back.
Maybe not something you show off on the first date. Got to lay down the Marxist theory first.
Let your che Guevara date night t shirt do the taking
They’re chicken nuggets, he’s not Robin Hood.
Unless he gives those nugs to the poor.
We are the poor.
Yes, there are poorer people out there, but I think we all kinda forget how big the divide is. It lets us put ourselves in a place where we feel like we’re doing well comparatively, but I think it’s important that we remember that we’re all being taken advantage of and we all deserve better. Yeah, definitely some will need a bit more uplifting than others, but it’s Us vs. Them, and I think we spend too much time trying to further sub-divide that ‘Us’. Thank you for attending my crazy segue.
We’re all poor enough to deserve those free nugs though.
Yes we are the poor. If you need a job to survive you are the working class. The middle class is a concept to avoid people eating the rich. This also counts if your salary is a million, if you need to continue to work to make your life work, you are the working class.
There are only two classes:
Also originally the middle class is wealthy people who have no title. Like landed gentry and the bourgeoisie. And the upper class is aristocracy and nobility.
Obligatory pixel wealth link:
He literally feeds 30 people and she’s still not impressed!?
You unwittingly (or maybe purposefully but few spotted it so far) tripped on the Moral Core of the matter.
Somebody tricking the McDonald’s system for personal upside maximization isn’t the class warrior so many are portraying here, rather he’s just another greedy fucker with a swindle that just so happens to target a large corpo.
A class warrior would be trying to make things better for everybody, not just himself.
I can see how his date’s take on this might have been that he’s a guy who is dishonest for his own gain, which is hardly the kind of person you want to get in a relationship with.
Further, somebody with their own decent notebook and the technical knowhow to run Android emulators is almost certainly not poor and actually needing to do this, which would be the only valid reason to do it.
capitalism contains the seeds of its own destruction.
I don’t view it through the lens of Marxism. Rather, I see this simply as cheating a cheater. The whole reason McD’s is pushing the app is to gamify the experience, take advantage of people’s psychological weaknesses, and trick them into paying more than they otherwise wood. I see this as just scamming the scammers.
I can appreciate those who steal from corporations but I sure as hell don’t want to implicate myself by being with them when they do it lol
A guy I hung out with in college told me about all the ATMs he stole and asked if I wanted to go with him next time… I said maybe another time and then never spoke to him again. I didn’t want to be associated with him when he eventually got busted…which he did…
I don’t know the details of these nuggets, but I’m guessing they used multiple sessions to use a coupon code multiple times or something of the sort. More just exploiting a poorly set up system than theft.
Stealing ATMs is significantly different and definitely more illegal in my mind.
It’s the exact same thing at scale.
One is going against a company’s ToS, the other is theft… Not sure how they’re the same.
If he cheats with you he’ll cheat on you. Even if it’s cheating on food.
What a wild take