(Game here is Parasite Eve 2)
It didn’t happen in every game but often enough that it’s noticeable. They’re usually not shot as straight-up titillation, instead going for a tasteful nudity kind of thing and intended to fulfill some kind of storytelling or characterisation purpose
“You see, you gotta show them being vulnerable. They may be badass, but they’re still girls, after all”
-90s game director, probably
Kojima kept doing it even in MGSV with Quiet.
But at least in pure kino Death Stranding the oft-repeated and important to gameplay shower scene is all about the Reedus. Is it better if he’s a creep towards two different genders?
“Yes but that’s because she’s a plant with plant skin who gets energy from the sun and needs water through her skin or something so it’s fine.”
- Kojima
many people have taken this as Kojima making up a ridiculous excuse to have a half-naked lady in his game, entirely missing his actual, intended message - that he’s really turned on by plants
Oh my fucking god, this is so hot, uhhffddt, aaaaaaa, its all over the place!!! - says kojimbo after seeing Taraxacum officinale
Directed by M Night Shyamalan
the world is full of shameless fanservice, right. but what seared Quiet into my mind without even playing her game is that Kojima said weird stuff like ‘you’ll regret being so narrowminded you fools and monsters’
lol i don’t actually know whether this was terminal bazinga marketing-brained stuff to say or just outright trolling
maybe its both, with a dash of kojima developing a parasocial relationship with his own videogame character
ah but Тихий breathes and drinks through her skin, so she CAN’T wear too much clothing!
so there is lore justification why the super special badass operative has her breasts out all the time, does that also impact the creep factor?
so there is lore justification why the super special badass operative has her breasts out all the time, does that also impact the creep factor?
It compounds it imo. If he’d owned it and just been all “I’m horny” then it wouldn’t be such a meme. The End did a similar thing and didn’t need to be nude, she didn’t need to be THAT sexualised to satisfy “the lore”.
If he’d owned it and just been all “I’m horny” then it wouldn’t be such a meme.
Aka the Yoko Taro method.
Yeah like I love kojimbob but omg dude it feels so much more insidious when a guy tries to defend objectifying women like it’s okay if man buries your criticism with “but lore” grrrrrrrr.
Mgs5 was such a fucking mistake all over. 4 was trash too, but a direct sequel to mgs2 was a task he made impossible when making mgs2. 5 had a story teed right up and he wiffed it so hard.
Especially when Peace Walker was so good. I even liked Ground Zeroes for its sheer shock value and was curious to see what it would lead to. A whole lot of nothing as it turns out
I was down with GZ shock value stuff cause I was expecting mgs5 to be a really fucking dark game cause Big Boss was a really awful person, just playing the story straight and not having the body double twist and fucking let the villain of the series do a war crime or two! The overall series makes less sense with the game as it is.
“The real Big Boss was YOU all along”
Wow Kojima, how incredibly clever, bravo. I’m really glad you wasted your final go at the franchise for this lame gotcha
Kojima lost the plot with Big Boss When he fell in love with him making mgs3 or something. Giving him more fleshing out was good, but it seems to have been forgotten he was a monster who’s philophy featured child soldiers as a very integral part of his society. It’s like if the Star Wars prequels (as bad as they are, the example works) didn’t have Anakin do anything morally questionable and he doesn’t become Darth Vader by the end but the OT remains as is. You’d be like ‘soooo…when did anakin become evil?’
You can, uhh… get a nuke that does something in the game’s asynchronous multiplayer component. Nukes are bad, right???
Then there’s known hornball and guy who makes women uncomfortable David Cage who puts one in every game
Wait, sorry, I meant to call him by his full name David “we don’t make games for f*gs” Cage
David “I obviously wish I was making movies instead of games, but I’m clearly not competent enough of a writer, cinematographer, or storyteller to make it in Hollywood” Cage.
David “In my games all women are removed” Cage
EDIT: it’s the word Danny DeVito says a lot
I will never understand how that guy’s games have unironic fans other than that the bar for video game storytelling was so low his shit was seen as cinematic and mature
I enjoy trash so I have a soft spot for Heavy Rain. When it came out, the idea was new enough and it was polished enough that it worked, even though it fails as a narrative, which is the entire point. I’d say you can still play it for a laugh if you fail all the QTEs.
Now though, we have indie games doing the things his games were supposed to do, except they’re actually good.
Me and my friends got a lot of enjoyment playing through his games and laughing at them throughout, but I have seen people who unironically say they find his games well-written and deeply moving
I can only imagine they played them when they were like, 11
11 is such a great age to be for loving bad media because you know what you like but don’t have a bullshit detector yet. I thought Resident Evil: Apocalypse was the best movie I’d ever seen
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
i also don’t understand how that frenchie fuck somehow made the only major video game about the rich history of the American civil rights movement (by just ripping it off) while also removing all black people and actual historical context from the plot by making them robots.
Like wtf first of all, but also, step the fuck up Amerikkkan game devs & publishers. Enough with the fortnite skins and Minecraft mods. Grow some primary sex characterics and tackle that shit already. There’s so many good stories you can tell there and the inevitable political controversy will just drive sales. Stop being racist cowards
That’s just standard AAA operating procedure. No politics except the neoliberal consensus, anti-communism and fellating the American military
yeah i ought to be careful what I say because the
monkey paw is going to curl and we’ll end up with Bull Connor’s Unleash the Hounds Simulator 2025 (xbox exclusive!)
Ubisoft’s been a pioneer of the style since at least the first Assassin’s Creed. A Muslim order of assassins fighting against Crusaders is a bit too spicy for a Western audience six years after 9/11, better change them to
Not just women. Making a fully nude model of Elliot Pages body without his consent was really fucking creepy as well.
Can’t wait to see what new levels of misogyny he reaches in that new Star Wars game he’s directing
Elliot Page in Beyond: 2 Souls :aware:
They probably mostly just want to show how good graphics were getting during the late 1990’s and 2000’s. And most of these FMV were made by actual animation studios, just like Resident Evil 3 and Dino Crisis 2 cutscenes. I can excuse them a bit, but I still find very weird they used to make 3d renders of the Final Fantasy Spirtis Within Protag in sexy poses and wearing bikinis and the male love interest without shirt.
I believe the aim was to make the Spirits Within lady a digital celebrity/actor, with her model showing up in all the future movies Square was definitely for sure going to make.
Something something Hatsune Miku or like, vtubers
Really? How would that even work? Like Osama Tezuka’s Star System, where he creates a character and gives them a name, and keeps reusing them in different mangas and anime with different roles as probably an excuse to reuse designs.
I remember Aki Ross (or Cross, idk) and the love interest being really fucking boring (the entire movie is boring af, I remember they used to put movies like this to play late at night on boomerang or cartoon network lol).
Pretty much- the intention was to have Aki play other roles in future movies and like, do brand sponsorships, commercials and other shit like a real celebrity
Shower scene vs the 3rd birthday
And it sucks because Aya Brea is pretty forward thinking in terms of 90’s female protags (even if she is a cop).
It was the lesser sequel and not the original game that got the CGI FMV shower scene
I actually don’t hate PE2. It has a bad rap and definitely a step down from the first game, abandoning its unique real-time RPG combat and tragically lacking a banging Yoko Shimomura soundtrack but it’s a perfectly fine PS1 RE-like if you’re looking for a game in that vein.
I like PE2 as well, probably because I enjoy Resident Evil so much I enjoyed the gameplay. As an RPG 1 is kind of barebones honestly when it comes to the gameplay, outside of the gun customization but once you know how to abuse it you can cheese the game.
But Aya is a cool character because she wasn’t just some bimbo as was tradition in the 90’s with women in games. She was smart and professional and all around a decent person, even if like I said she was a cop.
Is this the same cutscene where theres a fucking giant monster outside the motel?
I think the monster shows up right after, though I guess it might’ve been in the same cutscene
It was either the giant monster or like the weird horse people, that shit used to scare me. I feel like PE 2 could have been a lot better, I still like the game and the cutscenes are good for the PS1. Iirc, the PSP sequel was ok but the graphics were really good for a PSP game.
I’m pretty sure that 3rd Birthday is pretty much universally reviled by the fanbase and considered a personal insult
Tbh, I only played it when it released and at the time I hadn’t played any of the PS1 games, I don’t remember much about it. Probably killed the franchise, just like Dino Crisis 3.
Probably killed the franchise, just like Dino Crisis 3.
There’s also the fact that Parasite Eve was based on a Japanese novel of the same name that the first game is a sequel to. IIRC, Square negotiated the rights with the book’s publisher, not the author whom I understand isn’t interested in renewing them. That’s why the PSP game isn’t called Parasite Eve 3 and features a plot about time travel.
I remember reading something about Madonna wanting to make an American movie about the first game back in 1999/2000 and Square refused lol.
There actually is a Japanese Parasite Eve movie based on the book. I can only imagine how amazing Madonna’s movie would’ve been