“carries the entire arsenal but only uses two weapons”
Friendly reminder that Unreal Tournament 99 and 2004 are abandonware, and can be found on Archive.
Until we meet again!
Ahhh 99 was my first online multi-player game i played…KILLING SPREE!
Assault maps at LAN parties were peak.
there was an internal leak a while back that epic games was gonna update and rerelease UT3 as a free to play title with zero microtransactions and crossplay with steam/gog/epic and then it got cancelled
it was my last hope for the franchise after UT4 got cancelled
it was my last hope for the franchise after UT4 got cancelled
UT4 is abandonware as well, there’s this community project to keep it up and running.
Venture CapitalFortnite does to a studio!
Retvrn to boomer shooters
Is that a holy hand grenade?
yeah but absolutely not from an FPS lol
The Assault Rifle from Marathon, my beloved…
The Doom shotgun!
If only BFG ammo dropped like shotgun ammo…
I honestly hate this ultra-realism trend in all games.
RDR2 is a great example of it. I spend most of my time feeding, cleaning, and taking care of my horse, oiling and cleaning my guns, taking baths and feeding my character (but can’t feed him too much!), as well as maintaining the food, medicine, and whatever else for my gang.
But when it’s time to be a bandit can I go rob a bank by myself? No, the game doesn’t allow that outside one mission. What the fuck. Lame ass game.
This is operation flashpoint / ghost recon / swat 3 / rainbow six erasure
They fed that fish so much dope
One thing I actually enjoy in many modern shooters is the iron sights mechanic. Even if it doesn’t change much, it just feels so cool to have an extra step when aiming, and I miss that in older games. I grew up on Doom, Blood and DN3D but aiming down your gun is just rad as hell
And also, no shooter has ever surpassed Stalker Call of Pripyat for me. That was literally the best FPS I’ve ever played
I like to belive the doom slayer is the emperor of man kind.
broke: first person shooter
woke: doom clone
You forgot “kill every enemy and then spend a half an hour running around a maze looking for the key you missed.”
*for the unmarked secret you missed
carries the entire arsenal but only uses two weapons
One thing I really have to hand to the Doom 2016 gameplay loop: you can tell they really worked hard to make sure you couldn’t do this. At multiple points you’re basically required to use every single weapon just because it’s the only way you actually have enough bullets to do it.
Doom Eternal also forces you to use more than one gun, but without pushing you to max conserve ammo. There are different weapons and combos that work better for different monsters, and unless you play on the easiest difficulties, you’re forced to learn it.
I think it’s by far the best of the Doom series to the point that I don’t know how they can do a followup without it feeling like a downgrade or a DLC.
Quake 2 CTF
Still the most satisfactory railgun in the series imho (even outside instagib modes).