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Uncertainty over the future of war in Ukraine and the U.S.’s commitment to NATO while Russian aggression remains a threat has pushed the majority of Poles to warm up to the idea of a joint armed force under the auspices of the European Union.

22.3% of Poles said “definitely agree” and 30.3% “rather agree” that the EU should have a joint army, according to a poll by SW Research commissioned by a private news website Onet.

17.4% “rather disagreed” and only 12.2% rejected the idea entirely. 17.8% were uncertain.

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The original was posted on /r/ukrainianconflict by /u/Alien_P3rsp3ktiv on 2025-02-23 18:58:24+00:00.

  • lemat_87
    1 month ago

    O to to, boją się kolejnego NATO czy coś w tym stylu