Something that totally shocked you learning it or realizing it. I might be using the wrong wording here, but ill give you my example:

In Ocarina of Time, we all know the Triforce was cut, or otherwise not something you get in the game, save for in the cutscenes towards the end. BUT - did you know you can actually go find it and see it in the game?

If you have a Gameshark, turn on the levitation code. Go go Zeldas Cortyard in the room where she is, and fly over the wall. When you fall, you’ll land in a pool of invisible water, and underneath the center of the room with the flowers, look down - there it is. Can’t interact with it, but you can see it, and i choose to believe putting it in that exact spot was intentional for lore reasons.

What do you got?

  • Carl [he/him]
    27 days ago

    What was “the war” in Pokemon? Lt Surge fought in it, and apparently Pokemon did too, but there hasn’t been any prequel game that explores it.

    But here’s an interesting reading: so in early Pokemon content guns were a thing, but later on it was decided that guns don’t exist in the Pokeverse. This could be explained in-universe - perhaps guns were a common sight at one time, but they’ve faded out as the Pokeverse’s society has gotten more utopian. This can also be seen in the schemes of the Pokeverse’s organized crime - Giovanni and Team Rocket were up to some bad stuff, racketeering, gambling, poaching, but as you go forward in time the worst crimes committed by society’s anti-social element are tagging and petty larceny.

    Could it be that “the war” was the final war, and Lt Surge was a member of the People’s Army that finally defeated the bourgeoisie, allowing for the creation of utopian post-capitalist societies where lotteries are held just for fun, kids can go on cross-country trips unsupervised, and the only vestige of currency is play money paid out just for participating in society and used to buy non-essential things because all of the necessities of life are distributed for free?

    It’s not impossible!

  • cyber_godqueen [she/her]
    27 days ago

    Growing up there was lore of being able to play as Master Hand in SSBM. I thought that shit was made up for the longest time because no one I knew figured out how to unlock him despite all the theories, but no it is actually possible with an input glitch. Blew my mind

  • GalaxyBrain [they/them]
    27 days ago

    Fan theory that is sorta supported: Star Fox is a furry retelling of a real war that happened in the F-Zero universe. James McCloud is a human F-Zero racer.and the weird DS star fox game has an ending where fox totally fucks up his life and he gets it back together when he and Falco join the f-zero grand prix. The Arwing and F-Zero machines are both powered by a G-Diffusor System. The F Zero world not being full of anthropomorphic animals leads me to believe Star Fox is a sanitized telling like Disney’s Robin Hood is Robin hood was a real historical guy or weird furry ww2 fanfics

  • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    25 days ago

    If you’ve completed enough endings of Nier Replicant/Gestalt you’ll already know the twist at the end of Nier Automata, but less known is that the triggering event of Nier’s plot, White Chlorination Syndrome, is introduced by ending E of Drakengard, where the Japanese Air Force shoot down a dragon that just killed a god in a dance off.

    This means that the reason you can find the Drakengard weapons in the Nier games is because Caim was carrying all 65 different swords, axes, maces, hammers, spears, staves, and polearms on his person when he was blown to fucking bits by an air to air missile, scattering them across Tokyo.

      • ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
        24 days ago

        2’s the only one that’s a direct sequel, so you can start with 1 or 3. Overall the continuity goes 3->hundreds of years->1->2->thousands of years->Nier->tens of thousands of years->Nier: Automata.
        I will warn you though, combat in 1 and 2 is a lot rougher and more repetitive than in Nier: Automata and Replicant 1.27whatever, and the world and story of Drakengard, particularly 1, is much darker and fucked up - grimdark fantasy kinda thing. The first game’s “heroes” include a blood knight protagonist, his trusty human eating steed, a useless priest, a woman driven insane by the loss of her family, and a paedophile who escaped the massacre of his family because he was jacking off in the woods. It’s not played for laughs, it’s an extremely dysfunctional group of outcasts killing thousands of people to stop something worse than them from happening. 2 and 3 lighten up a bit on the heroes, but there’s still plenty of weird sex stuff across them and the villains.

        Overall, my advice is don’t. Just read a Let’s Play of them instead.

    • DeeEmCeeTooBestGaem [she/her]
      27 days ago

      The whole idea of the Dragon Break/Warp in the West is one of my favorite pieces of game nonsense ever. Yes, all 7 endings of Daggerfall are simultaneously canon, because Akatosh got really drunk and so 7 different people all simultaneously obtained control of an artificial god and proceeded to do god things with it. Time just didn’t exist for a while, don’t worry about it.

      25 days ago

      Oh, man, I need to go back and play more of sunless sea. I always gave up after the first failure or two as a captain.

  • CthulhusIntern [he/him]
    27 days ago

    In Warhammer 40k, vehicles such as the Land Raider or the Land Speeder are not named that because they’re land vehicles. No, they’re named that because they were invented by Arkhan Land, the techpriest who designed them.

  • KuroXppi [they/them]
    27 days ago

    It’s not super deep, but the theory that the Gen 1 Pokemon evo lines were reworked for Butterfree/Venomoth to better conform with children’s understanding of metamorphosis in bug species. Based on visual design, some fans speculate that the original evo lines were:

    Venonat > Metapod > Butterfree

    Caterpie > Venomoth

    But then changed to Cat > Met > Butt and Ven/Ven

    Idk i read up on it that sugimori did intend it as it ended up but there’s enough doubt and prima facie convincing stuff to make it fun, enduring lore

      • KuroXppi [they/them]
        26 days ago

        Mostly superficial similarities between the body colour, teeth, antennae and eyes

        There is no textual evidence of a switch afaik. The fan justification of the switch is that children learn caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly as the basis for metamorphosis, not caterpillar, chrysalis, moth.

        I messed up my original post with the line too, it was speculated that the original line was cat > met > moth and ven > butt

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    27 days ago

    The Tribes games are actually in the same continuity as the earthsiege/starsiege/cyberstorm mech pilot series.

    Every TES game has you smash, vanish, or otherwise mess up one of the key structures of reality in the world as the goal of the game. None of them can be truly destroyed but at this point things gotta be looking bad.

    The indie game called Heaven’s Vault has your characters foster mother as a primary antagonist and a religious fanatic but the Ng+ implies she might be right about everything.

    Pretty much all the archaeology of Elden ring and the fact that even the earliest civilisation visible might not have been the first.

    • Inui [comrade/them]
      27 days ago

      The TES stuff is my jam. As much as I don’t really care for Bethesda now, I appreciate that even up through Skyrim, a lot of the wilder lore tidbits are acknowledged and hinted at, just never put at the forefront. The Empire having asteroid colonies and spaceships, Dwemer steam trains, genocidal time traveling cyborgs in Oblivion, etc.

  • Waldoz53 [he/him, any]
    27 days ago

    hatoful boyfriend is a dating game that first seems like a joke since all the dateable characters (and characters besides yourself) are sentient birds. its all good fun, but if you keep getting into the lore it gets so weird (in the best way). your main character is a human going to a school for sentient birds, but theres a secret lore reason as to why, rather than just a simple joke

    big spoilers

    the reason the birds are sentient is because a bird flu wiped out most humans, but the countervirus developed by humans to stop the spread of the disease also made all birds develop human level intelligience. theres a massive bird-human war which the birds win because humans still end up dying of bird flu. birds now keep humans away and segregated and living in the wild. about ~100 years later your character is a human from the wild invited to go to the normally bird-only school

  • sisatici [he/him]
    27 days ago

    In dota, 2 cosmic powers, radiant and dire, fight each other in a prison. Prison is made by arc warden to protect rest of the universe. Arc warden is actually weaker than a single of them but they only focus on each other so it is ok. One day they come to an agreement that they want to fight elsewhere and beat arc warden to get out of prison. They then fight on a planet with mercenaries they hire which would be the heroes you control. After they win the confrontation, loser cosmic power is destroyed and winner cosmic power reverts the time back. Firstly, because they hate each other so much they want to beat each other again and again, secondly loser is destroyed and winner is weak so the winner is vulnerable to arc warden.

    Because of the time reverting, every single match that has been played is part of the canon.

    • GoebbelsDeezNuts [any]
      26 days ago

      youre telling me the guy yelling at me because i don’t know what a fucking ward is because this is my 3rd game and im still struggling with the UI is canon?