Blisko 120 mln najbiedniejszych Afrykanów jest zagrożonych przez zmiany klimatu - wynika z raportu opublikowanego we wtorek przez Światową Organizację Meteorologiczną (WMO). Mieszkańcy Afryki już mocno odczuwają skutki globalnego ocieplenia, choć kontynent odpowiada zaledwie za 4 proc. globalnej emisji gazów cieplarnianych - podkreśla WMO.

  • @dj1936
    33 years ago

    W tym wieku będą miliony uchodźców klimatycznych.

    • 8Petros he/him
      23 years ago

      The Institute for Economics and Peace, an Australian think tank, recently estimated that in 2017 alone, 18 million people — 61.5 percent of global displacements — were forced to move due to natural disasters. (Those natural disasters are not universally caused by climate change, but global warming is predicted to cause more frequent and intense disasters.) And while projections vary, sources agree that those numbers are going to get a whole lot higher. That same report noted that nearly 1 billion people currently live in areas of “very high” or “high” climate exposure, which could result in millions of people displaced by climate change in the future. A 2018 World Bank report estimated that by 2050, there would be 143 million climate change-driven migrants from the regions of Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and southeast Asia alone.